

Pretty much a regular
Most Wins by a Manufacturer: 21 - Chevy; 14 - Ford; 2 - Toyota; 2 - Pontiac
Races won from starting pos 1: 5 [of 39]
Races won from starting pos 2: 3
Races won from starting pos 3: 6
Races won from starting pos 6: 2
Races won from starting pos 7: 1
Races won from starting pos 9: 2
Races won from starting pos 10: 1
Races won from starting pos 11: 2
Races won from starting pos 12: 1
Races won from starting pos 13: 4
Races won from starting pos 14: 2
Races won from starting pos 15: 3
Races won from starting pos 17: 1
Races won from starting pos 19: 2
Races won from starting pos 20: 1
Races won from starting pos 21: 1
Races won from starting pos 28: 1
Races won from starting pos 29: 1
Races won from the top 5: 13 of 38
Races won from the top 10: 19 of 38
Another pretty open race in terms of the starting position the winner could come from.
X race
to win
Kyle .4 = .42
e jones .1 = .23
suarez .05 = .35
ty .03 = 1.2

match ups
ty over chase .2625 = .25
suarez over e jones .1 = .18
b jones over sadler .165 = .1
sorry for the late post, been busy today
going to ride kyle again, until he loses
took e jones and suarez to stop a little of the bleeding and ty as a long shot, he was 2nd, 4th and 1st in practices.
gibbs machines are just fast right now
my ty vs. chase matchup is probably a loser, but don't see how they came up with that line. I mentioned ty's practices above, chase was 13, 11 & 8
took suarez on number alone, that is big number for guys so close in everything but the first practice
b jones was must better than sadler in everything. would have taken more, but it's a big number and you never know about wrecks in these AAA races
x race
to win
Kyle .4 = .42. W +.42
e jones .1 = .23 L -.1
suarez .05 = .35 L .05
ty .03 = 1.2 L .03
Total +.26

Ty over chase .2625 = .25 L-.2625
suarez over e jones .1 = .18 L -.1
b jones over sadler .165 = .1. L-.165
Total -.5275

Total for the day -.2675
Cup race race last year. I won by 1 or 2 spots. Today I lost by 1 or 2 spots. Oh well
Grand total +1.1250
I always bet too much on these late races, but here we go.
Cup - Phoenix
To W
Harvick .2 = .6
JJ .15 = 1.5
Jr. .04 = 96
Kenseth .04 = 72
Newman .02 = 2
After looking into it some more, I wish I would have laid off Kenseth and Jr, but they are small plays. I don't really have a favorite driver, but Newman is probably the one I follow, so I usually throw a little on him for fun.

Top 8 drivers to win (4, 11, 18, 19, 20, 22, 41, 48) .62 = .2
obviously don't like laying that much juice, but through the course of the season I think this bet is a winner. You might lose a couple for rain shorten races or a gas mileage deals, but Vegas knows what they are doing and you are basically betting with them on the top 8 favorites.

Top 5
Kurt .1 = .1
Kyle .1 = .1
Logano .1 = .125
Truex .1 = .18
JJ .1 = .155
the time first trying this, need to go 3-2 to make money. Interested to see how this goes, if it works may play it some more, not sure what to expect. Like the top 3 the best, Truex as run and think he finished top 10 which gives him a chance

Match ups
Logano over Kez .15 = .1
Hamlin over Kez .1 = .105
Kahne over Larson .115 = .1
Kyle over Kez .19 = .1
Elliott over McMurray .165 = .1
McMurray over Bowyer .28 = .1
McMurray over Bowyer .20 = .1
Beting against Bowyer and Kez. Once again a lot of juice. Just can't get comfortable betting the dogs, when they don't seem to have the speed. it seems like you are hoping for a wreck to win.

Good luck to all.
forgot most bets at 5dimes, a few at oddsmaker and a few at betus
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To W
Harvick .2 = .6 W +.6
JJ .15 = 1.5 L -.15
Jr. .04 = 96 L -.04
Kenseth .04 = 72 L - .04
Newman .02 = 2 L - .02
Total - W +.35

Top 8 drivers to win (4, 11, 18, 19, 20, 22, 41, 48) .62 = .2
Total - W +.2

Top 5
Kurt .1 = .1 L -.1
Kyle .1 = .1 W +.1
Logano .1 = .125 L -.1
Truex .1 = .18 L -.1
JJ .1 = .155 L -.1
Total - L -.3

Match ups
Logano over Kez .15 = .1 W +.1
Hamlin over Kez .1 = .105 W +.1
Kahne over Larson .115 = .1 W +.1
Kyle over Kez .19 = .1 W +.1
Elliott over McMurray .165 = .1 W +.1
McMurray over Bowyer .28 = .1 W +.1
McMurray over Bowyer .20 = .1 W +.1
Total - W + .505

Days Total - W +.755

Grand Total - +1.88
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