Phoenix Racing


Pretty much a regular
  • Races won from starting pos 1: 5 [of 43]
  • Races won from starting pos 2: 3
  • Races won from starting pos 3: 6
  • Races won from starting pos 4: 1
  • Races won from starting pos 6: 2
  • Races won from starting pos 7: 2
  • Races won from starting pos 9: 2
  • Races won from starting pos 10: 1
  • Races won from starting pos 11: 2
  • Races won from starting pos 12: 1
  • Races won from starting pos 13: 4
  • Races won from starting pos 14: 2
  • Races won from starting pos 15: 3
  • Races won from starting pos 17: 1
  • Races won from starting pos 18: 1
  • Races won from starting pos 19: 2
  • Races won from starting pos 20: 1
  • Races won from starting pos 21: 1
  • Races won from starting pos 22: 1
  • Races won from starting pos 28: 1
  • Races won from starting pos 29: 1
  • Races won from the top 5: 14 of 43
  • Races won from the top 10: 21 of 43
X to w
Sadler 3 = 67.5
Bell 5 = 55
Allgaier 5 = 50
Custer 5 = 50
Probably going to be Kez or Kyle but their odds suck. Thought I would take a chance on 3 that practiced well and qualified in the top 4

B Jones o. Reddick 42 = 30
Bell o. McMurray 10 = 10

Best of luck with whatever you play!
to w
Harvick 23 = 51.75
Kez 4 = 74
E Jones 3 =90
Kyle B/Chase/Larson 15 = 28.35

Kez - Top 5 - 5 = 27.5 ; Top 3 - 5 = 15

Kez o truex 10 =15
Bowyer o Kurt B 11 = 10
Larson o truex 11.5 = 10
Almirola o Kurt B 10 = 10
McMurray o Bowman 10.5 = 10
like them all, only 1 I would have possibly played different is the last 1...think bowman runs top 10 at min. today. GL