Phoenix/Golden State discussion...

Cherry Picker

Pretty much a regular
Need a late winner, lean Golden State +4 after seeing them nearly beat San Antonio at home the other night... thoughts?
Although Stoudemire is always a nightmare to cover, especially here against GSW's frontcourt...
I was hoping to see a prop for Amare but can't find one on my book. He eats GS up playing the 4 spot, cus nobody on us can guard him. Our so called "bigs" are actually 4's playing the center position.

I think Shaq can rack up some fouls on us in this game. You might see a lot of ft's by the Suns tonite.

I'm on GS for a small bet, thinking it's going to be close.
golden states style plays into phoenix's hands. they have the better players, are very well rested and the warriors dont have the size to stop amare and shaq in the post.
golden states style plays into phoenix's hands. they have the better players, are very well rested and the warriors dont have the size to stop amare and shaq in the post.

do they have the better players though? i'm honestly serious with this question. they did have the better players, but i'm not sure that is true at this moment. Ellis, Crawford, Maggette, Jackson, Beidrins, Azubuike. When healthy there is some major talent on this team. Can the play together is another question.
Nash, Amare, Shaq, J-Rich, G-Hill, Barbosa are a lot better than Ellis, Crawford, Maggette, Jackson, Beidrins, Azubuike in my opinion.

But anything can happen on any given night. I was on the Suns last year in this matchup as well and the Warriors ended up covering.
u like gstate

phx cant play with the young, athlete players on gstate

and gstate always plays tough at home
anyone think the F-job in the san antonio game that most of us benefited from the other night helps GSW tonight with some home cooking ??

it's the nba , so i do.