Philly's SUNDAY...F the NFL


Pretty much a regular
Games 27-27-2 +$1025
1Q 4-6-1

1H 3-4
2H 1-3
Totals 1-4
$750 1-0
$1000 2-1
$1500 1-1
System game plays 13-5

System plays went 3-2...should have been 4-2...forgot to post the philly game...oh well..lets keep with those system plays...will post them about 1 hour b4 game time...will be playing these two plays bc I just cant resist...picked them up early...but if you have to keep those the halfs...with the gSW being so hot...I cannot let it lets do this...GL

1. ORD +2 $750
2. GSW -6 & GSW -6(-120) $1500
System plays to come..


tough night for the system plays..looks like 2-5 or 3-4..sorry...but the GSW $1500 made up for it ....
F the NFL...easy money for us tonight..

GSW +$1500
MAGIC +$750
System plays 3-4 -$150


***I will try and post this week...however its going to be a tough enjoy the money...and see you soon*****
thanks...a least we are in the positive...and that is what matters...

Games 32-31-2 +$3175
1Q 4-6-1
1H 3-4
2H 1-3
Totals 1-4
$750 2-0
$1000 2-1
$1500 2-1
System game plays 16-9
Philly, can you explain please how does the system work?
Keep doing the great job!
o the first year I started playing the NBA...a friend of mine helped me come up with a system to input a bunch of stats which included minutes played,b2b??,records, how well the player played vs each team...etc..about EACH player...(some of you from back in the days remember it)...then we took those stats and converted it into a points system to assign to each player on a team...using that points system....we are able to get point differences between teams and correlate that with the spreads...ok on to stuff that makes sense...the system did ok during my use for 1 year...the records I have had it at 56-36-8....however it took a lot of time to input new data..and I gave up on it....
Well a friend of mine took the system from me and reworked it and has been emailing me the picks daily...and today I decided to look at it since he told me that he has done really well with it...and it has...something like 124-50-10...

So I have decided to post the picks from it and we all can track it....the totals section is a new system that he made and I dont have numbers on it...but lets see how things go....Only issue is that the reworked system requires injury the picks will be posted about 30 minutes before gametime..
Thanks for the detailed expalnation. Sounds like you guys did a lot of work back in the days.
By the way, how do you convert rookies and their contribution and the return of veterans such as Hardaway? I mean those players that you can't know what they will bring to the league in the coming season.