Phil Steele's site sucks now


Goodbye to Romance College Football
He stopped updating player injuries August 27th and there are no 'news and notes' this year. What's his deal?

The team pages info for stats and history is still decent, but that can be had at various places.
I agree. Pretty disappointing that's he's not doing the note from every game like he did last year. I fear he may be loading all the info in his "press box" package. Which sucks if that's the case
Phil Steele has went all hollywood on us and basically scrapped his good stuff for his "get me famous" stuff.
Agree, I go for some FCS info and hasn't updated that section since December of last year.
I had thought maybe he was just putting it in Power Sweep. So I checked last week's PS archived copy and it isn't there either. From the samples/previews I saw of the press box thing I hadn't thought it was in there. Maybe he's just got lazy and stopped doing it or doesn't share it anymore.