Pens @ Isles


Not from 63rd
anyone remember this almost same exact scenario from last year?
Last year the Isles traveled to Pitt and won in 60 minutes. Then they had the day off and came back home. They beat the Pens again but this time it came down to a shootout. I had bet the Pens in the rematch game thinking the Isles would’ve been more than ok with a split.

Tomorrow the Pens will face the Isles in NY after just losing to them last night in Pitt.


Edit: I’m aware the Isles won in OT last night.
Don't forget the Isles in the 1st meeting of the season blew a 3-0 lead after 2 periods and lost to the Pens in a shootout I believe. Odd stuff happening between these 2 teams the last few years.

Got lucky last night and grabbed an in play +300 on NYI after the 2nd, but saw as high as +875 late 3rd on NYI.

GL @Teapot9