Peel's Picks: NHL 19-20 Betting Tracker (+50.14u last season)


More Guards Than Shawshank
The NHL is back boys and I couldn't be any happier. Last season we tracked 2 models, both of which netted positive results. This season I'm only tracking one using similar edge play methodologies. Based on data from last season, betting only on teams with 3% to 7% edge would have made profit of $5,817 or a 12.7% ROI. I will be deploying something similar this season and invite you all to jump in! Let's kill the books!

Last year's model
This year's model

Will also be tracking on twitter: @peelspicks
your spread sheet a little confusing for a old geezer like me, PeelPub4. could you just post your nightly picks please ???
your spread sheet a little confusing for a old geezer like me, PeelPub4. could you just post your nightly picks please ???
I manage the spreadsheet about 1 hour a day, and post plays on twitter. I can't commit to a 3rd place of posting.
Love following this.

If you follow this on a daily basis it will certainly help you when you’re in that grey area of if you should or shouldn’t.
Followed you in baseball as well, and, thanks again, Peel.

Quick question: In hockey, have you noticed a certain part of the season that is typically more successful with this model than other parts of the season? Beginning, middle, or end?
On quite a run this November

15% ROI

That Avs bet was one of the easiest of the year to cap. You won't find too many of those throughout the season. I am annoyed I went with LA last night. The Caps have no weakness.
Colorado on the b2b tonight in Montreal
Lots of interesting stuff in this game. Keith Primeau's son Cayden starts his first NHL game for the Habs. Landeskog is a game time decision and Rantanen is back as of last night.
YTD: 161-159 | +37.75u | 11% ROI

DEC: 51-57 | +8.20u | 7% ROI
NOV: 58-58 | +12.46u | 10% ROI
OCT: 52-44 | +17.09u | 17% ROI
I seem to have forgotten the site for ref info that uses Action in the name. What is it? Pretty unseful