Pavlik vs. Hopkins thread...


thunder thighs & hairy muffs specialist
well fellas, havent seen a line yet and not sure if one even exists yet...Id probably have to make Kelly -170ish..i think thats fair, although i can see why it could be off either way..cant wait for this fight as a huge boxing fan and an ohio kid as the world champ..i just see hopkins fighting a bad fight like he did against jc, just in defense mode all night and hardly throwing any punches..not sure the final though..i see pavik in a decision or a ko in 5-8..guess we will see
Pavlik should punch right through Hopkins. I liked Bernard 10 years ago, but Pavlik has the heavy hands. I'd take Pavlik up to -250 and an under on the rounds.
Hopefully he wears the Ostate trunks


Kelly will destroy him
listen, im a big fan of Hopkins....I respect the hell outta him for his approach. He stays down, trains hard and is always in tip top shape. Plus he is one of the craftier boxers i've ever seen. His ring IQ is phenomonial.

With that said he is gonna get absolutely skull fucked in this one. Very bad fight for him IMO
Why would he take this fight if he didn't want it? He's not going to openly throw and get hit like Taylor did. I think this is the type of fighter who will frustrate the crap out of Kelly. JC is a true beast and wanted that fight his whole entire life... and BHOP had him early.
Throw I know your the biggest homer on this site but realistically you cant make a point for Hopkins to win this fight and especially K.O. him
look guys..i honestly dont think hopkins has any chance at winning..i just watched his fight again with jc..he is dog tired after the 6th...he isnt even throwing any punches anymore...and i surely dont see him kncking him out..pavlik imo has a chance of knocking hopkins out,he has never faced a natural 160lb fighter who can punch...ive seen pavlik a bunch of times and he dont let up,he will attack non stop and if bernard can avoid a few big hits(with kellys speed and his age i dont think thats possible) then he will wear him down fast..watching the hbo countdown hopkins doesnt even seem confident,he says hes gonna try to tame the lion...dont let hopkins history and the media make this fight closer then it really laying the juice to win 2 units here....pavlik KO in 5
jimbo - I'm a foootball and boxing fanatic. I seriously, seriously doubt anybody gets KO'd here. I think Hopkins has been down once in his entire career, if I recall correctly. Pavlik is perceived as a devastating puncher, which he is not. He is a good power puncher, who wears down his opponents by throwing an ungodly amount of punches, and finishes them off in the later rounds (more often than not - see both fights against JT). Pavlik would need to land the punch of his life to knock out BHop early. This will probably be the toughest fight of his career, but simply put, I think he out works BHop, who is typically a slow starter.
jimbo - I'm a foootball and boxing fanatic. I seriously, seriously doubt anybody gets KO'd here. I think Hopkins has been down once in his entire career, if I recall correctly. Pavlik is perceived as a devastating puncher, which he is not. He is a good power puncher, who wears down his opponents by throwing an ungodly amount of punches, and finishes them off in the later rounds (more often than not - see both fights against JT). Pavlik would need to land the punch of his life to knock out BHop early. This will probably be the toughest fight of his career, but simply put, I think he out works BHop, who is typically a slow starter.

Believe me, i love boxing too..hopkins im pretty sure has never been down,i do understand i gotta agree and disagree with some isnt very likely that there is a Ko,ill give you that,,If i really thought there would be id bet the under at +175, but it wouldnt surprise me if there was. and I do think kelly has a bit more of a punch then oyur giving him credit for. Hopkins 8-10 years ago, no he doesnt get KO but there isnt anyway of knowing now what he can take. His last few fights there surly wasnt gonna be one with JC and Taylor.. those were some of the most boring fights id ever seen, and on top of that i dont think hopkins has ever been hit with punches harder then pavlik will hit him with.also I think the first fight with taylor was and is his toughtest fight

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<!-- end headline -->Boxing fans can expect fireworks when Kelly Pavlik and Bernard Hopkins meet at Boardwalk Hall in Atlantic City.
"Pavlik is the perfect opponent for me come because he comes forward, he comes to fight, and look -- he wants to knock Bernard Hopkins out," Hopkins said. "At least that's what he says. But he's going to find it difficult and that's going to change the fight. I guarantee you, that's going to change the fight. Tito [Felix Trinidad] tried to walk me down. Tito had one bullet in the chamber and that was a left hook. If Kelly Pavlik thinks he's going to beat Bernard Hopkins because he has a [powerful] right hand, he's a damn fool.
Anyone have a link to this online besides channelsurfing. Or any directions on how to get channelsurfing links to work. They never every work for me
BHop schooled Pavlik. Even I'll admit that. Not much of a fight really. Pavlik just wouldn't let his hands go and looked uncomfortable at 170. I now see why Jack is leary of Pavlik fighting over 170.

Good show BHop. Congrats Throw.