Pavlik/BHop Thread

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Whats everyones thoughts on this fight. Just got done watching the HBO 24/7 show (one of the greatest things on TV) and actually got me quite excited for this thing. I imagine everyone likes Kelly but does he have any shot at KO'in him. Seems like nobody thinks so. Hopkins has never been put to the ground if I heard that correctly. Might end up being quite the boring fight but I think Pavlik gets to him late and gets the 9th round KO.

Thoughts, anyone ordering it?
Bernard's been down. Not down and out, but I believe about 5 fights ago he was knocked down. I'm pretty sure...

Bernard doesn't have the punching power to really do a lot of damage to Pavlik, who's probably got one of the best chins in the biz. Pavlik's relentless assault will get him the W
SC - I agree with bjorks assessment. Personally, I don't think Pavlik will knock out BHop. . but, I do think his relentless, pressing style and hard punching will get him a close decision.

BHop is a shoe-in for the Boxing HOF. . no question in my mind. A phenomenal boxer, to say the least. Yet, at this age, I just don't think he's got the power to do any real damage to a big, strong, solid-chinned fighter like Pavlik. In my opinion, BHop's only chance at winning this fight is keeping his distance by dancing around the ring and utilizing his speed (out-boxing Pavlik). . which HE CAN DO.

Because of his record, many perceive Pavlik as a great boxer with insane knockout power, which he is not. Pavlik is a busy, pressing fighter, who throws an ungodly amount of punches. In essence, he wears his opponents down with solid power shots all fight long, but he isn't really known for devastating knockout power.

We all know how Pavlik trains and prepares for a fight (quite rigorous and dedicated), so I think The Ghost's ability to knock out BHop will depend solely on what kind of shape BHop is in. If BHop is physically ready to rock and roll, it goes the distance. If he's somewhat out of shape, he could go down. If Pavlik knocks him out though, it will definitely be in the later rounds. BHop is too good/smart of a fighter to get mopped early. Though he is a bit of a slow starter.

I like both fighters, though Pavlik is definitely my favorite in boxing right now. Diego Corrales is/was my favorite fighter of all time.

I've already ordered it. Can't wait for this fight!

I'll be watching with some friends of Pavlik's who are all from Youngstown. Have heard some great stories about Kelly back in the day.
Kelly is awesome! He's so down to earth and still tight with all his friends back in Ohio. He still lives in the same house and everything. You'd never know he was a top fighter unless you saw him at the bar.

My friends told me some stories of him when they were still in high school and early college years. He got the nickname the Ghost because he always got into fights at the bar and nobody could hit him, so people started calling him Ghost.

He once had 2 guys try to jump him and each broke a beer bottle over the back of his head and he turned around, smiled, and dropped each guy with 2 punches.
Kelly is awesome! He's so down to earth and still tight with all his friends back in Ohio. He still lives in the same house and everything. You'd never know he was a top fighter unless you saw him at the bar.

My friends told me some stories of him when they were still in high school and early college years. He got the nickname the Ghost because he always got into fights at the bar and nobody could hit him, so people started calling him Ghost.

He once had 2 guys try to jump him and each broke a beer bottle over the back of his head and he turned around, smiled, and dropped each guy with 2 punches.

Fucking awesome! Pavlik seems way chill man...would love to meet him one day. Definitely my favorite fighter out there right now.
I went back to Youngstown a few years ago right before he Taylor and we stopped by the gym to watch. Jack is a cool guy too. It was pretty hectic in the gym, but they're not the type to go into hiding to train and they all totally stopped what they were doing when we showed up. There were two of us who were not from there, me being one, and he acted like the two of us were from Youngstown and stuff. Very cool dude.

Kelly would've been the ultimate bare knuckle fighter because he can take a punch so well. His hands are seriously like cement bricks, you can just feel and see it when you shake his hand and stuff. The unfortunate thing about Pavlik is my friends all say he's already punch drunk, compared to what he used to be. He's chilled quite a bit they say because when he was younger he was always looking for fights and was "that guy" in the bar. But he's got family now and is watching himself now that he's made it, which is good, but he's been in so many bar and sanctioned fights they say you can tell he's feeling the effects compared to when they were all younger. The good news is they all say Jack Loew looks over Kelly like he's a son. They're possibly looking for a few more real big pay days and Kelly's going to try to go out undefeated on top.
bjorks - I thought I noticed a very, very mild slur in his words in his last press conference. I hope, for his sake, he hangs up the gloves before his tough fights catch up to him. Screw reaching 49-0. I think he's probably got 5-6 good fights left in him. He's never backed down from anybody, which I fucking LOVE. He has nothing to prove. Handle B-Hop...smash Abraham...knock around 3-4 more contenders, then call it a career. One of the great middleweights in my question in my mind.

Unfortunately it's not slight, it's gotten worse from even a few years ago and my buddies all say it's like night and day. Kelly had a TON of amateur fights and it's catching up. Part of it is though, Kelly kinda talks out the side of his mouth, but there's definitely some effects showing from a long fight career.

But like I said, I was under the impression he wants to go about 1-2 more years and hang it up. He got into boxing because he realized it was either than or jail and he wants to get financially secure for his family for the rest of their lives. The guy he wants and hopes doesn't retire is Calzaghe at whatever weight he wants to fight at.

There isn't a lot of guys in his class, I personally think he'll destroy Arthur Abraham and Felix Sturm wouldn't have a chance either, but after that it's slim pickings. That's why he's going after guys like like Hopkins to get pay days. He can't go down to fight someone like Forrest but if you look up, a Mikkel Kessler fight isn't going to be a big payday and he's camp has said he's not really keen on fighting over 170, but he may have to. The problem is let's say he destroys Abraham, you've just lost out on a big PPV rematch at MW. There's just not a lot of talent there or at SMW. Jeff Lacy? Chad Dawson? Roy Jones? All the money fights for him are at LH.
Pavlick/Calzaghe would be a great fight

Couldn't disagree with you more. Calzaghe is a complete vagina, and already turned down Pavlik, even though The Ghost was practically begging him for a fight. Calzaghe is quite possibly the most overrated fighter of our era. My sister slaps harder than him...and that's all he does, is slap his opponents with little nit-pick shots. No power, at least not anymore. If Calzaghe actually grew some balls and decided to fight Pavlik, I would probably fall asleep watching it, because all the Welshman would do is run away from The Ghost the entire fight. He denied Pavlik's request for a fight, because he knows he'd get mopped like the bathroom floor of the Ritz.

Calzaghe fought Manfredo from the Contender for Christ's sake! You can't honestly tell me that there aren't/weren't anymore quality opponents out there at the time. I understand that fighters don't make all the decisions when it comes to who they fight, but they do have some say...and apparently, Calzaghe will only fight guys he knows he can beat.

Oh yeah...Calzaghe is also more brittle than Mr. Glass.

I only hope someone knocks his overrated ass out sometime soon, as they would be doing the boxing world a HUGE favor.

Now Kelly Pavlik, on the other hand, is a TRUE champion. The Ghost will fight anyone, anytime, anywhere...and that's why he's great!

Couldn't disagree with you more. Calzaghe is a complete vagina, and already turned down Pavlik, even though The Ghost was practically begging him for a fight. Calzaghe is quite possibly the most overrated fighter of our era. My sister slaps harder than him...and that's all he does, is slap his opponents with little nit-pick shots. No power, at least not anymore. If Calzaghe actually grew some balls and decided to fight Pavlik, I would probably fall asleep watching it, because all the Welshman would do is run away from The Ghost the entire fight. He denied Pavlik's request for a fight, because he knows he'd get mopped like the bathroom floor of the Ritz.

Calzaghe fought Manfredo from the Contender for Christ's sake! You can't honestly tell me that there aren't/weren't anymore quality opponents out there at the time. I understand that fighters don't make all the decisions when it comes to who they fight, but they do have some say...and apparently, Calzaghe will only fight guys he knows he can beat.

Oh yeah...Calzaghe is also more brittle than Mr. Glass.

I only hope someone knocks his overrated ass out sometime soon, as they would be doing the boxing world a HUGE favor.

Now Kelly Pavlik, on the other hand, is a TRUE champion. The Ghost will fight anyone, anytime, anywhere...and that's why he's great!


agree, but I think Calzaghe ducked him because he doesnt want a blemish on his record as well as a bigger payday fighting Jones and Hopkins.