Paul Pierce's new Jersey

can we get a #24 Lakers jersey with kinda of a picture of cry baby to show how much of a little bitch kobe is?
hahaha, funny pictures. No offense TB, but somebody needs to get a pic of the Lakers crying when they were getting ousted from the playoffs around 4-5 years ago. I believe it was D. Fisher and Kobe crying. That shit was rediculous.
New Kobe Bryant Jersey

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come on ... closing in on 5900 posts and that one above is my personal best.

might be your worst.

patting yourself on the back for a picture of a T-shirt and calling it a jersey.

and then clapping for yourself so others can hear..... sad:36_11_6:
might be your worst.

patting yourself on the back for a picture of a T-shirt and calling it a jersey.

and then clapping for yourself so others can hear..... sad:36_11_6:

yeah , i was in such shock that one of the all time greatest posts in the history of the internet was not getting any play.

Patting myself on the back is about the only thing i have in common with kobe bryant as well.

all about self-promotion. I want to sell you my nba picks someday. just need a job in the front office so that i know who will win first.
^^^ you have to try to ignore him VK - he's trouble waiting to happen
(apparently another smartass kid - there's a handful of them around)
^^^ you have to try to ignore him VK - he's trouble waiting to happen
(apparently another smartass kid - there's a handful of them around)

trouble waiting to happen?:popcorn:

that means alot coming from you Frito:cheers:

there can be no humor from t/wreck!:whip: