PaintCrew Week 1


Has Nicer Hair Than Matt Haarms
1-3 -2.3 YTD

Sitting with this from early lines to start....documented in one of the early threads. I've warmed on PSU quite a bit since I've played it so we'll see what I end up doing. Hoping to at least be able to find a PSU flat 3 and maybe buy half of it back. If it heads in the wrong direction I'm prepared to let it ride. Still think this is more of a coin flip than the line indicates but PSU's talent in the back end definitely has me nervous a bit.

5* Purdue +4.5

Will add the rest as I play 'em. Still doing a bit of catchup on things but have a few circled that i'm looking at
You may not be familiar with Cal's personnel, but what would your expectations or opinion be on Jack Plummer there?
You may not be familiar with Cal's personnel, but what would your expectations or opinion be on Jack Plummer there?
I still have a man crush on the kid....think he kind of got a raw deal but also just got legit beat out by O'Connell. I don't see any reason why he won't have nice success out there on the west coast but really don't know much about Cal's personnel at all. Big time arm and mobile "enough" to be a threat. I felt he got way too conservative trying to keep his job last year with O'Connell on his heels but if he's the clear #1 I could absolutely see him playing a bit more not to lose so to speak....
1* Illinois ML +130 - Wish I would've snagged it before Wyoming but I still think there's meat on the bone here. My thoughts on Tom Allen should be well known I think at this point. Simply think he's in well over his head other than being a rah rah type of coach who has a nack for getting more from less.... Better team getting points with no real home field advantage to speak of....
1* Ville -4.5
1* ND +17
1* ND/OSU U59

Holding my nose obviously on the last 2 and realize I'm contrarian to a ton of folks i respect. But I really respect the O'Line and running game of ND along with their defense. More importantly I don't think Freeman is stupid and expect him to slow this thing down as much as possible in an attempt to keep the best offense in college football off the field (and I expect him to have success in doing so running the ball).... I'm sure I won't feel comfortable at any moment but this is the way I decided to attack it.

Also I claimed I might buy back on PSU but here i am seeing a 24 team total with Purdue and perfect what the hell.....I'll pay to see PSU hold this offense down like only Wisky did last year

1.5* Purdue TT O24

More to come i'm sure by Friday
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seems like your split on purdue scoring alot vs penn state's secondary giving them some trouble is the wr's without bell and heard another starter lost in camp or something ?

When you say only wisky held them down - that offense in my opinion struggled before that game, illinois gave them lot of trouble, and notre dame and minny were not shootouts 13 points purdue scored every one of those games - what do you think the issue was there and why did they takeoff ?

IMO I think schedule got easier was part of it, if brohm made adjustments that did as well - but penn state rates to be closer to the earlier defenses they faced last year. obviously the new dc's for both teams are the wildcard.

I'm looking at this as an Over game favoring purdue while an under game favors penn state - but purdue can still cover in the latter if it's a slugfest.
On the offense humming I’m pretty comfortable saying it was O’Connell establishing himself as the starter.

ND and Illinois both games Plummer started and O’Connell came in late (moved the ball fine against ND but I think threw a couple picks and came in and won that dreadful game against Illinois)

O’Connell attacks down the field vs Plummer whom I really think was playing too much not to lose a job. Offense hardly resembled being the same offense with one vs the other.

Minny I should’ve included held Purdue to 13 but it was AOCs first full start and weather impacted things a lot. Still threw for almost 400 yards but they just shot themselves in the foot all game. Biggest outlier game of the year tripling up Minny in first downs and finding a way to lose a rainy messy game. Maybe not fair but I kind of wrote it off. AOC really found his groove after that.

To me Wisky is the only team all year to really slow the offense down moving the ball with O’Connell back there.

I’ll try to get some thoughts on the WRs but it’s most of the same crew that went for 500 yards against Tenn in a bowl game plus 2 impact transfers from Iowa. Plenty of weapons for aoc IMO
Added a RSW....putting money on a Tom Allen fade where my mouth as been

2.5* Indiana U4 -115

Obviously doubling down a bit with being on Illinois already but really really hard to see this team finding a way to get to 5 wins. 4 wins is probably the most likely outcome but I just don't see how this falls 5 more often than 3 or less. Sign me up
Looks like 7-9 thus far for week 1

Still smarting from my boys giving one away but that’s college football. 3 of the Ls I felt were easily the right side but still had a number of complete misses. Survived at least without damage. Onward

FSU pending

Week 1
7-9 +1.7

8-12 -0.6 YTD
Looks like 7-9 thus far for week 1

Still smarting from my boys giving one away but that’s college football. 3 of the Ls I felt were easily the right side but still had a number of complete misses. Survived at least without damage. Onward

FSU pending

Week 1
7-9 +1.7

8-12 -0.6 YTD
Thanks for the Purde TT play…..helped ease the carnage from yesterday……

Looking forward to more winners!!!!!!
quite the special teams mess for GT...

Week 1 was fun as hell but pretty disappointing overall. No real damage done though....onward

Week 1
8-10 +1.05

9-13 -1.30 YTD