Paging- Throwback/kushb/fakers Fans


Richmond Local TV Legend

how is it going to feel when your boys just flew from LA to boston, and after tonight theyre going to have to fly right back? such a short vacation in a beautiful city...... too bad.

GO CELTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i wish i could watch this game with hustle. it would be that much sweeter.

-hustle JR.
this is what we've all been waiting for

all the shit talk comes down to tonight!


:bow:THE TRUTH-------------THUG LIFEEEEEEE what a G! and look at that sexy tranny with him!!

MARLO WTF!!!!! you coincidence assed muhfucka!!!!

look at my profile picture..... i just changed it about 2 minutes before you posted that

They did not fly to Boston from LA-- Stern has hired in some substitues tonight and going to dress them in LA uniforms so Boston can win.

Kenneth The Great GARNETT will be sipping from the Cup tonight, to cap off one of the most brilliant careers in this league and to solidify him as the best big man to ever play in teh NBA.
Kenneth The Great GARNETT will be sipping from the Cup tonight, to cap off one of the most brilliant careers in this league and to solidify him as the best big man to ever play in teh NBA.

:bow: He deserves it.... for god sakes he spent his whole career in minny. poor guy

I cannot root for you tonight buddy! I am sorry.

GL on every single on of your wagers, except the fakers one:tiphat:
OH Yeahh and like I said in the other thread.

I apologize for ranting a bit too hard in there, lol. was a little over the top

LA is definitely not a shithole, and i dont hate them thatttt much.
its really all in good fun, although i do DISLIKE phil, kobe, and most faker fans....

there is only one team I live to hate, as a jets fan, its belicheat and those cheating assed patriots!

GAME ON FELLAS. 60 minutes and counting!!!!!
Cap as a Steeler fan, have no fear, your Patriot hate is probably just as strong as mine
This series has been really hard to watch as a "Faker" fan. We didnt play one good game and still should be playing a game 7 on thursday had it not been for the colossal choke job in game 4. I hate pathetic fans who after losing in the finals say "we'll win it next year!" as if it makes up for the embarrassment of this year. Fuck Next Year! We had a legitimate chance to win it all in Kobe's prime and GAVE IT AWAY! Whats even worse is that we were exposed. With the team we put out there this year, we were fast, athletic, long, ......but most importantly SOFT! We played our best ball at the end of the year and going into the playoffs. Then the Lakers collectively decided to take a major shit on the biggest stage that basketball has to offer. There is no excuse for the performance they put forth in the Finals and Im not sure if im more embarrassed for the pussies on our squad or for myself for watching every second of every game (sometimes twice).

This series should put the Kobe/MJ comparisons to rest forever. I have been a Kobe supporter for the duration of his career and still believe that he is more skilled offensively than MJ ever was. That being said, there is nothing Kobe can do in the future to make up for this pathetic performance that "HIS" Lakers put forth in this series. MJ's legacy is not is purely about the 6 rings, 6 Finals MVPs, numerous scoring titles, etc. but more about HOW he did it. Kobe could very possibly win 3 more titles while putting up Jordanesque stats but he will never surpass Mike's legendary status. In the end, this is all Kobe's doing for being so great that the only comparison to be made is with the greatest man to ever put on a pair of sneakers. The intangibles that cannot be tracked on stat sheets is the difference between MJ and everyone else.

I could go on for hours about how I feel about this season, the NBA, Kobe, Mike, Lakeshow, Celtics, etc....but this is officially my last bball rant til November. Losing the way we did has left such a bad taste in my mouth that I have to reevaluate how I approach the seasons to come. I allowed the Lakeshow to have so much of a bearing on my life that losing in this manner has put me in a state of depression. I took a grip of Norcos and Zannies for the first time in over a year, on top of beers, Goose, kush, hash, and kush oil in hopes of putting myself out for a few days. Its almost 6am PST n sleep does not look imminent.....


We'll play nice in here throwback.

This is the only thread that hasnt got locked yet!
