Pac12 Week 5


Beer and Betting Belong Together
Horrible week last week, so I thoug8ht I should start with the P12 thoughts and try to build a card this week.......ASU by far my favorite so far


Arizona State -21 over oregon state..........BIG
Oregon -3 over Cal.....1 unit
Washington -18 ......1 Unit

Pac 12 Thoughts

ucla +10 over COLORADO.....chip has some serious rebuilding to do and this is going to be a very tough place for the Offense on a Friday night...but i just have a feeling that they show up with some pride and off a bye week and jump out on the Buffs, making it a fairly close game down the stretch....think the Buffs get a scare and a very close win..........Colorado 27 UCLA 24

NOTRE DAME -4.5 over stanford....tough spot for Stanford in my opinion, and I am still not convinced that they are really a top-10 team...that said, I am not in love with the Irish either, after a couple of very mediocre home performances…although the wins against UM and Wake are both very solid…just a gut feeling that the Irish get this by 7+…but do not feel too strongly about it...Notre Dame 30 Stanford 21

byu +17.5 over UW….as a homer, I am hoping that the UW finds a way to get up and run this game out, but I really do not see it happening….even if the Dawgs do get up by 20+, the backdoor will very much be open….I think BYU take a really similar approach to what ASU did and just try and grind out and stay close….the counter-argument is that Jimmy Lake is much less concerned about BYU’s downfield passing game than he was with ASU and plays more aggressively to stop the run….if there is success and the UW wins the battles in the secondary, this could be a very long game for BYU…..BUT, the UW offense will still need to get into the 30s to cover this number…..this BYU D is not Auburn, but they are not North Dakota either….thinking this one lands close to the number….27-13 UW

ASU -21 over oregon state….there are still a couple of 21s out there, but they will not be for long….Beavers have a decent offense, but ASU can be a tough place for opposing offenses and I think ASU will hold them in check….the Beav defense is simply awful and you can expect Herm to open things up to get some numbers for Harry and Wilkins… not seeing this one staying close at all, but maybe the Beavs surprise???? No chance imo………ASU 48 OSU 16

utah pk over WSU……this is a really tough call, with WSU looking pretty good against USC last week….Utes have coming off a bye and have Stanford on deck, so this is a huge game for them… real strong feeling here, as it feels like a coin flip….but feels just like the spot for a Wazzu snoozer…….31-30 Utah

oregon -3 over CALIFORNIA….kind of high on both teams and it will be interesting to see how Oregon bounces back after such a heartbreaking loss to Stanford…although I “like” Cal, I am not entirely sure I have a great feeling as to how good they are…I think we will find out a lot about them this week….overall, I feel like Oregon overall has the superior talent and a first round draft choice at QB…..If Oregon would have hung on last week, I would have probably be willing to lay 6 with the Ducks (as I do really think they are a very solid team)… gut says they bounce back and get a good solid win….feel good about this play…..Oregon 36 Cal 24

ARIZONA +3 over USC……not even sure this game is cap-able…. neither USC nor AZ has looked good this year and both have crappy defenses….I feel that Sumlin is a bit nuts for not getting Tate more involved carrying the ball, but who am I to critique….I was very high on AZ early this year and feel like it was a pretty big whiff on my part (that Houston game was a disaster)…….this is the lesser of two evils in my opinion, but I am going to fade the road team laying points with a crappy defense and call for the outright Wildcat win…..Arizona 30 USC 26
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Wow, mid-week Jimmy... and with a conference thread.

Very nice :shake:

Trying to put in work.....honestly, worse than losing money is looking like a complete tool on this board....gonna face accountability by posting here and so I need to stay on top of things....we'll see i guess......if nothing else, I can wash it away getting way drunk on Saturday

Surprised to see Wash laying another huge number...

Oregon worries me after an absolutely SOUL CRUSHING loss to stanford.

Always looking to face SC as a favorite but zona is dreadful.

utah/wazzou seems like an absolute toss-up.
GL, Jimmy. Leaning toward ND as well, definitely agree about ASU, but unfortunately lean against you on everything else Pac12 related.
GL, Jimmy. Leaning toward ND as well, definitely agree about ASU, but unfortunately lean against you on everything else Pac12 related.

Only feel really good about ASU and Oregon....everything else really tough imo.....the AZ/USC game is just flat nonsense to try and read...GL this weekend
I got BYU too. Prob another low scoring non cover for wash. I disagree about UCLA. I think Colorado rolls. Cu is reasonably decent. UCLA has so far to go. I don’t see them breaking through on the road.
Chips, can't argue.....UCLA just a gut against the grain lean...not betting either way....GL this weekend

Below is jsut for later use for me.....

I think Colorado rolls them. The Colorado, Utah and the Arizona schools recruit heavy in Southern CA. When they have a chance to embarrass UCLA or USC, the foot stays on the pedal. Expect something like 45-17.
Good point.

Welcome to the site.
good thread, mr jimmy.know little about PAC-12 being 3,000 miles away but i have some leans there this week.
Thinking Oregon is ripe to be had after last week but really don't know much about CAL.
Thinking Utah is in a good spot, but don't know why.
I'll probably play USC and hope for the best
Tahoe Legend advises to not bet on bad teams, so OSU is out.
Thanks for giving me a reason to try B Y U.
For sure.

I'm trying to find reasons to lay it with udub so I come here. Have your thoughts evolved since midweek? :)

Yes, put a unit on the UW......a number of reasons, but the biggest is that I think the UW loads up to stop the run and dares BYU to throw the ball to beat them....which they cannot and will not do.....UW still has to score, but they are looking a bit better each week.....they played a bit too conservatively last week and I think they make a point to take some shot......if the UW can go +1 or better on the turnover front, I think they will get this cover.....not huge, but am laying and adding this play