Pac 12 for Breakfast?

Are they also considering playing their conf championship game in the middle of the Pacific Ocean? These guys are full of great ideas.
Hmmmm, tell me a game on an aircraft carrier wouldn't get national coverage. The largest ones can hold a football field with room to spare.

I think Army-Navy should try it first though. The ultimate home game for Navy.
I say we sell the West Coast to Mexico and Russia and consolidate. Make the Big 12 and Big Ten that much stronger. Forego all these issues with time zone.
Conference 'ship moving to . . . an actual ship in the middle of the Pacific in '22. Stop giving them ideas, Ali.

Loser has to swim back to the mainland.

These are EXACTLY the types of forward thinking initiatives the PAC is going to need in the upcoming years in order to get eyeballs on the tv sets for Friday night champ game matchups between Utah and Wazzou.
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Not a fan of the early games but I know the locals like it. As far as the championship game in Vegas....perfect. They have a two year deal currently, it will extend if the attendance numbers are good.