P2W 6/16 MLB

Tough beat yesterday w/ Yanks, on to today...

Fullerton @ Ore St u7 -120 0.5u
FSU @ LSU u10 -105 0.5u
Mets +131
Donaldson o2.5 h+r+rbi +105
Arenado o2.5 h+r+rbi -130
F5 Tor -0.5 -120
F5 LAD -0.5 -115
F5 Col ml -115
0.5u each
Seabold vs Thompson and love Fullerton pen...worth a stab at over 2-1 odds imo, like under as well so low scoring game makes 2-1 juicy
No, I looked at Gulf and Belmont for today, got knocked out of the Rainbow in 4th leg, and Belmont cancelled after the 3rd