Overnight Discussion

Houghton Chemical

Pretty much a regular
With less than 12 hours until the first kickoff, I just wanted to know if anyone wanted to discuss some leans as they round out their card.

Personally, I'm struggling with Auburn, Western Michigan and Middle Tennessee State.

If anyone else has trouble narrowing down their card, chime in. Let's see if we can tackle this together. If no one is interested, that's cool too.
someone who lives in moscow idaho told me that Idaho spent some time looking at utah state this week !!!! ........ must not like their chances in this one and focusing on a game they feel is more winnable next week,... western michigan burned me last week allowing a backdoor cover so i teased them down. Hiller should go off inside the barn.

no opinion on the other two as lines seem about right.... i am not a fan of laying DD on the road in the SEC and msu will have their cowbells going for this one.
lean auburn but not sure I can trust their offense. any total thoughts? I haven't played one this week yet.
Thanks for that guys. Even though Idaho won that game, amazingly, they were out FDed, and outgained through the air. I think WMU will make the card.

As far as Auburn, I just don't see how Miss State is going to score. Their defense won that game for them last year and was aided by the Auburn turnovers. I don't see the Tigers making as many mistakes this year as in last.
Auburn game --- Steele has 23-6 final with <link rel="File-List" href="file:///C:%5CDOCUME%7E1%5CDan%5CLOCALS%7E1%5CTemp%5Cmsohtml1%5C01%5Cclip_filelist.xml"><!--[if gte mso 9]><xml> <w:WordDocument> <w:View>Normal</w:View> <w:Zoom>0</w:Zoom> <w:PunctuationKerning/> <w:ValidateAgainstSchemas/> <w:SaveIfXMLInvalid>false</w:SaveIfXMLInvalid> <w:IgnoreMixedContent>false</w:IgnoreMixedContent> <w:AlwaysShowPlaceholderText>false</w:AlwaysShowPlaceholderText> <w:Compatibility> <w:BreakWrappedTables/> <w:SnapToGridInCell/> <w:WrapTextWithPunct/> <w:UseAsianBreakRules/> <w:DontGrowAutofit/> </w:Compatibility> <w:BrowserLevel>MicrosoftInternetExplorer4</w:BrowserLevel> </w:WordDocument> </xml><![endif]--><!--[if gte mso 9]><xml> <w:LatentStyles DefLockedState="false" LatentStyleCount="156"> </w:LatentStyles> </xml><![endif]--><style> <!-- /* Style Definitions */ p.MsoNormal, li.MsoNormal, div.MsoNormal {mso-style-parent:""; margin:0in; margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:12.0pt; font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman";} span.style125 {mso-style-name:style125;} @page Section1 {size:8.5in 11.0in; margin:1.0in 1.25in 1.0in 1.25in; mso-header-margin:.5in; mso-footer-margin:.5in; mso-paper-source:0;} div.Section1 {page:Section1;} --> </style><!--[if gte mso 10]> <style> /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Table Normal"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt; mso-para-margin:0in; mso-para-margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:10.0pt; font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-ansi-language:#0400; mso-fareast-language:#0400; mso-bidi-language:#0400;} </style> <![endif]--> "Miss St has an average offense that will be smothered by the War Eagle defense and remember they were upset by Miss St last year but prior to that had won their last 3 here in Starkville by an avg of 30 ppg."

23-6 sounds spot on but this game can go one of two ways, that way, or a 16-9 type final. IMO personally Auburn is not a team that has proven enough offensively to lay double digits on the road. I do think their defense will shut Miss St down. Auburn has not dominated two opponents lesser than Miss St. Vs. Monroe they put up #s defensively, special teams and Southern Miss lost their entire defensive line and gave up large #s on the ground in their opener to Lafayette.

Auburn can cover this, but with this unproven new offensive scheme on the road, Miss St knows the only way for them is turnovers and ugliness and they have become adept at doing that.

Know way I play Auburn but I see why people like it.
tough to lay points on the road in SEC w/ auburn right now imo.

WMU looks nice and should cover at first glance

initially MTSU stood out on sunday to me but the more i looked at it i could see the wildcat d wreaking havoc.
Total is at 39 right now, and Auburn actually moved to 9.5 @Greek. I'm not good at totals, so while both offenses are bad, that number to me, seems low. In my Week 3 Post, I wrote I could see a 17-0 game, but both teams, with the right defensive breaks, field pos. advantages, could end up at 30-10 24-14, really toeing the total line. I can't spot any distinct total advantage.
39 -- Hadn't thought about it don't like totals but now I'm looking strongly

Only team I see getting over 20 is Auburn, not both.
it takes steel balls to go under college football games lined in the thirties..... and mine are made of paper.... but this sure looks as though it should be low scoring.
Auburn game --- Steele has 23-6 final with <link rel="File-List" href="file:///C:%5CDOCUME%7E1%5CDan%5CLOCALS%7E1%5CTemp%5Cmsohtml1%5C01%5Cclip_filelist.xml"><!--[if gte mso 9]><xml> <w:WordDocument> <w:View>Normal</w:View> <w:Zoom>0</w:Zoom> <w:PunctuationKerning/> <w:ValidateAgainstSchemas/> <w:SaveIfXMLInvalid>false</w:SaveIfXMLInvalid> <w:IgnoreMixedContent>false</w:IgnoreMixedContent> <w:AlwaysShowPlaceholderText>false</w:AlwaysShowPlaceholderText> <w:Compatibility> <w:BreakWrappedTables/> <w:SnapToGridInCell/> <w:WrapTextWithPunct/> <w:UseAsianBreakRules/> <w:DontGrowAutofit/> </w:Compatibility> <w:BrowserLevel>MicrosoftInternetExplorer4</w:BrowserLevel> </w:WordDocument> </xml><![endif]--><!--[if gte mso 9]><xml> <w:LatentStyles DefLockedState="false" LatentStyleCount="156"> </w:LatentStyles> </xml><![endif]--><style> <!-- /* Style Definitions */ p.MsoNormal, li.MsoNormal, div.MsoNormal {mso-style-parent:""; margin:0in; margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:12.0pt; font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman";} span.style125 {mso-style-name:style125;} @page Section1 {size:8.5in 11.0in; margin:1.0in 1.25in 1.0in 1.25in; mso-header-margin:.5in; mso-footer-margin:.5in; mso-paper-source:0;} div.Section1 {page:Section1;} --> </style><!--[if gte mso 10]> <style> /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Table Normal"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt; mso-para-margin:0in; mso-para-margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:10.0pt; font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-ansi-language:#0400; mso-fareast-language:#0400; mso-bidi-language:#0400;} </style> <![endif]--> "Miss St has an average offense that will be smothered by the War Eagle defense and remember they were upset by Miss St last year but prior to that had won their last 3 here in Starkville by an avg of 30 ppg."

23-6 sounds spot on but this game can go one of two ways, that way, or a 16-9 type final. IMO personally Auburn is not a team that has proven enough offensively to lay double digits on the road. I do think their defense will shut Miss St down. Auburn has not dominated two opponents lesser than Miss St. Vs. Monroe they put up #s defensively, special teams and Southern Miss lost their entire defensive line and gave up large #s on the ground in their opener to Lafayette.

Auburn can cover this, but with this unproven new offensive scheme on the road, Miss St knows the only way for them is turnovers and ugliness and they have become adept at doing that.

Know way I play Auburn but I see why people like it.

This is spot on analysis O-State. I know I'll be kicking myself when Auburn pulls out that 26-3 win, but you're right, I can easily see it being a knockdown dragout too.

While Auburn is green on offense, their defense will more that likely hold their own and create good field position. If the Tiger offense only has half a field to work with, I like their chances of getting lucky once or twice and with Miss St. inept offense, it could happen.
Any thoughts on Cal? I know every emotional angle is against them but they have more talent.

I guess this is just one where who knows what will happen.
tough to lay points on the road in SEC w/ auburn right now imo.

WMU looks nice and should cover at first glance

initially MTSU stood out on sunday to me but the more i looked at it i could see the wildcat d wreaking havoc.

DMart, my take on MTSU is this: Kentucky was sputtering against Louisville and really won the game on defensive turnovers. The Wildcats are giving 17+ to a team that runs a good spread offense. Kentucky's front line has been solid and they should contain MTSU to an extent, but with that type of offense, if they do get drives going, they'll be long. They dominated TOP against Maryland 40 mins to 20 and even in a 31-17 loss to Troy, TOP was 35 mins. Even in that loss, they out FDed them, so basically, what I'm saying is that even if MTSU doesn't rack up the pts, they could drain enough of the clock and not leave Kentucky's struggling offense with enough time to score.
Any thoughts on the Air Force vs Houston @ Dallas .

Looks like strong wind and from what I can tell its basically blowing directly in the face off one the offenses all game . With 30MPH wind some rain making the ball wet . Would think since AF is decent on defense and obviously relies heavily on the ground game has a huge edge vs Houston built onthe passing game and sure didnt look good on defense last week...?

Any thoughts ? Looking at Air Force possibly an under when it comes out but it should be heavily adjusted if the wind stays the same.

Weather For Air Force vs. Houston U

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<TABLE class=dataTable cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0><THEAD><TR><TD></TD><TD class=taC>2:00 </TD><TD class=taC>3:00 </TD><TD class=taC>4:00 </TD><TD class=taC>5:00 </TD><TD class=taC>6:00 </TD><TD class=taC>7:00 </TD></TR></THEAD><TBODY><TR class=vaM><TD class="taR b">Wind:</TD><TD class=taC>

29 mph NNE
</TD><TD class=taC>

29 mph NNE
</TD><TD class=taC>

30 mph NNE
</TD><TD class=taC>

30 mph NNE
</TD><TD class=taC>

31 mph NNE
</TD><TD class=taC>

31 mph NNE
</TD></TR><TR class=vaM><TD class="taR b">Condition:</TD><TD class=taC>

</TD><TD class=taC>

</TD><TD class=taC>

</TD><TD class=taC>

</TD><TD class=taC>

</TD><TD class=taC>

</TD></TR><TR class=vaM><TD class="taR b">Temperature:</TD><TD class=taC>79 ° </TD><TD class=taC>80 ° </TD><TD class=taC>82 ° </TD><TD class=taC>83 ° </TD><TD class=taC>82 ° </TD><TD class=taC>80 ° </TD></TR><TR class=vaM><TD class="taR b">Humidity:</TD><TD class=taC>82 % </TD><TD class=taC>79 % </TD><TD class=taC>75 % </TD><TD class=taC>72 % </TD><TD class=taC>74 % </TD><TD class=taC>77 % </TD></TR><TR class=vaM><TD class="taR b">Chance of Rain:</TD><TD class=taC>98 % </TD><TD class=taC>98 % </TD><TD class=taC>98 % </TD><TD class=taC>98 % </TD><TD class=taC>98 % </TD><TD class=taC>98 % </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

<SCRIPT type=text/javascript>function initializeMap() { var map=new GMap2(document.getElementById('map')); map.addControl(new GSmallMapControl());var point = new GLatLng(32.8378, -96.7828,false); map.setCenter(point, 17, G_HYBRID_MAP);}</SCRIPT>
O-State, I'm on Cal. I'll admit, SCdoggy's thread did scare me, but when it comes down to it, Maryland is a team in shambles right now. No leader at QB and no support to base the offense around. Maryland sports a depleted defense that is facing some key injuries against a team that can exploit them at every unit. I'm initial enthusiasm for Cal is tempered by SCdoggy's thread, but I still think it's the right side.
CAL -14 - offense can score at will not sure terps can keep up but i do love there WR Hayward Bay
CMU -3 - LeFevour should dominate, ohio qb out also see a letdown after that scare 2 the buckeyes
GT +7-120 - why do they keep giving this team a td ? the offense is only gonna get better. ml play also
ND +2 - both teams shitty I will go with the home team
Penn st -27 - this team is loaded offense, defense and ST
Fresno st +2 - If the defense can stop wisky's running game they should win this
UGA -7 - this is gonna get ugly, I have a feeling uga feels a little disrespected I think this could be a rout cuz SC offense is putrid
Ducks -7 - another loaded team, Ducks should score big can Purdude keep up ?
AUburn - QB Todd really had a great game last week if auburn can get the same effort in this game auburn should cover. they always have a stout D
Vandy- really like this team this year they alwatys treat me well lol

thats what im lookin into right now
Houston has 3 players out defensively I read off their board just announce
SN, total for AFA/UH is 51.5 @ Greek. Team Total is 25 and 26.5 respectively. Haven't really looked into this game though to be honest.
<o:smarttagtype namespaceuri="urn:schemas-microsoft-com<img src=" images="" smilies="" redface.gif="" border="0" alt="" title="Embarrassment" smilieid="2" class="inlineimg"></o:smarttagtype><st1:state w:st="on"><st1>These are some notes I have for Houston

</st1></st1:state><st1:state w:st="on"><st1>Wyoming</st1></st1:state> horrible offense. Air force ran it 63 times for 261, including an 80 yarder. Air Force is breaking in new OLine. <st1:state w:st="on"><st1>Wyoming</st1></st1:state>’s defense was good against the run last year but I'd venture to say linebackers slower and better against smash mouth run not option. Falcons ran on Wyoming last year as did spread Utah. Air Force lost to many veteran playmakers on offense and the defense lost three All-Conference performers. They’ve been running like crazy in its first two games but if it gets behind early against a fast strike offense it could spell trouble. Shea Smith hasn’t proven he can throw. They are going to have to eventually have some kind of passing attack in this game and I just don’t see them keeping up with the UH offense.

---Air Force is losing 3 starters in secondary, two corners and FS. Not great vs. pass last year either. <st1:city w:st="on"><st1>Houston</st1></st1:city>coming off of a loss, I like them.
anybody know how Texas Tech's passing attack looked in horrid winds and rain?? Short passes for Houston maybe not a problem I'm thinking.

Also I don't know why they didn't put this in Texas Stadium so they wouldn't of had to worry about moving the time and the weather.
I wanted to talk about Houston as well. It's about to make it on my card. Houson's D-Line is solid and AF's CB's are weak. Its a good matchup for Houston overall I think. Thinking about laying the 2.
Nice lean list you have there Throw. Fresno could be close, and I'd side with that.

Penn State is a game I haven't seen a lot of people on here, but I think it's solid. Nittany Lions are steamrolling opponents right now. Wouldn't want to be on the other side of that, especially with Syracuse.

A lot of valid pts. made for CMU, but until Ohio loses that scrappiness, I wouldn't bet against them.

Notre Dame perplexes the hell out of me. After last week's debacle, I'm not touching until I see more. The rest, I agree with, Cal is a play. GT, Auburn, Oregon, Vanderbilt all made my lean list.
leans need more info any thoughts ?

SoMiss +3
Utah -24
Zona -10
tOsu +11 and ML
Wash +21
Ecu -12
Trees +14
Clemson -19
Ucla +8
Nice lean list you have there Throw. Fresno could be close, and I'd side with that.

Penn State is a game I haven't seen a lot of people on here, but I think it's solid. Nittany Lions are steamrolling opponents right now. Wouldn't want to be on the other side of that, especially with Syracuse.

A lot of valid pts. made for CMU, but until Ohio loses that scrappiness, I wouldn't bet against them.

Notre Dame perplexes the hell out of me. After last week's debacle, I'm not touching until I see more. The rest, I agree with, Cal is a play. GT, Auburn, Oregon, Vanderbilt all made my lean list.

that list was of 4sure plays either that team or nothing

with the CMU play IM banking on LeFevour gettin me the cover lol :shake:
Only thing I got for ya is Clemson. I think they roll. NC State is missing a bunch of starters for this game. Clemson's home conference opener and they got beat down by Alabama 2 weekends ago. They are going to take out the frustration.
Only thing I got for ya is Clemson. I think they roll. NC State is missing a bunch of starters for this game. Clemson's home conference opener and they got beat down by Alabama 2 weekends ago. They are going to take out the frustration.

poor nc state :shake:
Thanks fellas . Noticed the 51.5 after I typed that as well .

I know Okie State is a high powered offense but 700 yards of offense ? 200 yd reciever and rusher? Nearly 400 yards on the ground ? 72plays for 699 or9.7 yds per play .

3 Turnovers
1 Punt
1 TOD at 1 as the game expired

While the Houston offense was okay IMO TD after an INT stopped Okie State from an early 14-0 lead , a 10 yds TD drive and TD at the end of the game ..

The Cougars’ 16 first-half points all came after Oklahoma State turnovers.

Assume these are three guys out:

Roster Report:

LB Cody Lubojasky suffered a sprained knee at Oklahoma State and will be limited this week in practice, but is expected to play against Air Force. The senior has started 41 consecutive games, the longest streak in the nation.

Other starters injured against the Cowboys and considered day-to-day include DT Eli Ash (ankle) and FS Kenneth Fontenette (back).

Gonna play AF now expecting terrible weather but if somewhow isnt would think AF struggles to contain the Houston spread offense and get out of AF and probably onto Houston :cheers:
Houston scares me gents.

AF can run the ball and man did Okie St run it down Houston's throat last week. No doubt Houston can put up points but weather is gonna be shitty.

With the time/location change, mixed w/ Houston's woeful ground D this is a no play for me.

Clemson should roll....like that, but they play like such heartless bastards sometimes.

IMO best 2 plays on the board:

Irish ML

Fresno ML
they have sort of "saved" lefevour for this one , conceding the georgia game ( he ran 4 or 5 times i think ,,,,spare him injury was the plan ). with eastern illinois week 1 and the georgia concession game .. this might be a game that cmich was pointing to. ohio had to be pointing to wyoming revenge game and ohio state spotlight game. Sort of a tough spot for ohio and with starting qb theo scott out with the collar bone thing it might be even harder to expect ohio to keep up on the scoreboard.
I wanted to talk about Houston as well. It's about to make it on my card. Houson's D-Line is solid and AF's CB's are weak. Its a good matchup for Houston overall I think. Thinking about laying the 2.

I agree actually . If the weather isnt much of an issue the AF offense will struggle to score enough pts IMO. There coach is already complaining its to plain and they cant make defenses miss . So they may gain yards but they seem to be empty . I dont think AF can handle the spread attack of Houston offense .

Right now though showing 30MPH winds on the field and that seems like a hurdle even in the short passing game...

Guess i am gonna have to figure this out last second...

Good Help fellas . Thanks:cheers::shake:
If anyone has NFL on the brain, love to hear opinions on Colts/Vikes Sunday.

Im in love w/ Minny + the pts at home.....probably be playing ML unless I can get 3.

Manning is not in sync at all, Minny should be able to run it down their throats.
Thanks fellas . Noticed the 51.5 after I typed that as well .

I know Okie State is a high powered offense but 700 yards of offense ? 200 yd reciever and rusher? Nearly 400 yards on the ground ? 72plays for 699 or9.7 yds per play .

3 Turnovers
1 Punt
1 TOD at 1 as the game expired

While the Houston offense was okay IMO TD after an INT stopped Okie State from an early 14-0 lead , a 10 yds TD drive and TD at the end of the game ..

The Cougars’ 16 first-half points all came after Oklahoma State turnovers.

Assume these are three guys out:

Roster Report:

LB Cody Lubojasky suffered a sprained knee at Oklahoma State and will be limited this week in practice, but is expected to play against Air Force. The senior has started 41 consecutive games, the longest streak in the nation.

Other starters injured against the Cowboys and considered day-to-day include DT Eli Ash (ankle) and FS Kenneth Fontenette (back).

Gonna play AF now expecting terrible weather but if somewhow isnt would think AF struggles to contain the Houston spread offense and get out of AF and probably onto Houston :cheers:

I didn't know Houston scored on such short fields due to turnovers. I didn't watch that game last week. I mean was Houston getting blown off the ball or was it long runs by Okie State. That's kind of what I think happened in Wyoming game, Air Force didn't dominate just ripped a few long ones to skew the stats and evnetually wore the Wyoming defense down cause their on the field possession after possession 1 minute inbetween.
Ball State I was just thinking should move the ball at will. Akron offensively I know is pretty good with Jacquelmain, but I guess I don't see them keeping up. Ball State D better than Akron D and Ball State O better more balanced than Akron O.
Really starting to like Duke and over 57.

Navy gets Enhada back @ QB although probably still not 100% and perhaps rusty and tentative there offense should improve. Last year Lewis had 400+ yds passing @ Navy and the Dukies as 14 pt dogs lost by 3 blowing an 11 pt led after 3 quarters . Would think they really want this game especially on the heels of a tough loss to Northwestern where Navy just looks like it will be down a few notches this year especially with the new HC . Which I like that the Navy coach said his team was lucky to beat Duke last year and with the new regime at Duke things may finally be different . Also last week there was just 1 punt in the Navy / Ball State game.

This time, the Blue Devils are coming off a loss to Northwestern, but quarterback Thaddeus Lewis thinks they are better off if it comes down to the final seconds.

“I think we will be better prepared if it comes down to that situation again against Navy,” he said. “We know about the game last year. We won’t forget that, and we know what we have to do in order to not put ourselves in that situation again.”

Quote To Note: “The tape proved something that is near and dear to us as a staff and a team, and that is we got a lot better in that second game. A lot better, not a little bit better. That has been one of our goals to show that we are going to continue to improve. We certainly played well enough to win.”—coach David Cutcliffe, reviewing Duke’s loss to Northwestern.

Like Duke the better of the two but have to think they can score 30+ here . Enhada said he is rusty and not in game shape since he couldnt much since August 9th and everyone seems to acknowledge since its the triple option and he must run the ball alot he will be giving way to Bryant when he is tired.

DURHAM, N.C. (AP)—Tyrell Sutton ran for two touchdowns and Northwestern’s defense made two critical fourth-down stops down the stretch, leading the Wildcats to a 24-20 victory over Duke on Saturday night.
Omar Conteh scored the go-ahead score for Northwestern (2-0), which was outplayed most of the game. The Blue Devils (1-1) had a 472-328 advantage in total offense and nearly doubled up the Wildcats in time of possession, but a few key mistakes kept them from winning their first two games for first-year coach David Cutcliffe.
The final one came on fourth-and-5 from Northwestern’s 24 with about 90 seconds remaining. Thaddeus Lewis scrambled around the pocket before finding Clifford Harris open for what appeared to be the winning touchdown. But tackle Cameron Goldberg was called for holding to bring it back, and Lewis’ desperation pass intended for Johnny Williams fell incomplete on the next play.
The Wildcats ran out the clock from there

Thoughts ?????:cheers:
I didn't know Houston scored on such short fields due to turnovers. I didn't watch that game last week. I mean was Houston getting blown off the ball or was it long runs by Okie State. That's kind of what I think happened in Wyoming game, Air Force didn't dominate just ripped a few long ones to skew the stats and evnetually wore the Wyoming defense down cause their on the field possession after possession 1 minute inbetween.

I know AF pretty much just didnt beatthemselves and played a terrible offense . I didnt see the Houston -Okie State game either but it sure didnt seem like Houston had any clue on defense .

Houston 1st TD actually wasnt a short field though. Think the picked Okie State off in the end zone got a touchback and figure the game changing momentum sort of spurred them to there 1st score and think the next score they had came off a fumble .

<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=560 border=0><TBODY><TR><TD vAlign=top width=275><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR class=ysptblhead><TH colSpan=6>Houston Drives</TH></TR><TR class=ysptblhead2><TH colSpan=6>1st Quarter </TH></TR><TR class=ysptblhead3><TH>Start
</TH><TH># of
</TH><TH vAlign=top>Result</TH></TR><TR class=ysprow1><TD class=c>14:51 </TD><TD class=c>0:38 </TD><TD class=c>Hou 47</TD><TD class=c>3</TD><TD class=c>5</TD><TD class=c>Punt</TD></TR><TR class=ysprow2><TD class=c>13:15 </TD><TD class=c>1:50 </TD><TD class=c>Hou 36</TD><TD class=c>5</TD><TD class=c>16</TD><TD class=c>Punt</TD></TR><TR class=ysprow1><TD class=c>9:31 </TD><TD class=c>3:55 </TD><TD class=c>Hou 20</TD><TD class=c>10</TD><TD class=c>80</TD><TD class=c>TD</TD></TR><TR class=ysprow2><TD class=c>2:49 </TD><TD class=c>2:41 </TD><TD class=c>Hou 8</TD><TD class=c>6</TD><TD class=c>14</TD><TD class=c>Punt</TD></TR><TR class=ysprow1><TD colSpan=6></TD></TR><TR class=ysptblhead2><TH colSpan=6>2nd Quarter </TH></TR><TR class=ysptblhead3><TH>Start
</TH><TH># of
</TH><TH vAlign=top>Result</TH></TR><TR class=ysprow1><TD class=c>14:53 </TD><TD class=c>3:08 </TD><TD class=c>Hou 47</TD><TD class=c>10</TD><TD class=c>43</TD><TD class=c>FG</TD></TR><TR class=ysprow2><TD class=c>7:19 </TD><TD class=c>1:38 </TD><TD class=c>OKSt 10</TD><TD class=c>2</TD><TD class=c>10</TD><TD class=c>TD</TD></TR><TR class=ysprow1><TD class=c>1:19 </TD><TD class=c>1:19 </TD><TD class=c>Hou 23</TD><TD class=c>8</TD><TD class=c>30</TD><TD class=c>End Half</TD></TR><TR class=ysprow1><TD colSpan=6></TD></TR><TR class=ysptblhead2><TH colSpan=6>3rd Quarter </TH></TR><TR class=ysptblhead3><TH>Start
</TH><TH># of
</TH><TH vAlign=top>Result</TH></TR><TR class=ysprow1><TD class=c>13:19 </TD><TD class=c>0:39 </TD><TD class=c>Hou 24</TD><TD class=c>3</TD><TD class=c>9</TD><TD class=c>Fumble</TD></TR><TR class=ysprow2><TD class=c>11:40 </TD><TD class=c>1:40 </TD><TD class=c>Hou 18</TD><TD class=c>6</TD><TD class=c>13</TD><TD class=c>Punt</TD></TR><TR class=ysprow1><TD class=c>8:42 </TD><TD class=c>2:39 </TD><TD class=c>Hou 10</TD><TD class=c>8</TD><TD class=c>90</TD><TD class=c>TD</TD></TR><TR class=ysprow2><TD class=c>0:34 </TD><TD class=c>3:14 </TD><TD class=c>Hou 13</TD><TD class=c>11</TD><TD class=c>87</TD><TD class=c>TD</TD></TR><TR class=ysprow1><TD colSpan=6></TD></TR><TR class=ysptblhead2><TH colSpan=6>4th Quarter </TH></TR><TR class=ysptblhead3><TH>Start
</TH><TH># of
</TH><TH vAlign=top>Result</TH></TR><TR class=ysprow1><TD class=c>8:02 </TD><TD class=c>0:19 </TD><TD class=c>Hou 20</TD><TD class=c>3</TD><TD class=c>0</TD><TD class=c>Punt</TD></TR><TR class=ysprow2><TD class=c>7:22 </TD><TD class=c>2:27 </TD><TD class=c>Hou 32</TD><TD class=c>10</TD><TD class=c>69</TD><TD class=c>TD</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD><TD width=10></TD><TD vAlign=top width=275><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR class=ysptblhead><TH colSpan=6>Oklahoma St. Drives</TH></TR><TR class=ysptblhead2><TH colSpan=6>1st Quarter </TH></TR><TR class=ysptblhead3><TH>Start
</TH><TH># of
</TH><TH vAlign=top>Result</TH></TR><TR class=ysprow1><TD class=c>14:13 </TD><TD class=c>0:51 </TD><TD class=c>OKSt 20</TD><TD class=c>3</TD><TD class=c>65</TD><TD class=c>TD</TD></TR><TR class=ysprow2><TD class=c>11:25 </TD><TD class=c>1:54 </TD><TD class=c>OKSt 7</TD><TD class=c>5</TD><TD class=c>67</TD><TD class=c>Int</TD></TR><TR class=ysprow1><TD class=c>5:30 </TD><TD class=c>2:41 </TD><TD class=c>OKSt 32</TD><TD class=c>6</TD><TD class=c>26</TD><TD class=c>Punt</TD></TR><TR class=ysprow2><TD class=c>0:08 </TD><TD class=c>0:15 </TD><TD class=c>OKSt 47</TD><TD class=c>2</TD><TD class=c>6</TD><TD class=c>Fumble</TD></TR><TR class=ysprow1><TD colSpan=6></TD></TR><TR class=ysptblhead2><TH colSpan=6>2nd Quarter </TH></TR><TR class=ysptblhead3><TH>Start
</TH><TH># of
</TH><TH vAlign=top>Result</TH></TR><TR class=ysprow1><TD class=c>11:40 </TD><TD class=c>4:21 </TD><TD class=c>OKSt 26</TD><TD class=c>11</TD><TD class=c>28</TD><TD class=c>Int</TD></TR><TR class=ysprow2><TD class=c>5:35 </TD><TD class=c>4:12 </TD><TD class=c>OKSt 20</TD><TD class=c>8</TD><TD class=c>80</TD><TD class=c>TD</TD></TR><TR class=ysprow1><TD colSpan=6></TD></TR><TR class=ysprow1><TD colSpan=6></TD></TR><TR class=ysptblhead2><TH colSpan=6>3rd Quarter </TH></TR><TR class=ysptblhead3><TH>Start
</TH><TH># of
</TH><TH vAlign=top>Result</TH></TR><TR class=ysprow1><TD class=c>14:55 </TD><TD class=c>1:30 </TD><TD class=c>OKSt 25</TD><TD class=c>4</TD><TD class=c>75</TD><TD class=c>TD</TD></TR><TR class=ysprow2><TD class=c>12:40 </TD><TD class=c>0:54 </TD><TD class=c>Hou 31</TD><TD class=c>3</TD><TD class=c>31</TD><TD class=c>TD</TD></TR><TR class=ysprow1><TD class=c>10:00 </TD><TD class=c>1:13 </TD><TD class=c>OKSt 14</TD><TD class=c>3</TD><TD class=c>86</TD><TD class=c>TD</TD></TR><TR class=ysprow2><TD class=c>6:02 </TD><TD class=c>5:22 </TD><TD class=c>OKSt 18</TD><TD class=c>10</TD><TD class=c>82</TD><TD class=c>TD</TD></TR><TR class=ysprow1><TD colSpan=6></TD></TR><TR class=ysptblhead2><TH colSpan=6>4th Quarter </TH></TR><TR class=ysptblhead3><TH>Start
</TH><TH># of
</TH><TH vAlign=top>Result</TH></TR><TR class=ysprow1><TD class=c>12:15 </TD><TD class=c>4:13 </TD><TD class=c>OKSt 38</TD><TD class=c>9</TD><TD class=c>62</TD><TD class=c>TD</TD></TR><TR class=ysprow2><TD class=c>4:50 </TD><TD class=c>4:50 </TD><TD class=c>OKSt 41</TD><TD class=c>8</TD><TD class=c>58</TD><TD class=c>End Reg</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

If this helps ..:shake:

If the wind doesnt play a role and I know Houston runs the spread with a very mobile QB then the Cougars should rebound from last week because the talent gap just seems to crazy ......just not very cut and dry ..:cheers:
Going to bed to catch the early game Houston although not sure if it's on tv, hope they can pull it out.

---Not playing Duke but agree, they are a better team this year Navy down perhaps. Navy D worst in football. Devils held Navy to 304 on the ground which is very impressive against Navy.
I know AF pretty much just didnt beatthemselves and played a terrible offense . I didnt see the Houston -Okie State game either but it sure didnt seem like Houston had any clue on defense .

Houston 1st TD actually wasnt a short field though. Think the picked Okie State off in the end zone got a touchback and figure the game changing momentum sort of spurred them to there 1st score and think the next score they had came off a fumble .

<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="560"><tbody><tr><td valign="top" width="275"><table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%"><tbody><tr class="ysptblhead"><th colspan="6">Houston Drives</th></tr><tr class="ysptblhead2"><th colspan="6">1st Quarter </th></tr><tr class="ysptblhead3"><th>Start
</th><th># of
</th><th valign="top">Result</th></tr><tr class="ysprow1"><td class="c">14:51 </td><td class="c">0:38 </td><td class="c">Hou 47</td><td class="c">3</td><td class="c">5</td><td class="c">Punt</td></tr><tr class="ysprow2"><td class="c">13:15 </td><td class="c">1:50 </td><td class="c">Hou 36</td><td class="c">5</td><td class="c">16</td><td class="c">Punt</td></tr><tr class="ysprow1"><td class="c">9:31 </td><td class="c">3:55 </td><td class="c">Hou 20</td><td class="c">10</td><td class="c">80</td><td class="c">TD</td></tr><tr class="ysprow2"><td class="c">2:49 </td><td class="c">2:41 </td><td class="c">Hou 8</td><td class="c">6</td><td class="c">14</td><td class="c">Punt</td></tr><tr class="ysprow1"><td colspan="6"></td></tr><tr class="ysptblhead2"><th colspan="6">2nd Quarter </th></tr><tr class="ysptblhead3"><th>Start
</th><th># of
</th><th valign="top">Result</th></tr><tr class="ysprow1"><td class="c">14:53 </td><td class="c">3:08 </td><td class="c">Hou 47</td><td class="c">10</td><td class="c">43</td><td class="c">FG</td></tr><tr class="ysprow2"><td class="c">7:19 </td><td class="c">1:38 </td><td class="c">OKSt 10</td><td class="c">2</td><td class="c">10</td><td class="c">TD</td></tr><tr class="ysprow1"><td class="c">1:19 </td><td class="c">1:19 </td><td class="c">Hou 23</td><td class="c">8</td><td class="c">30</td><td class="c">End Half</td></tr><tr class="ysprow1"><td colspan="6"></td></tr><tr class="ysptblhead2"><th colspan="6">3rd Quarter </th></tr><tr class="ysptblhead3"><th>Start
</th><th># of
</th><th valign="top">Result</th></tr><tr class="ysprow1"><td class="c">13:19 </td><td class="c">0:39 </td><td class="c">Hou 24</td><td class="c">3</td><td class="c">9</td><td class="c">Fumble</td></tr><tr class="ysprow2"><td class="c">11:40 </td><td class="c">1:40 </td><td class="c">Hou 18</td><td class="c">6</td><td class="c">13</td><td class="c">Punt</td></tr><tr class="ysprow1"><td class="c">8:42 </td><td class="c">2:39 </td><td class="c">Hou 10</td><td class="c">8</td><td class="c">90</td><td class="c">TD</td></tr><tr class="ysprow2"><td class="c">0:34 </td><td class="c">3:14 </td><td class="c">Hou 13</td><td class="c">11</td><td class="c">87</td><td class="c">TD</td></tr><tr class="ysprow1"><td colspan="6"></td></tr><tr class="ysptblhead2"><th colspan="6">4th Quarter </th></tr><tr class="ysptblhead3"><th>Start
</th><th># of
</th><th valign="top">Result</th></tr><tr class="ysprow1"><td class="c">8:02 </td><td class="c">0:19 </td><td class="c">Hou 20</td><td class="c">3</td><td class="c">0</td><td class="c">Punt</td></tr><tr class="ysprow2"><td class="c">7:22 </td><td class="c">2:27 </td><td class="c">Hou 32</td><td class="c">10</td><td class="c">69</td><td class="c">TD</td></tr></tbody></table></td><td width="10"></td><td valign="top" width="275"><table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%"><tbody><tr class="ysptblhead"><th colspan="6">Oklahoma St. Drives</th></tr><tr class="ysptblhead2"><th colspan="6">1st Quarter </th></tr><tr class="ysptblhead3"><th>Start
</th><th># of
</th><th valign="top">Result</th></tr><tr class="ysprow1"><td class="c">14:13 </td><td class="c">0:51 </td><td class="c">OKSt 20</td><td class="c">3</td><td class="c">65</td><td class="c">TD</td></tr><tr class="ysprow2"><td class="c">11:25 </td><td class="c">1:54 </td><td class="c">OKSt 7</td><td class="c">5</td><td class="c">67</td><td class="c">Int</td></tr><tr class="ysprow1"><td class="c">5:30 </td><td class="c">2:41 </td><td class="c">OKSt 32</td><td class="c">6</td><td class="c">26</td><td class="c">Punt</td></tr><tr class="ysprow2"><td class="c">0:08 </td><td class="c">0:15 </td><td class="c">OKSt 47</td><td class="c">2</td><td class="c">6</td><td class="c">Fumble</td></tr><tr class="ysprow1"><td colspan="6"></td></tr><tr class="ysptblhead2"><th colspan="6">2nd Quarter </th></tr><tr class="ysptblhead3"><th>Start
</th><th># of
</th><th valign="top">Result</th></tr><tr class="ysprow1"><td class="c">11:40 </td><td class="c">4:21 </td><td class="c">OKSt 26</td><td class="c">11</td><td class="c">28</td><td class="c">Int</td></tr><tr class="ysprow2"><td class="c">5:35 </td><td class="c">4:12 </td><td class="c">OKSt 20</td><td class="c">8</td><td class="c">80</td><td class="c">TD</td></tr><tr class="ysprow1"><td colspan="6"></td></tr><tr class="ysprow1"><td colspan="6"></td></tr><tr class="ysptblhead2"><th colspan="6">3rd Quarter </th></tr><tr class="ysptblhead3"><th>Start
</th><th># of
</th><th valign="top">Result</th></tr><tr class="ysprow1"><td class="c">14:55 </td><td class="c">1:30 </td><td class="c">OKSt 25</td><td class="c">4</td><td class="c">75</td><td class="c">TD</td></tr><tr class="ysprow2"><td class="c">12:40 </td><td class="c">0:54 </td><td class="c">Hou 31</td><td class="c">3</td><td class="c">31</td><td class="c">TD</td></tr><tr class="ysprow1"><td class="c">10:00 </td><td class="c">1:13 </td><td class="c">OKSt 14</td><td class="c">3</td><td class="c">86</td><td class="c">TD</td></tr><tr class="ysprow2"><td class="c">6:02 </td><td class="c">5:22 </td><td class="c">OKSt 18</td><td class="c">10</td><td class="c">82</td><td class="c">TD</td></tr><tr class="ysprow1"><td colspan="6"></td></tr><tr class="ysptblhead2"><th colspan="6">4th Quarter </th></tr><tr class="ysptblhead3"><th>Start
</th><th># of
</th><th valign="top">Result</th></tr><tr class="ysprow1"><td class="c">12:15 </td><td class="c">4:13 </td><td class="c">OKSt 38</td><td class="c">9</td><td class="c">62</td><td class="c">TD</td></tr><tr class="ysprow2"><td class="c">4:50 </td><td class="c">4:50 </td><td class="c">OKSt 41</td><td class="c">8</td><td class="c">58</td><td class="c">End Reg</td></tr></tbody></table></td></tr></tbody></table>

If this helps ..:shake:

If the wind doesnt play a role and I know Houston runs the spread with a very mobile QB then the Cougars should rebound from last week because the talent gap just seems to crazy ......just not very cut and dry ..:cheers:

IS there a website that has that drive breakdown for every game? I've been doing that myself but it's crazy time consuming...
Early starts :

AFA @ Houston in Dallas - all depends on the weather for . I grabbed +3.5 for AFA in hopes the wind is blowin 30+ mph on the field if it doesnt wil get out of it as think Houston's offense will be just to much. The strong winds which according to the maps I printed would be blowing directly into an offensive face depending on who was going were although it will be the opposite for the opposing offense.

FAU @ Mich State : Spartans havent been crisp enough for me . Looks like they started kinda slow in each . FAU with Rusty Smith is a huge offensive upgrade from playing EMU. I hate talking teams who I dont think can win but this is one of those games I think has a great chance of be deciding by 14 pts . So I might take some +17.5 but also would be interested in FAU 1st H ...nothing strong just opinion

Navy @ Duke : Already on the Blue Devils -130 as I think they finally have the program making strides and Navy just not sure what to think of them. I dont think they are as good as last year and well Duke almost won at there house last year . Almost definetly on the over just hate that it was 46-43 last year . Last week Duke total was just 43 pts ......Think we see at least 28-24 game ...

ULL @ ILL : Only two ways I think you can play this and if you like the home chalk then take them 1st H . Cant see laying -26 hoping they play 4 quarters when they just allowed 14 4thq pts in a blowout and the defense has had issues against the run . Which could shorten there TOP along with the new rules. Could see a 42-21 final.....think Ill played pretty terrible last week to be honest and with Big Ten play on deck focus is an issue . The defense cant stop the run and we know ULL has a very good RB. Also though Juice had 2 picks on tehe 1st 3 drives and believe they had 4 or 5 turnovers ....EILL missed a FG one of two that game and had a TOD inside the ILL 10 in the 1st H a 13-7 game went to 40-17 in about 13 minutes...looking at taking ULL +26 but definely at +28

Cal @ Maryland : Just couldnt pass up +15 a few days ago. The early start could be a factor . Read somewhere the cal guys were getting up at 4:30 to prepare well do that for a week and see how your body feels ? Not sure how great an idea that is . So might go 1st H terps as well...Just think it will be alow scoring affair . Cal has not been the best road fav in recent years and well WSU just proved alot about last week @ Baylor . If Maryand can get to 21 points then I think I cover but still envision a 31-17 game worst case . I think we could see a close game which Mayland loses by 7-10 . terps must not turnover it over and continue the run ball. Look how terrible Cals pasing stats were last week and look what Griffin did that WSU offense and its easy to understand 66-3.....

UAB @ Tenn : Think Vols destroy this team . Going 1st H Vols -17 and probably over exect 35 pts by half 28-7 ? Worst case 28-3 ...Over 30.5 probably as well ...Time to prepare off a sloppy terrible road loss should equal blowout....

For some reason just like Iowa here . Sort of feel they are under the radar at the moment because they havent played anyone. Iowa State allowed 250yds rushing last week and only had 370yds of offense for a misleading Kent St blowout . It wasnt quite that easy.kent State had 20 1st down to 14 and Iowa State poor on 3rd down conversion....Iowa State had blocked punt and 2 fumble recoveries whichbecame 21 pts...Iowa's playing great defense is doing very well on the ground with near 500yds so far and after some losses in this rivalry think they get some nice payback.....while Ilike the over envisioning 35-14 or so Iowa TT is better IMO. last year Iowa's offense was aful and they were 17.5 favs on the road and dont see teh Cyclones traveling well in 07 . Now Iowa come homes with a better team and lasy les then 2TDs...

Thats as far as I got...leaning Nevada and over to a lesser degree , and have some CMU at -25 and Tulane +14 .....

:cheers:GL...thinking Duke ML and Tenny 1st H could be the strongest ....
IS there a website that has that drive breakdown for every game? I've been doing that myself but it's crazy time consuming...

Other then clicking on each game @
Yahoo Sports ...play by play or drive chart ...think most other sports have it like ESPN or CbsSportsline...dont know of any...:shake:
SN, I think Tennessee comes out with something to prove, but because Florida is on deck, I wouldn't be surprised to see Tennessee get conservative in the 2H. A 1H play is definitely the play here.
Read somewhere the cal guys were getting up at 4:30 to prepare well do that for a week and see how your body feels ?

No kidding - they'll be tired before they ever get on the plane.

AFA @ Houston in Dallas - all depends on the weather for . I grabbed +3.5 for AFA in hopes the wind is blowin 30+ mph on the field

Wind is currently at 8-10 mph from the NNW. It has picked up in the last half hour.
Thanks guys for all the help . Proved very worthwhile ...though I had to be somewhere in the morning and decided to just try and middle AFA and Houston but got the vig back by taking Houston 2nd H .......damn safety in the Iowa game basicall ruined a perfect start. Although had Tenny 1st H but came back with them in the 2nd H ...appreciated....