Oregon-Oklahoma "A Closer Look"


The Prodigy
I know everyone is sick of this game (and rightly so), but I feel that the reporting of this game has created gigantic misconceptions.

My report on the game:

Some of you guys are being completely ridiculus. have none of you EVER seen a game that was decided by some bad calls made by the officials? I mean seriously, the call was bad, but there were several calls jsut as bad against oregon in the game.


This picture clearly shows a Jonathan Stewart in possession of the ball in what turned out to be a game changing turnover in the 4th quarter. While replays have shown that the evidence is probably not indisputable, it is still a very questionable call to say the least.


This play is when the game is tied at 13 late in the third quarter right after the sooners got the ball after a (questionable) fumble by oregon deep in OU territory. All this can be plainly seen by the scoreboard at teh top of the screen. Also clearly seen is the game clock, which is at 0. The resulting playlong first down, when it should have been a new play on 3rd and 15. nobody's heard controversy about this one.


Two plays later, OU scores on a deep touchdwon. Also missed is a blatant push off by the OU reciever as seen above. This awards OU their second touchdown and thier first lead, giving them an undeserved advantage score wise and momentum wise into the 4th quarter. Yet again, no controversy.

Now in the 4th quarter, in a tied game and Oklahoma is deep into Oregon territory. The play is another 3rd and long, this time a handoff to Adrian Peterson where he appears to be stopped a yard or two before the line, yet the refs spot the ball 4th and an inch, allowing Stoops to go for it and get the Sooner's third td to make it 27-20. Still , nothing is reported here.

Overall, yes there were bad calls made earlier but to somehow pretend that Oregon got this game handed to them is ridiculus. Oregon dominated this game with 500 yards of total offense and a -4 TO margin, as well as actually making play after play at the end. The referees were COMPLETELY inept the entire game and had bad calls BOTH ways. Just because the ones against OU were at the end and replayed a zillion times on ESPN, doesnt make them any more egregious. Furthermore, there is no need to pretend that this is the first time refs have affected the outcome of a game, as it happens every week of college football. Yes the calls were bad, but the outrageous claims that oregon should forfeit (should OU forfeit the holiday bowl because bomar played ineligibly??) or that somehow oregon is to be blamed and punsihed by some sort of boycott of games at autzen stadium are terrible and people making them should be ashamed of themselves.
Enough of this fucking game bro. Those calls are minimal compared to the 2 blown calls. That ball was touched 2 yards short of going 10, and that ball was obviously tipped when they threw the PI. If i was an oregon fan id shut up and go to the next game and thank my lucky stars.
abcs--thelegend said:
Enough of this fucking game bro. Those calls are minimal compared to the 2 blown calls. That ball was touched 2 yards short of going 10, and that ball was obviously tipped when they threw the PI. If i was an oregon fan id shut up and go to the next game and thank my lucky stars.

Dont mean to be a dick but thats all i have heard on the radio for the past 3 days is about this game. Yes Oklahoma had a chance to stop them after that and yes they got a fg blocked but thats besides the point. Oregon should have never had the ball, the pac 10 officials should have not been doing that game and more importantly ORegon should have a loss on their record :smiley_acbe: But the game is in the past and lets move on and congratulate belotti on the way he has improved the ducks :cheers:
yes i know that this game has been way overblown and everyone is sick of it. But I am too frustrated with the incredible mudslinging directed at oregon. I also disagree that the calls that handed oklahoma 2 touchdowns are "minimal" in comparison to the one that gave oregon a shot to score one. Sorry, but that is incorrect.
I am non partisan and could care less who won, you have a Big Green helmet as your avatar. So are you saying they should go back and review a questionable push off now on a touchdown? Give me a break man! Theres a huge dif in that play and a complete blatant miss and lie by the review judge.
I am not saying anything about going back and reviewing anything. I am just trying to show people that there were bad calls on both sides the entire game. Mostly this thread was a respones to the refusal of the media to show or talk about any other part of the game as well as me bign frustrated with teh other thread on the board that has accusations of Oregon "paying the refs" or refs betting on the game, and the suggestions teams schould boycott going to Autzen stadium as if this is somehows Oregon's fault
Well the ref said there was conclusive evidence.. which was a lie
then he says they didnt have a video feed in the booth .. which was a lie..

The guy was full of it. No pac 10 officials should have done that game. And if you had gotten jobbed like that in Norman by a big 12 crew you would be just as pissed as the OU fans.

I gotta say I am impressed as hell with you not only bringing up other problems with officiating but video proof. Job well done!
Yes but the reaction by Stoops and even more so the president of the university is ridiculous. They are getting ridiculed by almost every major news outlet across the country for whining so damn much. They wanted the refs suspended for a year, they now are going to cancle there game with Washington because they'll be using Pac officials etc..

What's funny is the replay official didn't have all the angles of ABC and that was the reason the call was blown.

Move the fuck on and understand that you alos lost the game because you gave up 14 points in 1 minute and had a 44 yard FG blocked.

Shit happens like the ref blowing the play dead vs UAB when it was clear the OU punt returner fumbled the ball and UAB probably would've scored on the play or had the ball on the 5 yard line. That play had a huge impact on the game as OU could've easily lost.

Move on OU you actually have a much better football team then I thought (on offense especially knew the defense was overrated) and are going to give Texas everything they can handle in October.
Was it a blown call? Yes! Did it lose the game? Hell No! If you think it did then you must also think the REFS blocked OU's game winning FG attempt or that the REFS gave up OU's 13 point lead with only 5 minutes left to play! Hell, you must also think the REFS gave up over 500 yards of offense to Oregon!

The bottom line, there is human error in everything, especially sports! Trust me, Stoops and his teams have also been on the receiving end of some of those calls in the past! Shit happens!

And here's your "closer look"
Total offense
Oregon 512 yards (6.5 avg/play)
OU 403 yards (5.3 avg/play)

Total turnovers
Oregon 3
OU 1

Looks to me like Oregon overcame some adversity (turnovers) and still out-played OU (avg/play and total yards). This is usually a good formula for success (wins)!
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<------------------ This is me taking the high road in this thread.
Dont mean to be a dick but thats all i have heard on the radio for the past 3 days is about this game. Yes Oklahoma had a chance to stop them after that and yes they got a fg blocked but thats besides the point. Oregon should have never had the ball, the pac 10 officials should have not been doing that game and more importantly ORegon should have a loss on their record :smiley_acbe: But the game is in the past and lets move on and congratulate belotti on the way he has improved the ducks :cheers:

I disagree with abcs. The refs incorrectly ruling the fumble by Oregon in the Oklahoma red zone is just as big as the blown onside recovery at the end (only difference is, the blown onside recovery came at the END of the game). Both resulted in a turnover, so to speak. Oregon was running all over the Sooners until that turnover occurred.

Great job critiquing the refs, RSMS. They were awful all around this game.
I only saw the last 4 minutes of the game, so you can imagine my opinion.

Can we please let this go? No more bumping? It's fucking obnoxious, nothing will change about last week, and nothing anyone says about how 'the refs were bad all game' will change the fact that in his explanation, the referee in his post-review explanation actually SAID the ducks touched the ball first and it was in fact Oregon ball. I even started cheering at the beginning of the explanatin because, golly, how could it go wrong?

I will never be able to rectify in my mind that the fucker had the correct information and made the incorrect call.

He knew it. It would be the same as if the in the 5th down Colorado game if the Ref said, "Colorado has just completed 4th down and failed to get a first. 4th down Colorado" which, as I understand it, the event didn't quite happen that way. Those refs just couldn't reliably count to 3.

This one knew the reality and still blew the call. Now I'm not saying his wife and kids deserve to have their lives threatened. Not saying that at all. .......but *his* life being threatened? That I understand. For God's sake, don't let this guy breed again...

And no, I don't equate that with the run of the mill bad calls (or judgement calls that go against me). This guy may very well be the most inept ref in the Pac 10, and that's fine...but this particular call was its own bad animal - just like 5th down was.

The subsequent PI call was a normal judgment call. I don't like losing those, but I recognize that it happens...no big deal. But that onside kick call was a travesty, and that ref needs to be keelhauled on the most barnacle laden schooner we can find.

I appreciate all the work you put into this explanation, but it doesn't change the significance what the ref said and then did. It was as if Mike Patrick was making the call...course then it would have been "SEATTLE BALL!"

anyway, I won't be re-opening this thread (it only upsets me and that's useless), so feel free to tell me how wrong I am, but don't be surprised when I don't reply.
Now Bobby Knight makes a statement.

OKLAHOMA CITY -- Texas Tech basketball coach Bob Knight, whose Red Raiders lost to Oklahoma on a controversial call three years ago, said he knows how fans feel about wanting a forfeit after OU's loss to Oregon on Saturday.

Knight called for Oklahoma to forfeit its basketball game with Tech on Jan. 20, 2003, when the Sooners won 69-64 in overtime at Norman after two clock controversies in the final seconds of regulation. Video replay later showed the game clock started late after OU in-bounded the ball on the game-tying drive.

"Maybe now those people at Oklahoma understand what I was talking about," Knight told The Oklahoman.

"Had Oklahoma forfeited that game against us like I suggested, they would have gotten far more positive publicity out of that than if they had gone to the Final Four that year. Now I guess the 'duck' is swimming in the other pond."

Oregon scored two touchdowns late to beat Oklahoma 34-33, including the game-winner that came after the Ducks recovered an onside kick. Video replay showed Oregon touched the ball before it went the required 10 yards, but the replay official did not overturn the call.

The replay official, Gordon Riese, who was suspended by the Pac-10 for one game, requested a leave of absence for the remainder of the season, the league announced Wednesday.
abcs--thelegend said:
Well the ref said there was conclusive evidence.. which was a lie
then he says they didnt have a video feed in the booth .. which was a lie..

The guy was full of it. No pac 10 officials should have done that game. And if you had gotten jobbed like that in Norman by a big 12 crew you would be just as pissed as the OU fans.

kind of how UAB got, how'd you put the UO/OU game..."jobbed" by the officials when OU fumbled the ball on a punt return in the last 6 mins of a tie ball game. that was a bad call to IMO.

lets face it, the pot (oklahoma) is calling the kettle (PAC 10 officals) black here.
Try living near norman and having to listen to this all week, its past old. But I want to give my two cents as well. First ou got screwed twice at the end of the game, and it can be argued that it cost them the game. We all know they would have taken a knee and it would have been ballgame. But having said that, any of us that played sports have been burned by bad calls. You still have to finish the game and move on. Ou still left the receiver wide open to score. I could go on, the ou defense which is overrated to put it nicely could have intercepted the first pass of the game, which oregon later scored on what appeared to be offensive pass interference. They still are having trouble tackling. They settled for 4 field goals and most puzzling to me that I havent read, why were they running a play toward the sideline with less than 4 mins to go when they had been running at will up the middle? Peterson went out of bounds and stopped the clock??? Give me a break... Terrible play calling.. Bottom line, ou is on the bad side of blown calls at the end but they screwed away other chances through out the game. I felt bad for them til their prez comes out and says he wants the game voided? I bet the royals would like game 6 in 85 voided too. What a joke! Stoops has done well and been pc about this deal but ou cant have it both ways. You have a controversional early whistle in the uab game with big 12 officials? Any non conference game played should not have either teams officials. I could go on but this horse can only be killed once.. Ou is gonna lose a couple more regular season games so this game wont cost them a bcs bowl anyway.