Opening Day ?


Breaking it down briefly
Opening Day ACT II

Call it whatever you want but for me I am excited its here but also know this will hurt both teams come the start of April.

Let me start by saying you guys see how much time iput into HOOPS both the NBA and NCAAB so realize while this is my favorite sport and some say my best I havent really thought about baseball since OCTOBER ! Huge Yankee fan as most know but more of the eductaed MLB fan who respects all teams and organizations that means I dont hate on Boston OR theMets like most NYers.

Anyway here is what I think. Use it as YOU see fit .

Dice-K and Blanton:
What I know about Dice K is he is so much like Mike Mussina in that he is a creature of HABIT. These guys believe STRONGLY in there routines and when there routines are disrupted thats the FIRST thing you here out of there mouth. I mention this for two reasons. First having an earlier start to the season disrupts your routine as you must start throwing earlier and be ready in a short , quicker period of time. Second is Dice-K had his unborn child and I hate to phrase it like this but hanging over his head all spring. Most assumed he would not make the trip to Japan because of it. So you have to wonder where he is at mentally and how prepared he is. I understand the hoolpa surrounding his return HOME but if you take away the names on there jerseys Joe Blanton probably has pitched slightily better then Dice K. Naturally Dice K is more taleneted and regarded higher ( and should be) but to this point his hype has outweighed his production. Last year Dice K started somewhat slow in April and May and yo can say it was because of a few things BUT he still has a chance of being a SP who is slow out of the gates. Blanton did not pitch well on the road last season by any means and went from real solid in the 1st H to pretty bad in the 2nd H and finished with an above average season.

“For a while I wasn’t sure that I was going to be able to make the trip,” Matsuzaka said, “but everything worked out well and I’m glad to be here and, most especially, glad to be able to pitch in person, live in front of all the Japanese fans.”

Concerns :
-Both teams are dealing with jetlag but OAK has the shorter flight and therefore a better chance of overcoming it quicker. Oak won 4-3 but then 10-2 showing some pop in there bats. I think both BOS games were a little closer and Sox aging vet roster might struggle more then the younger players OAK has with jetlag. Bos won 6-5 and 9-2..

-You cannot convince me BOS wants to be here. Just like the Yankees in 2004. The elite teams dont want to be forced to do this and the teams like OAK embrace a rare chance at the spotlight IMO. If I recall correctly both JAPAN SERIES started with the UNDERDOG winning. Seem to think da Cubbie hit a GRAND SLAM in XTRA INNINGS to win in 2000 and I believe Mussina got battered around vs TB in 2004 but honestly I could be wrong. To me this LEVELS the playing field and even the NYG struggled faced the DOLPHINS in LONDON this year.

-Blanton to me is in the better situation outside of his last start of 2007 he pitched very well vs Boston in the past. Over 4 starts 27.2 innings 21 hit and 5 runs. The guy who kills him is Manny Ramirez but check Mannys stats last 3 Aprils and ask yourself if you think he will look like the real Manny today?? Blanton has pitched well in 05 and 07 and I assume that is the SP who he is not the 06 version. Anyway both years his April numbers were very solid if yo check them and like that he does well keeping LHB in the park allowing just 10hrs to them in those season total. His last spring outing 6 scoreless inning vs da Cubbies (ss).

- Dice K on the other hand the creature of habit has had his Spring Training altered. Even Francona says he is basically on a 90 pitch limit maybe a few more. If you have seen Dice K when he is off slightily its his command and he throws alot of pitches. You probably wont see DiceK get past the 5th and wouldnt expect to see him out there in the 6th. Also all eyes are on Dice K how does he respond? Also Dice K had just Spring Innings to work with . Of course he pitched in some intrasquad or minor league games but 12 innings is real LOW. With BOS pen Okajama is OVERHYPED IMO. He started real good but had a few bumps late and hasnt been overly impressive this spring. Not saying he isnt good just not automatic in my eyes. Papelbon basically is and DelCarmen is real good . After that your dealing with medciore arms IMO with Timlin out so there could be a window where you see some of the weaker links in BOS pen. Also Dice K was HR prone and Blanton has not been a big plus in a small park ..

Still, nerves can be a factor....

“It’s human nature in a big game to be nervous,” Lowell said. “You can be nervous and confident. But this ice in your veins, man of steel, I don’t believe it. No one’s this robot, not Dice-K, not anyone.”

-Ellsbury , Pedroia and Lowell have not had great springs . Manny , Ortiz , and Lugo havent done much but Ortiz finally went deep upon arriving to Japan. Youk and Varitek have raked so far and Drew lately as well.

-OAK lineup I dont think lost much at all in the offseason but Chavez out hurts clearly. Emil Brown can probbaly out play Shannon Stewart at this point , Buck has upside is an upgrade over Kotsay , Swisher DID ALMOST nothing after MAY last year. Gimme Cust instead with Sweeney an dupgrade from Mike Piazza. Its just that the replacemnets must continue to prove themselves. Having Barton at 1st all year is an upgrade . Ellis is off probably his best season , hopefully Crosby is back to form and he has been okay this Spring but IMO cant be any worse then last 2 years. CF is still unsettled and the question mark IMO. With Suzuki at the dish almost anything is an offensive upgrade over Kendall and Suzuki came up with a defensive reputation.Not crazy about OAKS pen at this point. Street and Embree are as solid as Bos tandem but Foulke is behind after a year off and is a concern. DiNardo had a good spring after being extremely effective as reliever late last year. The rest questions but Blanton has a better chance of going deper in the gme IMO.

-Fade the World Series Champ in the opener? Always a good idea as expectations tend to be unrealistic.

BOTTOMLINE: Francona himself said they are trying to find a mix of competitive spirit along with getting ready for the season. To me that means the goal is to get better , April readyand winning is nice but not as important in this scenario. Its a glorifed exhibition with BOS having more to lose then OAK since the A's arent expected to contend. On offense Mannys slow starts past 3 seasons would concen me since he is usualy in the middle of every rally. Dice K how prepared is he for this game? How distratced is he? Oak wants to win because it the WS champs . They have the younger and hungrier team IMO along with better SP at the moment.

Dont see a decisive edge for BOS outside of the proven lineup. However they face the beter SP at the moment as Dice K never pitched 5 full innings this spring in a ML game.

PLAY: OAK +140 {1unit} also like them +1.5 but my book is now closed and would have plyed it along with a stronger play on OAK but cant...:cheers:

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good writeup SN but good health.

just to let you know emil brown will have the job since shannon stewart is starting for the Jays this year. he signed a minor league contract then they cut reed johnson yesterday or two days ago allowing stewart to fill the void.
Thanks guys. been thinking bout this game all day and liked OAK all along. Just couldnt put it down at any point today and dint get home till about midnight...

Lets see how it pans out. Its one game but I sort of LOVE the A's here. I simply suspect Dice K is not ML ready and will be okay but scuffle and not get past the 5th leaving an interesting window of opportunity in innings 1 thru 5 , 6 and 8 if Okajama gets the call.. Blanton can 6 maybe 7 and the question is mostly who finishes the 7th inning , fine with Embree and Street to finish it.

Motivation is huge here and ike I said believe both times in Japan the dog opened up with a WIN. Funny thing is I checked the Boston Herald and even they expect a split. Harden = TALENT= OVERHYPED. Plus facing a LH but me a negative for OAK atthis point.

GL all:cheers:Thanks BAR and VK...
good writeup SN but good health.

just to let you know emil brown will have the job since shannon stewart is starting for the Jays this year. he signed a minor league contract then they cut reed johnson yesterday or two days ago allowing stewart to fill the void.

Thanks Renew. I was comparing him to Stewart knowing Stewart was NOT in OAKLAND anymore. As if to say Emil Brown can out produce Stewarts solid 2007 numbers. Brown a MUCH better OF and a guy who I think can duplicate his 06 success which would make him better then Stewart..Was trying to show that the hitters OAK lost vs the replacement arent really losses its Haren who really hurts IMO:cheers:BOL
damn. dude tried to stretch 2 into 3 or you would've probably won. sucks that you couldn't get that RL in. Oak looked like the right play but the Sox have just got a knack.
Thanks Panos , Unicorn and Tide . Good game and one would expect that Street facing the 5-6-7 portion gets it done. Funny how fate works ? Drew is a late scratch and Moss is the sparkplug with a go ahead RBIsingle and game tying HR. Same scenario with the Pistons as Ripis OUT and Stuckey plays his best game of the year.

This might sound silly but there is no doubt Boston is the better team so why get mad because the better team found a way to win ? To me thats whats supposed to happen. I am much more pissed my book took it OTB and I couldnt BET it like I wanted to , thats frustrating.

I had the way the game would play out down but OAK still needed to execute and they wasted so many chances in the 1st 3 innings. Dice K didnt have command and lasted 95 pitches and 5 innings . Blanton was real solid for 5 innings but again comes down to the manager managing his bullpen like I said in ReNew's thread yesterday. With Blanton around 90 pitches (the cutoff for most starters at this point) going through his 1st tough inning having thrown about 25 pitches , with a LHB in Moss coming up , in a tie game , why didnt he go to a lefty but then pull him to face Varitek?? Clearly Blanton was gassed and it was a no-brainer by then. I know Varitek is much tougher from the LH side but the smart move was to get Moss LHB vs a LHP. If you look at Moss splits in limited time the kid really only faced RHP just 4 abs vs LH. So that should tell you they dont have much confidence in him facing LHP yet and he hasnt seen many major league lefties.

Clearly the 3rd base coaching waving home Barton was foolish. One would think that a base hit to the OF ties the game up but also that Boston on a groundball or flyball would concede the runner on 3rd scoring because it didnt matter in a 2 run game withwhat would be 2outs. Naturally Papelbon was off and gave up back to back singles after the double but Suzuki on a 2-0 pitch hit a straight down the middle fastball weakly to 1st base...Just a terrible move and you never risk an OUT in that spot but Emil Brown as well should have been more cautious. Not sure if they had Barton at the plate and maybe thats why he went but aggression killed a rally for no reason.

Street both times allowed the big hits with 2 strikes. He had Moss 2-2 and and Manny 0-2 but didnt put them away. DiNardo has been so good out of the pen even the possibilty of pulling Street for him to face Ortiz should have been thought about. Then you gamble and walk Manny to face Moss even if it loads the bases IMO.

In the end exciting game just disappointed I could read it so well and not make money off it. Just seemed to be my theme on Monday wasnt home most of the night and couldnt hedge out of some NBA plays and damn book teased me keeping the game up and then suddenly pulled it. If you go to CapperNumerTwo's thread you will see I had the total down as well expecting a 3-1 game after 5 innings liking the 1st H under and then saying the last 4 innings will see the game go over. I said the KEY was the 6th inning and 5 RUNS were scored in that frame....

Nice to be on the right track but the only thing that matters is if you win NOT if you cap it well. Because just 1 moment can decide the outcome even if you have it 98% down..

I guess I should have played OAK 1st 5 innings because alot of it had to do with better SP for Oak in the game. I think I owuld have hit every bet I thought about yesterday of course OAK ML ....1st inning score YES , Under 29.5 RHE , Oak 1st 5 inn , Under 1st 5 inn , Over 9.5 ...I even knew OAK -1.5 RL wouldnt hit yesterday....

Oh well another day.....moving alone...just venting...:cheers:
Watching the game and seeing A's leaving so many on base in the first how many 3 innings, I was getting the feeling that Boston would score enough runs later on to win. But i think A's still could have won if Brown had stayed on 2nd base...

Anyway, as you said, moving on...:cheers:
I got up to watch the first couple of innings and Dice-K looked AWFUL so I stopped watching right when I saw Moss instead of Drew come to bat. Oak really should've put up some more runs then and they did everything right being patient and letting Dice-K continue to make mistakes. I really thought it was going to be over then and didn't watch the rest. Bad luck with that. Only the first game of the year so plenty of time to make some cash.

Sucks that it was a managerial mistake that cost Blanton and the A's.. can't believe some of these guys nowadays.

thanks for the recap of some key moments of the game.
Yeah Fondy it did. GL tonite.

Panos , agree when the inferior team has opps it must take advanatge of them. GL

Thanks ReNew. Boston did what good teams do and they didnt beat themselves and made plays when they need to. No worries like you said Game 1
That sucked I agree, I was in class while it happened but saw the highlights. Luckily I grabbed the RL too
Game 2 Lester vs Harden

Without accurate info we have to guess abit. Like does Drew start or sit? I think he may sit well cause Moss was the HERO and if you aggravate a back issue do you want your guy to fly 17 hours ??? The other guessing game is CF and DH for OAK. I would assume Cust takes a seat after an 0-4 with 4Ks and a LHP starting and gives way to Mike Sweeney . Thats a huge plus to me. Would think that LHB Ryan Sweeney takes a seat and gives way to Chris Denorfia a RHB who battled eachother this spring for the starting gig.

Today we have Hunter Wendelstedt behind the plate. I think he tends to have a tighter zone and leans towards an over UMP. Last year you might not think so but his numbers shake like this totals set at 9.5 runs or higher he was 9-5 OVER but when it was set at 9 or lower just 5-14 OVER. So basically he had alot of lower totals which tends to mean he alot of good SP matchups. The previous yr 10.34runs per game. Little different because he was 3-8 OVER when the total was 9.5 but 8-1 OVER when it was 10 + . Dont like to go back much more then 2 years for UMPS. The numbers tend to remain the same the higher the totals the more OVERS he produces..291 and296 pitches per game

Will Boston bring back Papelbon after such a rough outing ?? 23 pitches?

We know Houston Street will be getting the day off but seeing that Geren went 2 innings with him I see no reason why Embree doesnt comeback tonight since he had just 15 pitches. I would assume he is the closer. Foulke seemed okay and he might be available as well with 17 pitches but less certain because he didnt get much work in spring . The rest of the pen is DiNardo and is Eveland available from the LH side (thought I saw him warming but who knows) and Casilla from the RH. Would not expect to see Brown (ill) Braden (long man) or Hernandez ( Rule 5) . Unless its ugly.

The Sox didnt use DelCarmen and everyone should be available with Okajima and Papelbon the slightily questionable ones ( More Pap) . If pap cant go then you save Okajima or DelCarmen for late in the game rolling teh dice with middle relief and long relief if needed.

I think Rich Harden is well documented . As of today he is healthy and went 5 then 6 innings in his last spring starts. I expect him to get 6 innings today as Blanton almost did yesterday. Clearly it depends on pitch count and would assume he gets 90-95 today. I also wont be suprised to see him out there in the 7th if he is cruising. Hardens stuff is electric. By the time he got injured in 2005 he was fast becoming one of the toughest SPs in the AL with a 2.53 ERA and 1.06 WHIP. The past 2 years have been injury after injury . Last year in APRIL 19 inn 3 runs 6 bbs and 20KS. For his career April has been solid.
6-3 15 starts 92.1 innings 76 hits 33 er 6hr 36 bb 92K 3.22ERA 1.21WHIP .228BAA LHB career 233 BAA and RHB 219BAA. In previous seasons Harden has gone 7 and 8 innings in his 2nd start so I think his chances are strong to go 7 if he is pitching well.

His issues against BOS are documented but just 2 starts way back when with a guy NOTORIOUS for pitching hurt so I cant weigh them heavily.

Lester is making the team for the 1st time out of spring and after the cancer battle. He did not look as sharp as Harden had of late. Similiar to the situation we had last evening. Also we dont know how Jon Lester starts a season? Is he a slow starter who needs extra work? We dont know. One thing is Lesters numbers are medicore to date in the bigs. ERA in the 4.7 range and WHIP around 1.60. Stil he is regarded fairly highly . We know the A's preach patience and taking BBs well Lester has allowed 74 in 144 innings nearly 5 per 9 . Lester had one good spring outing vs the Mets with 4 scoreless innings but followed that up with 4 shaky innings and he couldnt even go the 5 innings they scheduled him to. I am NOT sure has gotten to about 80 pitches didnt even get to the 5th in Spring Training. His tuneup was vs a Double A team which he looked great against but he should. 5 shutout innings of 1 hit ball but only 58 pitches. To me that was a mistake by Boston . Which is basically saying like Dice K his command isnt sharp but he isnt the same quality SP as DiceK either. Last year Lester allowed LHB to hit 397 and they have hit 309 against him in his short ML career. He is also prone to allowing Hrs ( small park). He also did NOT travel with the team and could still be adjusting from jetlag arriving Saturday afternoon. Harden said ittook a few days but now he is okay.

There is some talk that OAK's lineup wont hit LH well and I too thought that on the surface but think they should do better then avg.

T.Buck (LHB) 323vs LHB
Ellis . 313
Barton (LHB) .296 great eye
Sweeney .301
Brown .317
Crosby in 2005 .314 last year fully healthy
Hannahan (LHB).400 14/35 (swinging good in Japan)
Suzuki .151terrible
Denaforia near .300

Not great but certainly not an overwhelming concern and they hit Lester last year. As were 24-22 vs LHP and 52-64 vs RHP.

With Boston you have Pedroia & Youk at the top who hit RHB fairly well but this is Rich Harden. Ortiz has not looked good to date and his only HR was here in Japan. Manny was solid last nite but as I said typically not a fast starter and only 279vs RHP. Lowell who while he hit RHP well also hit just 276 away from Fenway with a 767 OPS( .373 at home with a 993 OPS). Moss or Drew ?? A young kid facing Harden OR a guy with a bad back trying to hit him? Varitek just 250 vs RHB and was 0 for 4 with 3 Ks. Ellsbury the stud youngster has not hit well this spring and went 1/4 but 32/90 last year ( he is the key IMO) and Lugo who doesnt hit RHP all that well 241( only . 190 away). Bos numbers fall off drastically on the road with just 4 regs hitting above 280 .

Basically I think last night we all agree OAK had many opportunities to win that game. From not stretching that early 2-0 lead to 4 ,5 or 6 , from Geren leaving Blanton in to long to give up the lead, to Street blwoing the lead inthe 9th , to the xtra inning gaffes.

Now you clearly have an edge with OAK SP . I think OAK should have alot of confidence after rallying against Papelbon and almsot defeating DiceK. Today they get lesser tests. I think OAK can again score 5 runs and probably more. Mostly because the pens are huge question marks. Facing Bos middle relief corps could be productive again. Watching OAK trying to secure a lead as well but be interesting. I like Harden because he is a fierce competitor and wants this badly. I believe that. Lester is a youngsterwho is not established who seemingly didnt break camp with his command. On paper and watching the last atbats for OAK they should be swinging the bats better today. Cust really killed them with the golden sombrero. Buck needs to get on base. Barton was excellent working teh count and drawing 3 walks. Emil Brown had a good hack for a double vs Papelbon , Crosby swung well with 2 hits , Hannahan really impressed me going deep and then taking Papelbon to LF bewteen SS and 3rd. Suzuki didnt look good and Denorfia didnt play. I think Blanton showed that good pitching could keep this BOS lineup in check. Hopefully BOS sort of letsdown knowing they secured a win. Basically wehave to jump on them early and keep them from being in a spot where they can win the game or tie it. This park is really tiny , indoors , and we have the DH but we are only seeing 9.5 totals I had expected bigger numbers...its like Philly with turf and having the pitchers working into shape....

OAK Even 1st 5 INN {2u}
OAK Even Full game {1u}
Over 9.5 runs {1.25u}

Good Luck all.Think its bedtime . Tried to wait to see what the lineups were gonna be but cant find them yet .

Oak 5 runs or better...:cheers:
You never want to see that much talent get wasted. Hopefully he can make it through a season and he was even better then I had anticipated . Now I think its time to see how Boston bounces back from this trip. They are getting fucked by the schedule. Now dothey have return home to Fla and then go back to the West Coast for the LAD and OAK opener? Or do they gostraight to LA? Still rough regardless and furtheradjustment needed. Then going to Tor and then Boston. After this openiong series and probably even in it I think BOSTON is gonna be a great fade. Especially with SP concerns. :shake:
I am almost positive they go home to Boston, then to LA. WRONG!!!
They fly direct to LA on the 27th.

February 28 - Split squad game versus Boston College and Northeastern University
March 20 - Travel day to Japan
March 21 - Workout at Tokyo Dome
March 22 - Exhbition game versus Nippon Professional Baseball
March 23 - Exhbition game versus Nippon Professional Baseball
March 27 - Travel day to Los Angeles

<!--split squad cell-->
I am almost positive they go home to Boston, then to LA. WRONG!!!
They fly direct to LA on the 27th.

February 28 - Split squad game versus Boston College and Northeastern University
March 20 - Travel day to Japan
March 21 - Workout at Tokyo Dome
March 22 - Exhbition game versus Nippon Professional Baseball
March 23 - Exhbition game versus Nippon Professional Baseball
March 27 - Travel day to Los Angeles

<!--split squad cell-->

Thanks EStreet . Appreciate the help. I was thinking it made no sense to fly back to FLA where they had left from but hey ya never know unless you ask. So basically Florida to Japan to the West Coast which is a time zone adjustment out to Canada back to Boston (isntthat 4 time zones??) .

With there SP issues and reputation not to mention World Series Champs I will paying close to attention to fading them possibly the entire time I mentioned but certainly once they get to Canada and back to Boston. Especially since they should face some good SP and teams with DET and NYY at home before short trips to Cle and NY. After that spell I think will start to get back to normal . Looking to fade them all the way , this trip will really hurt them and I know it had a lasting effect on my Yanks back in 2004. The schedule was much more favorable to the Yanks back then (they went back to TB to open the season but also there ST home before returning to NY this is much worse ) and they still managed to start 8-11 before they played back to back series at home and seemed to get on a roll and win some games. Oh and NYY finished 101-61 that season.

In that span after Japan the Yanks played 17 games and scored 5 runs twice and better then 5 runs twice the rest were 4 or less ( 13 games of the 17). Only 62 runs in that entire span . The pitching wasnt terrible bit it wasnt good either allowing 5 runs twice and better then 5 runs 6 times ( so 9 times 4runs or less) .

Was it more then say coicidence that Jeter hit .168 that April ?? Since then his Aprils have been .344 , .398 and .344. Posada hit 256 through his 1st 13 games .Matsui was .214 1hr 5 rbis through 13 games Arod was around 160 in this span. Just would think the hitters are more adversely afected as your reactions have to be more sluggish.

After Bos swept them leaving them 8-11 they basically had Jeter , Bernie Giambi , Sierra and one half of the 2nd base platoon Enrique WIlson below 200( cairo played sparingly early 3/10?). ARod , Sheff and Matsui were around 260. Posada had gotten to 280. Arod usually a quick starter had just 4hrs and 7 rbi when the calendar turned to May. Since 9 hr 27 rbi , 5 hr 17 rbi and 14 hr 34 rbi. Granted it was his first month in Pinstripes and at 3B but still .

The pitching was largely uneffected outside of Mike Mussina who as I said all about his routines so those type SP will struggle as will the gusy who maybe rushed through ST and didnt get enough work in.

The problem is BOS pitching has some injuries and I will say the bullpen should be okay with Timlin returning and if Aardsma can be consistent . The Corey , Lopez and Tavarez trio I expect to be inconcistent but not terrible.

So basically alot of fading BOS especially after the series in OAK becaus ethey will have had some time in CALI to adjust . As well as low scoring games....



And thanks for that first 5 play on harden. seems like alot of CTG had faith Harden was gonna get it done and you all helped stop the bleeding from last nights spurs game.
It was nice waking up to the score.

hey nice job SportsNut! Great writeup on the opening series. I had the A's both games because I think Boston is overrated. Nice to win game 2 comfortably after having game 1 stolen from us...

I will also be fading Boston for the first few weeks in the states.

Thanks Condor & Cap. I hate this now I am itchy for baseball to start. Real interested to see how the Sox 1st two weeks go . GL guys !:shake:
hey sportsnut, you have any thoughts on Atl vs Wsh or any of monday's games?

I like hudson and the braves even at -150. Atlanta has a strong lineup against Perez who had a 5+ ERA last year. Washington does look to have a better bullpen from last year based on what i've seen in spring training.

For monday my early leans are:
angels against twins @ -140
weaver vs hernandez

astros against padres @ +145
oswalt vs peavy

rangers against mariners @ +180
millwood vs bedard

I would love to know what you think!
hey sportsnut, you have any thoughts on Atl vs Wsh or any of monday's games?

I like hudson and the braves even at -150. Atlanta has a strong lineup against Perez who had a 5+ ERA last year. Washington does look to have a better bullpen from last year based on what i've seen in spring training.

For monday my early leans are:
angels against twins @ -140
weaver vs hernandez

astros against padres @ +145
oswalt vs peavy

rangers against mariners @ +180
millwood vs bedard

I would love to know what you think!

Didnt see much Spring Ball at all this year. One thing Perez is I have to toss out his time in the AL especially being in the Central because some of those teams smoked LH and well it didnt help being on the worst team either. Not saying he is the same guy who left LAD but from 03 to 06 - 1.28 , 1.14 , 1.26 .267 ,250,262

From what I have read he finished strong last 2 spring outings going 6 in both vs Houston and STL what should be two solid lineups. Like you said the PEN is really strong. I havent looked at every pen but this one is about as strong as you get especially with Hanrahan exceling as a reliever. You have Colome , Rivera , Ayala , Rauch and Cordero. All guys with good track records who seemed to be throwing well in Spring. So no holes at the moment.

<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR class=ysprow2 align=right><TD class=yspscores align=left height=16>April05</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16></TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>5</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>5</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>4</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>1</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>0</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>0</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>0</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>29.2</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>24</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>13</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>12</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>1</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>8</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>18</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>3.64</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>1.08</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>.222</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR class=ysprow2 align=right><TD class=yspscores align=left height=16>April04</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16></TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>5</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>5</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>2</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>1</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>0</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>0</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>0</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>31.2</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>32</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>13</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>13</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>4</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>10</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>29</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>3.69</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>1.33</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>.258</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR class=ysprow2 align=right><TD class=yspscores align=left height=16>April03</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16></TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>5</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>5</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>1</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>1</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>0</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>0</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>0</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>35.0</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>32</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>12</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>11</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>2</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>8</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>28</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>2.83</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>1.14</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>.244</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR class=ysprow2 align=right><TD class=yspscores align=left height=16>April02</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16></TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>5</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>5</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>3</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>1</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>0</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>2</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>1</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>38.1</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>20</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>7</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>7</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>2</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>3</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>25</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>1.64</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>0.60</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>.154</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

Clearly this is not 2002 through 2005 and he isnt pitching at Dodger Stadium. However his outings so far suggest he is throwing well and I dont believe WASH would send someone out there to embarrass them on this special occassion. If you look athis last few years he has good numbers when no runners are on base but falls to pieces when gusy get on. Something a return to the NL could help because of the weaker 8 hitters and pitchers batting 9. They kill alot of rallies.

Most of the At-bats ATL has vs Perez are from the past few seasons. The guess is he is better then that "guy" was.

I think ATL pen has alot to prove. Alot of guys who never started on Opening Day Rosters let alone christened a stadium before. All there guys have nice numbers in mostly limited work. A guy like Moylan really needs to do it again before I get impressed. So in this series feel WASH has a real nice edge there.

While WASH lineup is better I think it will use 6 RHB which plays into Hudson strength. Hudson last year came out of ST off a dismal season simply throwing better then he had in awhile and it carried over. This year the numbers look good but I question how good when he couldnt strikeout more then 8 guys in about 19 innings. I could be reading to much into it but I think last year he was making guys miss in Spring with his splitter. So his lack of Ks could seem laughable to a guy saying he is a groundball pitcher but the truth is you still need to make guys swing and miss. When they dont 98% of the time it speaks volumes about your crispness IMO.

Nationals Park is 335 feet down the right field line, 370 in right-center, 402 in center, 377 in left-center and 336 down the left-field line. RFK’s posted dimensions were 335-380-410-380-335, although players doubted whether the measurements to the power alleys were accurate.
In the only game played at the new ballpark so far—a college game between George Washington and St. Joseph’s last weekend—aluminum bats failed to produce a home run. If Friday night’s practice is any indication, the two unsightly parking garages beyond left field could produce a wind tunnel effect that right-handed hitters won’t love.
“It’s not going to be a bandbox,” general manager Jim Bowden said. “It’s not going to be a hitter’s park like Philadelphia or Cincinnati. It’s not going to be a pitcher’s park like RFK. I think it’s going to be a balanced park that leans toward the pitchers. I don’t think any of us are going to know for sure until we actually play ball there.”

Bottomline is the play that interests me the most is the under. I think we have a very good SP ( Hudson) and a guy who is throwing good to date (Perez). We have an excellent pen and a pen with great upside. We have 2 SP who could go 6 innings. You have the 1st game at nite in March....going to be breezy at best. Alot of young guys who might take a bit of time to adjust to the situation of opening nite and a new park but 2 veteran SP. Wash only sends 2 LH at Hudson . Perez gets to face a bunch of guys who havent seen him much and a few ATL guys didnt hit much this spring. Its terrible to look at Spring stats but ATL did manage just more then 4 runs only 3 times past 13 games. Only 18 Hrs in 31 games. On the flip ATL hit really well on the road last year and vs LHP. However Kotsay did struggle vs LH and Johnson saw dramatic decrease in power. Alot of the ATL vets had slow springs. Wash scored 3 or less in 8 of 10 , 12 of 14 and 16 of 20 to finish ST. Clearly you dont want to make to much of Spring STATS but like anything they have there place as a tool. Neither team appears to be swinging well or in reg season mode.

Havent looked at Monday yet....for a side not real interested in laying -160 with ATL unless maybe it was first 5 innings......:shake:
<TABLE class=s_playerNewsTable id=Table1 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=487 border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=s_playerNewsTitle style="BACKGROUND: #0f437c" width=430><TABLE class=s_playerNewsTitle cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%"><TBODY><TR><TD style="FONT-SIZE: 10px" align=right>Mar. 26 - 5:58 pm et</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><TD style="BACKGROUND: #0f437c" width=14>
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Mark Teixeira broke out of his slump with a homer and a double Wednesday in the Braves' 10-2 win over the Nationals.
Teixeira struck out three times in three at-bats yesterday, leaving him with a .188 average this spring. The two extra-base hits were his third and fourth of the month.
Guzman opened the spring hitting .405/.421/.649 in 37 at-bats, but he's in a 1-for-22 slump, dropping his OPS more than 300 points. Also, the shaky defense may be becoming a concern. Felipe Lopez has played more shortstop than second base this spring and might yet be in line to see considerable time at the position for the Nationals if he can't be traded.
If you like the Under, then you gotta love the fact ATL is 7-2-2 to under in ESPN Sunday nighters since 05 (and that incls a number of unders in Philly's bandbox)

To much adrenaline for Perez to go out there and throw garbage.

Hudson should come out strong, I see 3-2 braves score.
Nice sportsnut! I'm gonna play the under here for a couple units.


Good Luck Condor . I really like this play . I know I am taking a big leap of faith in Odalis Perez but I am someone who actual weighs Spring Training in the first week or two. How pitchers look in Spring is huge to me . Not so much the numbers but velocity ( chances are if you dont have your velocity in Fla/ Zona it wont show up pitching 40 degree weather) , command , hits allowed and K's per 9 type shit ( of course lineups faced as well). To me it just makes sense to look at the numbers because its representative how they are "feeling" and baseball is a "feel" batters see the ball and well how pitchers feel the strike zone and even the baseball needing to find that comfortable grip and of course sound mechanics. Of course I dont care about Joe Blow the career minor leaguer who hits 7 Hrs or the guy with a zero ERA but you take notice and make mental notes of what is going on. Some guys can just turn it on but most cant. Then you factor the cold weather and it may take a couple days for there bodies to adjust. In football alot is made of teams going from Hot to COlD or vice versa. Well these guys are coming from Fla and while maybe it was the hottest FEB/March down there I am sure its alot nicer then most of the country (NE). Opening Day and park festivies should delay the game further and have the players sitting around for awhile. The SP can at least wait longer to get warmed up and sit in the clubhouse for a bit if needed...

Talk of WASH lineup improving and while I like Lastings Milledge still alot of proving to do . Pena is OUT a guy I really like as he clubs LHP , Young there best hitter isnt starting , Guzman will need to replicate last year , and so on...lot of line drive hitters...

Talk of the Ballpark being hitter friendly seems out of context. Clearly anything is better then RFK but still doesnt make it a good park to hit in .

And all the crap I said yesterday as well....Honestly shocked at how little both teams scored in ST. I mean WASH scored 3 or less in 16 of 20 !!

My guess is this total should be 8 based on what is actually going on....:shake::cheers:Sorry for the ramble strating to into baseball mode!

Thanks Chopz , BETC , and Troutman . Good Luck today

Always good to have a BetCrimes "trend" backing you... :cheers:
You metion in post #38 about cold. that afects the ball right?I would like to know if anyone can tell me how much & in what parks,or should i be conserned.I heard former players talk about ball getting up for long balls & pitcher control. do you think it will efect U ? thx i hope someone can educate me here.
love the under also....played it myself...Just saw this, title messed me up..

Good info, lets cash this!
Well I can tell you from my experiences . I played baseball my entire life , was born and raised in NY ( so know the trails and tribulations of playing baseball outdoors here in March) , and without totting my own horn was a pretty good pitcher . The cold IMO affects everything . First the ball definetly does not travel as well in the cold . If you want to see a baseball jump watch games in humid weather, down south . The ball just seems to carry and carry and it never will come down..Which might be contraidctory to some beliefs but in college down south when it was hot and humid is when I felt the ball carried most . The ball got a bit heavier due to the humidity which in turn cut down on resistance ( from the air because the heavier the object the tougher to slow it down). Which seemingly goes against the humidor effect in COL. However researchers now believe that the decrease in COL is probably do to pitchers being able to get better grips on the balls from the humidors and thus breaking pitches work better in the COL air. Not the humidor itself. Anyway so hot air seems to be light and the ball just hangs up there forever and carries while cold air the ball just dosnt seem to have the same flight.

As for the rest I think the warmer the weather the more loose ones body is. I mean how many times you walk outside in 90 degree weather and feel real loose and when you walk outside in 30 degree weather you feel like a bunch of knots. So the better flexibility you have increases pitchers velocity and also hitters bats speed. Increased velocity and bat speed are the key to HRS..teh quicker the pitch the less power you need to supply) Which is why weight lifting was so frowned upon for so long in the game. They felt it reduced elasticty in players and it does. Anyway then think about your hands in cold weather . Same deal. Pitcher has a better feel for the baseball in warmer weather and batters a better feel for the bat. Thats why on cool days pitchers are allowed to blow into there hands.

So its all minor issues but if you have a cool April scoring is down. Which is why I though there was some LAUGHABLE suggestions that a couple of years HRs where down because steroid use was down. No it was because we had a real cold APril across the country and playing baseball in those conditions is not gonna produce alot of longballs.

So what your really focusing in on is the Northeast and Midwest parks but even in Cali when the night gets real cool the ball doesnt fly. I know Seattle , Oakland and LAD are all parks that tend to play under at night and over in day simply due to better weather conditions...If its 60 and 70 in NY this week then chances are more runs are scored. Now granted you could have alot of runs scored in cold weather but it wont be due to HRs it probably due to picthers struggling with command....

Like anything its a tool to be aware of not used as if its holy doctrine. Right now its been mid 40's so far in NY so you if this keeps up I would weary of overs at NIGHT if you have two SOLID SP going...
THX SPORTSNUT,cold info was just what i needed.i will just use as a will help me stay off bad lines.I may ask for more info as season moves along you sure do have a good handel on this wonderful & profitable gm.It is Forever 27 outs & 90 ft to HOME. GO BRAVES. I think this being B.COX last season as HEAD MAN gives them added push.WIN the EAST i bet on it . thx agin

I have seen alot of references to Hudson's work vs Washington and Perez's vs ATL and anyone in general. I think you have to do more then look at the numbers and take them only for face value. All stats occur under some sort of situation that wont be in place everytime they meet.

Looking at Hudson last year vs Wash alot of things have changed.

4/10 Vs Chico at home. Matt Chico was a guy who made the team straight from Double A making his 1st career road start and playing WASH first road game of the year. Just 3 of the players remain from the starting lineup. Zimmerman at 3rd , Kearns RF and Belliard at 2B. All other spots have changed and been upgraded IMO....

Snelling , Church , Lopez , Young , Scheinder by Dukes(Pena) , Milledge , Guzman , Johnson and LoDuca. Clearly Guzman nneds to play like he did lastyearto be better then Lopez but remember he beat him out for the job as well.

After this game WASH was 1-7 and outscored 53-18.

5/15 @ Jerome Williams who was coming off the DL. Down 5-0 after 3 innings.

Guzman had returned , Lopez played 2nd for Belliard ( downgrade IMO) , Young sat out and Fick played 1st , Langerhans and his 127 played CF .

6/25 vs Bergmann

Probably the best lineup he faced with Watson in CF and all the regulars in. Lopez in for Guzman at SS. Only Young 330+ and Scheinder 290++ were above 260 avg at this point. Of the outings to that point Wash put up a decentfight despite scoring just once getting 7 hits in 7 innings.

9/16 @ Shawn Hill

Talk about your Sept lineups ! Jimenez@ 2b , Fick played SS (OMG!!) and FLores caught..with the other 5 regs IN.

Naturally ATL has gone under some changes as it added Teixiera during the season for Thorman , lost Andruw Jones to FA and acquired Kotsay , Renteria was dealt to Det and Escobar takes over at SS. While I would like to be cautious on Escobar since he rally came on strong after an avg year at Double AAin 06 he hit well all ST. Sometimes momentum carries over from a good start , in his case at AAA to the bigs but he looks solid replacing an AS type in Renteria who punished LHP. .

Odalis Perez ? Clearly a guessing game with him. Like I mentioned his track record from 2003 to 2005 was solid in LAD. He was always off to good starts in those days. While its Spring Training he has managed to go back to back 6 inning stints vs STL and Houston( both good lineups) to finish up after having to pitch in MinorLeague games because he didnt have a work visa. Looking at how he finished last year a few things stood out. He started terrible but after his 1st four starts he wasnt that bad. In this span on the road he led KC to a 7-4 road record in his last 11 starts (away only) with two of the losses by 1 run.. only failing to make 5 innings full once...He wo 5-3 and 4-3 @ STL and MILW last year...While his track record appears soft vs ATL remember the bad starts came mostly in 2005 and 2006 when he was bad vs everyone while in 2004 and 2002 when he was going good the numbers were good. Basically saying his stats vs ATL are simply a reflection of how he pitched at the time....

Perez improved during the second half of last season, going 5-4 with a 4.87 ERA in his final 12 starts, before missing the last six weeks with a strained left knee

So....Nats win 3-2 !!!!

Nats +1.5 -120 {1unit}
Under 8.5 even and -110 {2.50units}

Small stab at +150 ML and Under 4.5 1st 5 +100 {1/2units}

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My conclusion was RUNS should be at a premium in this game..especially going back to having two SP throwing well and deep bens on both sides . Factored with LINEUPS that simply struggled to hit the last 2 weeks of ST.

Well Nats led 2-1 after 5 innings. Although Ihave alot of minor plays on this game also had thought about Nats 1st % and nats 1st to score +160...would have been tasty! least I know my logic is sound...just application now!