"Opening" day of hockey


NHL Road Fade Guru
Like I said in Santa's thread, there's always a lot of questionmarks around the lines this time of year. Some teams are still shuffling late, trying to figure out cuts and formations.

Two plays stand out for me on Thursday:

Bruins/Avalanche OVER 5.5 +100

Bruins are looking to be very improved this year, with the return of Bergeron, the addition of Ryder, who's back with his old coach after a down year. Add Savard, one of the premier set up guys in the league, and very solid pre-season play from Wheeler. I'm also a big fan of David Krejci and think he'll develop into a very good player. In net the Bruins are still waiting for their next franchise goalie, and are stuck with a tandem of Tim Thomas and Manny Fernandez in net, both with their share of injuries the last couple of years and question marks. While the Bruins can surprise some this year, with a semi-soft schedule, I don't think they are ready to really make a deep push in the playoffs until Rask is ready, hopefully next year.

Colorado has a lot of fire-power upfront and from what I've seen so far the lines they'll start the season with will be

Smyth - Stastny - Hejduk
Wolski - Sakic - Tucker

which should be able to score, and to some extent have experience and chemistry together already. Avs will struggle on the other side of the rink, with iffy defense and less than optimal goal tending.

I like getting + lines early, and this is a nice number. Bruins +120 was a consideration as well, but the Avs are tough to beat at home. The over feels like a little better play here.

Calgary +115

I like the additions the Flames made during the offseason, bringing in Bertuzzi and Cammalleri. They also got rid of a couple of players that couldn't perform in their system. It's early, and the players have to find their positions, but these players should produce better than last years squad. Calgary is still a very solid defensive squad, and I am hoping they play the same road system they have had in the past, squeezing shooters to the boards and taking away angles. Their PK looks similar to last year, so they shouldn't have a major transition here. Kippers is one of the premier goalies in the league, even though he's showing signs of slowing down, partly because he's playing too many games. I don't see that changing this year, but he should be fresh early in the season.

Vancouver is a team in some transition this year. Outside of the top line of Sedin-Sedin-Bernier it looks pretty thin, and most teams should have a big advantage on both 2nd and 3rd line match ups. The defense, while talented, are still unproven and I think it'll take some time before they gel. The addition of O'Brien helps with toughness though. Luongo is solid in net, but I am expecting a decline in his production this year... I don't want to bore you with all the stats to prove it, but simply put, the more rubber Luongo is seeing, the better he will be playing. Vancouver coaches have indicated that his drop off in production has been from fatigue, and they have let him come around more slowly this season and I expect they will also let Sanford relieve him more. Big mistake, but hopefully one that I can take advantage of.

Hoooraaaay!!! Hockey's back!!!!!!!!!!!!!:tiphat:
interesting opening day...

Too bad I didn't pay attention to what the Wings were planning for the banner ceremony. There's no way you can focus on playing hockey after all that time and all the debacle. The Leafs outworked and outskated them and stayed out of the box. Excellent coaching win. I am not too worried about the Wings going forward. The Leafs looked solid in the back, which I think will continue.

Avs/Bruins was the story of revolving door defenses. When I was playing we were always told to hustle back on defense after going into the offensive zone, but neither one of these teams did. "Fun" game to watch for most fans, but some pretty poor basics. Both teams should be able to score a lot this season and I expect them to let plenty of pucks past as I didn't see any discipline in the defensive. Both tenders, Budaj and Thomas, looked shaky, and while they had some highlight reel saves, they didn't look good at all. Both have backups behind them that are knocking at the door... not an ideal situation. Players to note: Chara looked solid defensively, and did a decent job of qb-ing, but Boston's PP play looked bad... Blake Wheeler was a breath of fresh air, as was Krejci. This line will be fun to watch. Savard is solid as usual, and I think the chemistry with Ryder will come, but I am a little bit concerned about his willingness (Ryder) to work hard in the own zone. Kessel had a good game as well. For the Avs, everybody performed as expected, but I liked the PP-formations and play, even though they didn't get a lot out of it yesterday (just 1 goal). Those goals will come. I will definitely look at both these teams for overs...

Sharks/Ducks gave us the best game of the night IMO. That's not surprising at all since this matchup is usually a lot of fun to watch. San Jose looked really sharp, especially with the man advantage. Man of the match for me was Jonathan Cheechoo, who was really, really sharp in front of net in every PP, netting 2 scores as well. He is traditionally a slow starter, but normally does well against the Ducks. Giggy didn't look like his normal secure self and seemed shaken up. Of course he didn't get a lot of help from his back 6 as the Sharks centers had good position all night on the screens. The Ducks are still a disciplined team, with a solid system, so they will be fine, they just need to stay out of the box, especially on the road. The Ducks also needs to find more offense... On the Sharks blue line, old man Blake looked great and this unit is VERY improved this year, and they seem to have found chemistry early.

I saved the worst for last... Nucks/Flames... *barf* I don't know if I want to watch either team again this year. The Flames were horribly in-efficient, didn't want to skate back on defense, no pressure on attackers and Kippers looked really bad in net. I've seen Kipp when he's off, but this was worse than usual. Normally he is good at controlling rebounds, but yesterday not so much. Granted he didn't get ANY help from his defense, but I'm worried. Hopefully he'll rebound better next game, or it could be a long season for the Flames. The Flames PP did move the puck well even though they didn't net, so that's something. Should I be positive about the Nucks then? They did have a nice win, right? Oh no... I didn't see a lot of structured play, and if it weren't for the fast break, which looked awesome due to Calgary's reluctance to work back, they looked pretty bleak on offense. The Sedin line will be good for them though, as expected. Luongo exceeded my expectations yesterday, but with the Flames being toothless I really didn't feel like he got tested enough.