One main play


Not all those who wander are lost
Cashed with toronto for a small bet. No way to post. Have Detroit also small. Would be much larger but we are crashing into a major trend concerning Detroit off an upset win. Decided to go against the trend anyway based on the physical features of the game and the fact that Suns do play Utah tomorrow. Very simply Detroit Usually gets weird playing Eastern teams but just plays to win vs the West. Would not be playing Detroit today vs an Eastern team.
Simple main bet. Minn plus 5 or better if you find it first 5 in Denver. Denver has played 3 home games and led at half time in 1. That was the game they were a home underdog to the Lakers. If you check at covers you can see the results of the last 5 games by Minn at Denver. I think Denver was tied, down by 5, up by 1, up by 4, and up by 1 in those last 5 games at half time. Denver schedule has been beyond brutal and does not get easier. One day after this they play the Bucks at home and then the next day they play at Spurs. A day off and then at Lakers. A day off and then home vs Chicago. Today will be the 7th game without 2 days off as well as 4 games in 6 nights. Minn had 3 days off before they played Portland so the team is still well rested. Mental aspect of playing the 1-7 Wolves after 2 extreme high energy games vs Cleveland and Boston should be considered as well as an examination of the strategic aspects of their play at Bobcats where Denver quietly went down by 4 in the first half resting, playing an energy saving style before the energy draining next 2 games.. This would be a very large bet if we did not have variable in the new point guard but should be considered strong anyway. We have history of the 2 teams playing at Denver Home trends already in evidence in the other 2 Denver home games and just the obvious fact that this Denver team has to be very tired and waiting for the second half is clearly best for them.
Almost certainly will play Clippers tomorrow for the second time.
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Locked in the Clippers minus 1.5. Actually expect them to win by a lot but that is somewhat contingent on tonight's events. Tend to think I read Pop pretty well.
Excellent call with the Wolves all the way down to the PG situation. Luckily they wouldn't let Telfair back on the court after the first 5
Thanks guys. The first half won so I am looking at a good result. feel a little silly about Detroit. Hate to run off bets but did not know that trend till i found out the next day and then I did shave the bet to 40% of its original. I forgot I have lost a bet on the Clippers. It was a BC position bet that was totally apart from regular capping. Tomorrow will be worst 5 in 7 for Spurs and they have 1 day off and then start defending home turf from Western rivals. Just expect Pop to give up quick. With Kaman and Camby a bad match up for a very tired Duncan. He will want to be rested for those home games. Just my take.
Thanks:cheers: Probably also playing Clippers first half here. Pops is playing Spurs minutes very well but the game is tight and they will have to extend themselves. Clipps first half should have a clear edge.
Was screaming for OT but not unhappy with the Spurs winning. Pop worked the minutes well but Duncan Finley and Mason all worked to the middle 30s. Really think first half should be cake. Maybe first quarter. Will check referees and Clipper sites and think more about it.
Really liking the under in that one Tuck as I just want to continue pounding Spurs unders until they get some of their horses back. You thinking Pop gives this one away early makes me hesitant as the SAN defense is the #1 ingredient needed for the under.