Old story about Belichick & Cowher & the Browns

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Never heard this tale until this morning, thought it pretty interesting. Source is Jeff Phelps, on the radio, he's a Cleveland sports media guy that has bopped around, used to be the sports anchor on one of the local network affiliates in the early nineties, forget which one.

Browns fans knew that Cowher and Belichick were on Modell's short list for the HC job before the '91 season. Cowher had been a Browns linebacker and special teams kamikaze in the '80's, and had coached in Cleveland and then KC under Schottenheimer. Belichick was then the NFL's coordinator flavor-du-jour, fresh off an improbable Super Bowl win under Parcells against the high-powered Bills (the Norwood game).

Phelps wants to interview both candidates when they are due in town to interview for the Browns job. He calls the Browns, calls the Giants, calls the New York papers, calls everyone but the witness protection program, he cannot find Belichick. BB's jetted in, driven around in secret cars, snuck in and out of side doors. Remember, this is before Bill Belichick is Bill Belichick. Turns out, he was a self-important prick before he had a reason to be. Phelps whiffs at the Belichick interview. He calls the Chiefs ... "Hi, this is Jeff Phelps from Cleveland .... can I speak with Bill Cowher?" Cowher answers his own phone, confirms he's on the way into Cleveland the next day for the interview, gladly gives Phelps his flight info, sez he'll meet him at the gate. Couldn't have been more accomodating. At the airport, Cowher asks Phelps if he's seen anyone from the Browns yet! That's when Phelps knows who's going to get the HC job.

Cowher got the Pittsburgh job the following year. The Browns stunk, the Browns left, the world changed, but the one constant has been that the Pittsburgh Steelers beat the Cleveland Browns into submission, no matter the coach, every single time they play.

Well, I don't see Romeo making it through the offseason. As it turned out, ol' Art Modell was on to something with both of these guys, picked Belichick, right guy at the wrong time, correctly forecasted he'd be the last Browns coach he'd ever hire (although the team had to move and change names for the prophecy to be fulfilled).

Lerner's got the money. How about Bill Cowher in 2009? Better 18 years late than never.
Considering he went 11-5 the third season when all the trash had been taken to the curb, not sure it was the wrong decision at the wrong time.
Don't disagree, not 100% anyway. No one was more in the guy's corner than I was from '91-'95. (I was also a big Albert Belle guy.)

Two undeniable truths. Belichick is a certified asshole. Like school in the summertime, no class. And Cowher, a student of the rivalry, always treated the Browns like his twice-a-year bitch. The Vinny-in-the-Headlights playoff game was a coaching and preparation mismatch.
But I don't blame BB/Art for the move in '95. That was ol' man Lerner's work.
He's grade A asshole there's no doubt about that....I think he'd even admit that.

Great story though tip, 'preciate it.
Off topic a bit, but you know something else about Belichick, his coaching tree has been pretty bountiful. I know the bloom's sort of off Weiss and Romeo, but don't forget Nick Saban, Ferentz, Mangini, Pat Hill out at Fresno State, GM-and-scout-types like Phil Savage and Scott Peoli ... all those guys (not Weiss or Romeo) were on the Browns payroll in the early nineties.
i didn't say I wouldn't go fishin with the man. But out on the race track I 'll put him into the wall
i didn't say I wouldn't go fishin with the man. But out on the race track I 'll put him into the wall

Ha. That line's almost as good as the story.

I like Romeo, but I think the Walrus does get his walking papers after this year, and if the Browns don't go after Cowher, well, I don't really know what to say.

They may not get him, but man, if they don't try . . .
Sounds like just another story from someone who dislikes Belichick... what's new?

Cowher wasted more talent in Pittsburgh than any coach in the history of the game. I guess in Cleveland tho they'll take anything other than Romeo at this point.
Cowher to the Saints in 2009. I will be asking Santa Claus for this gift for Christmas.
Here is my wish list.

Saints hire Cowher
Saints get a lock down CB
Saints get a weakside LB
Saints get a DE
Saints get another Safety
Saints get another Left tackle and move Brown back to the RT
Saints win the Super Bowl before 2012

I don't think thats asking for too much...lol
Sounds like just another story from someone who dislikes Belichick... what's new?
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I was a big BB guy when he was here. Just being a historian. I also know a jerk when I see one. Even then, we knew he was an asshole.

Cowher wasted more talent in Pittsburgh than any coach in the history of the game. I guess in Cleveland tho they'll take anything other than Romeo at this point.

<!-- / message -->When did Cowher waste talent in Pittsburgh? Pittsburgh's system, before he got there, when he was there, after he left, is conducive to winning NFL games. Guy coached Neil Fucking O'Donnell into a Super Bowl. And he got a ring, later. The body of work was pretty impressive, from my perspective.