OKC revealed their new mascot...

reNew Orleans

Clubbin' with Rasual Butler


t/wreck is going to be pissed.

he made logos for them last summer

a freakin bison, unreal.
thats worse than when the stons went teal etc and had the stupid horse

And that was AWFUL.

The poor OKC fans. First they had to suffer through that stupid name (the Thunder? They're not Yag male strippers for f**k's sake.). Now they have to suffer this ridiculous bison.

You know, the funny thing is a bison could have been cool (e.g. Ralphie the Buffalo at the University of Colorado), but this thing looks like it's about to get raped at a furry convention.
furry convention.


I can't stop laughing at this thing. Seriously. It's is absolutely terrible. I know they unveiled this at halftime of tonights game. Did all the fans just have a collective gasp?
I think it's like one of those shockingly bad horror movies that are sort of tongue in cheek; they're so bad they actually end up turning into great comedies. 1408 with John Cusack is the best example.

I like it. I think it's funny and cool. Why go for another boring, by the numbers, cliched mascot?
Some exciting news...

Rumble's blog is coming soon!

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Well, I miss Tom Chambers from the foul line, but I'm not sure that's going to solve our problems.

OK, let's get a few things straight.

First, the Sasquatch was f**king awesome. Why? Because he was a f**king Sasquatch.

Second, 96% of the forum would dress up like Steed for a week if it meant banging the brunette and I'm talking with the bright yellow banana hammock and everything.

Third, you know they focus grouped this thing to high heaven. How else do you come up with an athletic bison who plays the drums?

Fourth, bison don't play the drums.
Well, I miss Tom Chambers from the foul line, but I'm not sure that's going to solve our problems.

OK, let's get a few things straight.

First, the Sasquatch was f**king awesome. Why? Because he was a f**king Sasquatch.

Second, 96% of the forum would dress up like Steed for a week if it meant banging the brunette and I'm talking with the bright yellow banana hammock and everything.

Third, you know they focus grouped this thing to high heaven. How else do you come up with an athletic bison who plays the drums?

Fourth, bison don't play the drums.

Tell that to this guy:

holy shit guys, i'm laughing so hard that i can't come up with anything witty to add.

I am still laughing at this thing, honestly.

How many thousands of dollars did they spend the past 6 months researching this idea?
Maybe I just have a soft spot for weirdo flabbergastingly stupid mascots. After all, this is my alma mater:


A fucking rooster. How intimidating.
t/wreck is going to be pissed.

he made logos for them last summer

a freakin bison, unreal.

wow. OKC fucked up this logo/mascot/font/name to the nth degree. Its amazing.

Get the feeling that they just rolled down to the local Community College and just picked the 1st person they saw to design this crap.

This is the creativity that is spewing from Oklahoma City.

It's very clear to me what kind of perspective that region has on design and marketability.

Do the people of Oklahoma really crave a Teen wolf/Bison headed mascot?

Bison get no respect. Only the Railroad companies might have been worse to Bison.