OK someone shed some light on this for an old man. (Sports Boycotts)


Pretty much a regular
Baseball and basketball had boycotts that cancelled some games. Players refused to play so games were cancelled. I get the reason for protests but what I don't understand is that they seem kinda futile to me because these games will be made up so what's the point? Yes, it is a statement but it is only effective if they don't play basketball and baseball anymore until something is done. You have to be living under a rock for the last 50 years if you didn't know there was racial injustice in this country so statements aren't going to enlighten you.

But my real source of confusion is the shooting of Jacob Blake happened Sunday. Basketball and baseball had no problem playing games Monday and Tuesday so what changed for Wednesday? What did I miss? GL

P.S. I said before I am a vet and I have no problem with someone kneeling during the anthem. Wars were fought so people could be free in this country to protest things if they want. So please hold you indignation and or anger over that. And I don't disagree with not playing sports games as a form of protest. I just don't understand why this didn't happen Monday. Or Sunday night. Again what did I miss that changed their attitude? And are they planning to stop sports until something is done? GL
If these protests would bring about any kind of positive change I would be all for it but it’s doesn’t. These protests cause more division and hurt their sport. When you hurt your sport you are hurting our country. Sport is one of our few unifying things left in our society. Color, size of paycheck, and where your from really doesn’t matter on the court or the field. Forget about the fact most of these guys have no clue what living in the real world is like.
It's all a bunch of political horseshit like everything else, these assholes have no right to use their workplace as a forum....in true WTW fashion, sorry had to be said!

these guys needed to be handled the same way you raise a spoiled 2 year old. You have to teach limits and discipline them when they get out of line. If the commissioner/owners don’t apply heavy fines to these teams that walk out this will spiral out of control...The NBA has completely lost control of their league and their employees. They have turned into a civil rights rally. Fans and the game take a back seat to their agenda. At the end of the day all of these athletes are over paid spoiled grown men that haven’t walked in the shoes of the working man a day in their life. I am tired of these athletes and their limited experience of the real world telling us all what we should be thinking. I made the decision last night, I will never watch nor wager on an NBA game again for the rest of my life. MLB may not be far behind.
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