Official Browns offseason thread

Joe Public

Gabibbo's Finest
In much the same way, this is to remove some of the clutter from the rumors thread.

Though, you know, with out the Birds and the Browns I'm not exactly sure what there is to talk about in the NFL, but hey, who am I to judge.

Here's kind of what prompted this.

Tonight on ESPN, maybe it was Mort, I'm not sure who, but basically they said that when you ran into Browns people at the combine last week the word was, 'who do you want, make us an offer.'

Which basically confirms that this team is going to tear it down and start all over.

Which I suppose you do when you're 5-11, I guess, but it's not as if this team doesn't have talent. And now it seems they're willing to ship what little talent they have out (Winslow being a bit of an exception because of his coming contract demands).

For a long time it just seemed to me that the Lerner family didn't know how to win, now I kind of wonder if they even want to.

At any rate, they say there are many more deals coming with this team, so here's a thread to keep track of them.
kind of sad to see andra go...he's been one of the only long-term browns there has been through all the shit they've done. always a class act and never had any pokes at the browns organization or fans like most of these assholes that i'd like to get rid of. was he the best player? no, but you could never question his effort as you could a lot of players on this team. always played to the whistle and was always around the ball.

nawlins, please take sean jones. the most overrated player i've seen on the browns. even the cleveland media is blinded by idea why so many people think he's so good. he is worthless.
D-lineman CJ Mosely will visit the Browns after he stops in Jacksonville.

He last played with . . . wait for it . . . Eric Mangini in NY.
kind of sad to see andra go...he's been one of the only long-term browns there has been through all the shit they've done. always a class act and never had any pokes at the browns organization or fans like most of these assholes that i'd like to get rid of. was he the best player? no, but you could never question his effort as you could a lot of players on this team. always played to the whistle and was always around the ball.

nawlins, please take sean jones. the most overrated player i've seen on the browns. even the cleveland media is blinded by idea why so many people think he's so good. he is worthless.

Is he that bad? Shit I will take your word for it.We got enough dogshit in our secondary. I will take Sensabaugh instead.
I don't think he's that bad, but others seem to--and he seems to be gone from Cleveland.

Someone's going to sign him, though.
i think i saw something about yall having to keep stallworth? having been paying much attention but hes been a bust
Apparently Jabari Greer is going to visit the Browns. Now, here's the thing, I didn't get to see as much Browns football as I would have liked last year, but I actually think McDonald has a future at CB. I think he and Wright can be solid starting corners in this league and I'm confused as to why I seem to be the only one who feels that way.
i think i saw something about yall having to keep stallworth? having been paying much attention but hes been a bust

Ugh. That's probably true. Worse still, I and I think every Browns fan knew and said when this deal was going down what a horrible idea bringing him in was. Ack.
Apparently Jabari Greer is going to visit the Browns. Now, here's the thing, I didn't get to see as much Browns football as I would have liked last year, but I actually think McDonald has a future at CB. I think he and Wright can be solid starting corners in this league and I'm confused as to why I seem to be the only one who feels that way.

i thought that too, but he can't matchup against big receivers. everytime he was matched up against one he got absolutely abused. we'll see...i think he'd be an excellent nickel back if we get an experienced corner...think it just hurts having two young cbs in general. he def has potential, but that is a glaring problem.
besides andra davis, no other browns player has visited any other teams yet, which should tell you a lot about sean jones.

chris carr to visit the browns today. think this would be a good pick-up...adds depth to corner which we desperately need and shares some of the return duties with cribbs, who according to mangini is expected to be more a part of the offensive plan, and possibly a limited role on DEFENSE too---interesting. i've been saying he'd be a helluva safety since his kent state days.
in addition to the wild rumor (i use the term wild rumor because there seems very little factual backing of it at this point) of rogers/quinn for cutler and a 3rd that was mentioned in the rumor mill thread---which has grown on me with the 3rd added to it, another WILD rumor is popping around the net of giants talks about a trade for BRAYLON EDWARDS---a name that is coming up is mathias kiwanuka + draft pick.

doubt there's much truth to any of these, but i actually think they'd both be good moves for the browns---both would allow another draft pick and what we are giving up could be drafted at 5 or possibly by trading down and getting crabtree/raji. upgrades and draft picks. if either of these are true, the browns moving DA for draft picks would result in a huge stockpile and not much of an immediate downgrade. it would also be one of the wildest gambles i've seen out of a new regime, so i doubt either happens.
i thought that too, but he can't matchup against big receivers. everytime he was matched up against one he got absolutely abused. we'll see...i think he'd be an excellent nickel back if we get an experienced corner...think it just hurts having two young cbs in general

You could have Asi (oakland) and C Bailey back there covering and if you do not get pressure on the QB and the QB has all day to throw it doesnt matter who you have back there. They need to get outside LB and DE that can put pressure on the QB and I think Mcdonald and Wright will be just fine. Also, Mancock has to find a way to mend this rift with Rogers because he was huge for us last year.
by the way...with ryan and mangini...there is ZERO excuse for eric barton to not already be a cleveland brown. fucking ridiculous.
Cleveland PD says there are no legs to either rumor, but the fact that it got in the paper suggests they may not have just come from nowhere and they were at least feasible enough to check sources...

Cleveland Browns are popular in NFL rumor mill

by Tony Grossi/Plain Dealer Reporter Tuesday March 03, 2009, 11:49 AM

Associated PressInternet rumors have wide receiver Braylon Edwards, left, and quarterback Brady Quinn, center, both on their way out of Cleveland.
Updated at 1:07 p.m. CLEVELAND -- The upside of a management team cloaked in secrecy is it begets rumors. And they are certainly flying around the Browns.
One rumor has the Browns trading Brady Quinn and Shaun Rogers to Denver for Jay Cutler and a third-round draft choice.
Another has the Browns dealing Braylon Edwards to the New York Giants for pass rusher Mathias Kiwanuka.
Let's analyze each rumor.

Denver is in a quandary after word leaked out that new coach Josh McDaniels tried to acquire Matt Cassell in a three-way deal with New England and Tampa Bay. (Cutler would have wound up with the Buccaneers.) Now that the toothpaste is out of the tube, the Broncos may figure they have to part ways with Cutler.
McDaniels was schooled on offense in New England by Charlie Weis, who then coached Quinn at Notre Dame. So Quinn should appeal to him. McDaniels also needs a stout nose tackle to anchor new coordinator Mike Nolan's 3-4 defense. That's where the newly disgruntled Rogers comes in.
The problem with this rumor is the Browns get shortchanged. Cutler is kind of an upgraded version of Derek Anderson -- rocket arm, inconsistent, not a great field general. Also, dealing Rogers would leave a huge void in the middle of Eric Mangini's defense -- one that 2008 draft pick Ahtyba Rubin could not come close to filling. Rogers' inclusion in this trade should command Denver's No. 1 in return.
Trading Rogers would be tantamount to greasing the squeaky wheel, of course, and might create a line of players looking for greener pastures outside GM George Kokinis' door. In front would be Edwards, which leads us to the second rumor.
The Giants need to replace problem player Plaxico Burress with another big, physical receiver. They also have an embarrassing surplus of pass rushers after signing free agents Rocky Bernard and Chris Canty. Kiwanuka is a 6-5, 265-pound end who would line up at outside linebacker on the side opposite Kamerion Wimbley.
The problem with this trade is it leaves the Browns with virtually no playmakers on offense, Kellen Winslow already having been traded.
The net result would be replacing Quinn, Rogers and Edwards with Cutler, Kiwanuka and a high Denver draft choice.
There would be salary cap ramifications for all parties involved. But we'll let the capologists figure them out. Never let the salary cap get in the way of a juicy trade rumor.
Alas, I've checked into these and a source who would know said there are no legs to either rumor.
I saw that this morning and good for Grossi for saying it. Mangini doesn't have a good reputation with reporters so it'll be interesting to see how much Grossi is willing to play the 'I was here before you, I'll be here after you' card because he can come off like a total prick at times. But for as much of a jackass as he can seem, he's right on here. The Browns lose in both deal.

The Browns can find a pass rusher in the draft. If Curry's not there when they go, they can trade down and still get a Raji or that guy from FSU (if not Arakpo).

And trading Edwards would be literally purging almost all of their offensive talent in one off-season.
disagree joe...braylon for kiwanuka and a draft pick would be a steal imo. imagine if ryan gets wimbley to play more towards what we thought he would and we have those two on either side of each other. crabtree is the best receiver aside from fitz i've seen in the draft in a long time and seattle is likely going to pass on him now. the problem of not having a playmaker on offense solves itself immediately, and imo is an upgrade over what we have now, and we have another draft pick later and a proven pass rusher like we need.

likewise with the quinn trade...raji would likely be sitting right there at 5, so we'd upgrade qb, possibly dt (i have my own theories about rogers), and still get another draft pick.

doesn't matter because both trades were ridiculous and completely untrue anyways, but i think either would have been good moves. i hope they do shop braylon now that seattle has landed hoosh. think crabtree is the safest pick in the draft.
browns re-sign S Mike Adams

biggest free agency news so far...haha. i like the move. he was actually more coveted by other teams than Sean Jones
Cleveland signed Hank Poteat CB. Who, by the way, sucks. You know, just in case you wondered.

The only reason he's on this team is because he played for Mangini in NY. I have basically no faith in this front office right now.
And now the Browns release Joe Jurevicius.

Yeah, maybe it was about money. Or maybe they really thought he couldn't stay healthy.

Or maybe this new f**king front office is hell-bent on driving this franchise right to the bottom of the league.

Or maybe it's all of the above.
Browns sign OL John St. Clair from the Bears.

They also sign CB Corey Ivy from the Ravens.

And Shaun Rogers doesn't show up for workouts. Jerk.
Well, well, well.

The Browns may not be as stupid as they seem.

Browns sign ex-Lion receiver Mike Furrey

I love this move. I said they should go after this guy as soon as he got cut from Detroit. I love this thing even more now that we have a guy like Massaquoi on the team whose hands they say are suspect.

I don't know if Furrey and Robiskie--the former who has great hands and the latter who is said to have great hands--can teach Massaquoi to improve in that area. Or maybe it just happens out of peer pressure, but I really like this deal.

And as much as I want to like Braylon, if he can get the Browns a number one pick next year from the Jets, or maybe a two and a three, I'll take it. Obviously Furrey doesn't replace Braylon, no one will. But suddenly I feel much better about this WR corps.
And Shaun Rogers doesn't show up for workouts. Jerk.


For some reason Rodgers thinks he is the caliber player who the coach must go out of his way and introduce himself to Rodgers......I would say trade him because he isn't going to give it 100% I would actually be shocked if he gave 60% of his effort, too bad the redskins don't need a DT.

Does anyone know the terms of his contract when he was signed?
Well, well, well.

The Browns may not be as stupid as they seem.

Browns sign ex-Lion receiver Mike Furrey

I love this move. I said they should go after this guy as soon as he got cut from Detroit. I love this thing even more now that we have a guy like Massaquoi on the team whose hands they say are suspect.

I don't know if Furrey and Robiskie--the former who has great hands and the latter who is said to have great hands--can teach Massaquoi to improve in that area. Or maybe it just happens out of peer pressure, but I really like this deal.

And as much as I want to like Braylon, if he can get the Browns a number one pick next year from the Jets, or maybe a two and a three, I'll take it. Obviously Furrey doesn't replace Braylon, no one will. But suddenly I feel much better about this WR corps.

I would agree and disagree with you about Braylon....while he is a proven #1 reciever and there are few in the league....Off the top of my head I can think of 4 or 5. I think the browns need him in place to help with the younger guys on the team. While Braylon is in a contract year, he is going to be much more productive this year and at the end of this year I would franchise tag him then let him walk in a couple years depending on how the other guys are working out. If the other guys are coming on quicker than expected then I would entertain the option of trading him to somewhere not in the AFC.

I really hope Massoqoui has a hell of a work ethic because I do not know any UGA WR's that are naturally gifted and make it in the NFL, I know of one but he works very very hard and plays for rival pittsburgh. I just hope Muhammed knows that getting drafted was just the first step and not the end of the road for hard work.
Does anyone know the terms of his contract when he was signed?

I don't know the specifics, but the term 'ginormous' comes to mind. He's got like six years left. He's basically untradeable.
I don't know the specifics, but the term 'ginormous' comes to mind. He's got like six years left. He's basically untradeable.

Phenominal, great, so if they would release him, it would be one hell of a cap hit....Savage did a good job with getting some talent in there but some of the contracts raise question marks. Why on the earth would you give a player that kind of contract with his history?
What we're learning slowly but surely about the Savage era is that name aptly describes what he did to the Browns' contract situation.

I disagree slightly on Edwards. I want to rehab that guy, bad, and make him a productive member of the Browns for a long time. But his attitude may prevent that from ever happening. So what the Dawgs need to do is decide if he has a long-term future in Cleveland or not. If he doesn't, that sucks, but then you 'must' get something for him.

The situation with Derek Anderson can never happen again.