~OFFICIAL 2007 NFL DRAFT THREAD~...*Trade between Cleveland/Oakland?*

Capt. Slap

1st year apprentice of Sammy
Well, I just heard this...

Raiders | Deal with Cleveland a possibility?
Fri, 27 Apr 2007 12:05:48 -0700

ESPN's Ed Werder reports there is a chance the Oakland Raiders work out a trade with the Cleveland Browns during the first round of the NFL Draft. There is speculation the Browns could send WR Braylon Edwards to the Raiders in addition to the No. 3 pick overall for the first-overall selection.

Maaaaaaaaaaaan...y'all probably don't know but I got a SERIOUS man-crush on Braylon Edwards

I would go nuts if this deal happened....Joe Public would probably kill himself though, cause Bray is Top 5 when healthy

IF this trade doesn't go down...which it probably won't, I'd like to see the Raiders go the route of Calvin Johnson #1...then see if we can get a guy like Drew Stanton in Round 2 (fuck Trent Edwards, where did all his hype come from?)

Anyways, as a fan of both the NFL game, and the College game...tomorrow is like the greatest day ever for me...I can't wait!

My wishlist for the Raiders (on who I'd want 1st overall)

1.) Brady Quinn
2.) Calvin Johnson
3.) JeMarcus Russell

Hopefully that trade happens though!
<TABLE id=HB_Mail_Container height="100%" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0 UNSELECTABLE="on"><TBODY><TR height="100%" UNSELECTABLE="on" width="100%"><TD id=HB_Focus_Element vAlign=top width="100%" background="" height=250 UNSELECTABLE="off">Please take Braylon- he is garbage

He never could catch, now he is a problem in the locker room

he is too soft for the NFL

</TD></TR><TR UNSELECTABLE="on" hb_tag="1"><TD style="FONT-SIZE: 1pt" height=1 UNSELECTABLE="on">
Also, lets dream a little and imagine if that Raiders trade went down and THEN they drafted Calvin @ 3

What if a team had the following 4 recievers,


And what IF you got maximum effort from all 4? Would there be any way to stop the offense?
<table id="HB_Mail_Container" unselectable="on" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" height="100%" width="100%"><tbody><tr unselectable="on" width="100%" height="100%"><td id="HB_Focus_Element" unselectable="off" background="" height="250" valign="top" width="100%">Please take Braylon- he is garbage

He never could catch, now he is a problem in the locker room

he is too soft for the NFL

</td></tr><tr unselectable="on" hb_tag="1"><td style="font-size: 1pt;" unselectable="on" height="1">

You're an idiot.

Sounding like every other hater out there...

Peep Braylon's away message from a little while ago...people doubt my man but he's a BEAST!

[AWAY] When I was 12 they told me I was too short, that year I played my
first organized football game ever I scored 3 tuds...when I went to high
school they told me I wasn't tough enough, my senior year I had 12 tuds,
9 sacks, 6 picks and 163 tackles....when I got to michigan they told me
I wasn't good enough, I said fuck you and broke every records those
mothafuckas had...when I got drafted last year they said alex smith was
a better player than me, I had more receiving yards in 10 games then he
had in 16...oh yeah he's a quarterback...now these niggas are tellin me
I won't be back this
is that mothafuckas!!!!
I am an idiot because I have watched every game he has played in in the NFL and most in college and have formed an opinion?

He has never had good hands...ask any UM fan on here. I liked him but now he has been a distraction. Wants to be treated like a superstar when he should be a number 2, at best.

I am just saying that he is a bust, which many 1st round receivers are....that does not make me an idiot....and to say he is top 5 if healthy? I hope you are talking about on his teams because he is number 2 or 3 on the Browns when healthy lol
Cleveland has been shopping him for a couple of weeks...they have been tlaking about it on the radio all over here...

He will make a spectacular play and show potential THEN he will drop to 3rd in 6s that hit him in the bread basket....too inconsistant
I think CLE would only do that to get Calvin at #1..

I agree, but I do not see how the Raiders can do that??? Do they not want Russel or Johnson?

No way the Raiders do this IMO....they arent that dumb....I think they are just trying to use this for weight. Plus the Browns are trying to trade down so they have an excuse when they fuck up the draft- somehow...
not sure why cleveland would trade braylon edwards for calvin johnson. I am sure CJ will be a good pro player but if Edwards is healthy how much better will CJ really be. I would think if Clev offered this deal they must be after Russel. QUinn should be avail at the 3 so they could still get him if they stayed put. Interesting rumor though and I am sure more will follow.
DW- O I C thats why...Only in Cleveland

Cleveland teams do things you would never think of....we are cursed
"Bray" is a top 5 when healthy.

Top 5 in the Browns receiving corps, behind Winslow and Jurevicius.
Why would I give out Braylon's screen name? Chill

I see much hate in here

But getting back to the draft,

If the Raiders take Russell we're going to prove why we've been the laughing stock of the NFL the past few years

Kiffin is running a WEST COAST OFFENSE...Calvin would make perfect sense for it...and Quinn is the only QB that would as well....Russell just doesn't fit because we won't be bombing the ball down the field every play
^^^ Forreal? Where'd you hear that?

I want Quinn as well...

Like my boy said, the NFL draft is like Christmas time in April!!!!!!!
I want to talk shit to him on IM

Ask him why he dropped that fucking ball against Pittsburgh ( was it pitt) that last them the game?
Raider fans can kiss Moss goodbye. Radio in Milwaukee reported Moss to Green Bay will be announced tommorow. Not saying its for real yet since it was only on radio and couldnt find anything else about it but im pumped.
Raider fans can kiss Moss goodbye. Radio in Milwaukee reported Moss to Green Bay will be announced tommorow. Not saying its for real yet since it was only on radio and couldnt find anything else about it but im pumped.

POSTED 11:54 p.m. EDT, April 27, 2007
Jason Wilde of the Wisconsin State Journal reports that, in addition to the Packers and the Patriots, a third team is in the mix for the veteran wideout.
But the third team isn't identified.
In the past, the Jaguars have been linked to Moss. We also think that Redskins owner Daniel Snyder, who has yet to make a splash in the offseason, might be interested in adding Moss to his team.
Wilde also confirms that the Packers have offered a fourth-round pick for Moss, and that the Raiders want a first-day pick. An industry source tells us that the Pats have offered a conditional fourth-rounder.
In 2005, the Raiders gave up a first-round pick (No. 7 overall), linebacker Napoleon Harris, and a seventh-round pick to acquire Moss from the Vikings.
And before any Minnesota fans get too excited about a possible return by Randy to the Metrodome, a league source tells us that the Vikings are not the mystery team. They haven't been contacted, we're told, and they don't want him back.
Raiders on the clock in 1hr and 30 Min
POSTED 10:35 a.m. EDT, April 28, 2007
Michael Smith of ESPN.com reports that the Oakland Raiders will take quarterback JaMarcus Russell with the No. 1 overall pick in the draft.
Smith, citing unnamed sources, says that offensive coordinator Greg Knapp flew to New York to meet with Russell and reassure him that he will be the guy at No. 1.
No. 1 Answer


John David Mercer-US PRESSWIRE
JaMarcus Russell will have plenty to celebrate today.
Al Davis passed on a QB last year. It looks like he won't do it again this year. According to sources, the Raiders will select JaMarcus Russell No. 1 overall in the draft (ESPN, 11 ET). Story
Brady would be better in a west coast offense...
Instead they just had to draft:23_6_122:
Adam Schefter reports Joe Thomas will be the pick at #3 for the Browns. Thats solid right there
POSTED 11:15 p.m. EDT, April 28, 2007
ESPN's Ed Werder reports that Raiders coach Lane Kiffin has denied a report from ESPN.com's Michael Smith that the Raiders have told quarterback JaMarcus Russell that he will be the No. 1 overall pick in the draft.
Werder also says that the Raiders are talking to the Browns about a flip-flop of the No. 1 and No. 3 selections, which presumably would allow the Browns to get Russell.
Meanwhile, Adam Schefter of NFL Network says that the Browns would otherwise take left tackle Joe Thomas at No. 3. But we're hearing talk that within the past couple of days owner Randy Lerner has told G.M. Phil Savage and coach Romeo Crennel that their options are Russell, Brady Quinn, and Calvin Johnson.
It was Schefter who initially reported several weeks ago that Lerner had given the directive to Savage and Crennel to take a quarterback.
My wagers... ( yeah I am a degenerate)

Calvin Johnson will play his first game for Atlanta .125 unit to win 1 unit
3rd picked player is Quinn 1 unit to win .75
5th player selected is Joe Thomas .5 unit ( -120)
10th player selected is Adrian Peterson .25unit to win 2 units

New York Giants 1st pick is Defensive 1 unit to win .75
Titans first pick is a receiver .5 unit to win .25 unit