Odell‘s Legal Troubles

I literally read this briefly so if I am not getting the whole story...my bad...why not arrest him when it happened?
I know the kids dig him........

More TM7, more Juice Landry, more Ryan Clark

Less OBJ

It’s always about him. He cut off O during his postgame speech. Fuck off. _And it pains me to say that...
OBJ is a fabrication of a being. He's not even good at football.

Ok how can you say that?
I think the song lyrics: Late night Letterman, I light it like Edison

very much apply to him considering his big-play, big-catch ability, his numbers despite the attention he receivers from defenses and despite what guys have been throwing him the ball.
If this guy didn’t have the hair-do early in his career, the one crazy catch, and social media this guy would be so irrelevant. Handing out cash like an idiot knowing it could get guys in trouble, interrupting the coaches speech and just being the locker room all seem ridiculous.
this guy is getting annoying.

and people defending him for slapping the police offers ass are just as dumb IMO.
Last I checked, thats against the law. I saw the video, its like he almost wanted the officer to arrest him. What gives him the right to do that?
Again, the fuk thinks hes above the law! So F him.

Acting like a complete idiot and celebrating the way he did, just cause he went to LSU. I mean how many players went to LSU and they show this fukn clown. NO rings to prove it either!

guy is pathetic and hope he rots away in Cleveland
It's partly our fault. We worship these guys so hard for making crazy catches, etc that their ego must get so inflated, encouraging them to think that they can do what they want. Maybe we should suspend worship until we know whether they're good guys or stuck-up assholes.

But maybe I take this back cause...how many stars act like this?
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Everyone knows what an asshole he is by now.

Pb2788 had it right. He had the one-handed catch on national TV and he was in the N York market so he got famous without having the game to back it up.

This is a guy who claimed he was "bigger than the NY Giants" because he had more twitter followers. That's how the mind of a moron works.

He has crucial drops in every game, disappears at crucial times, and hurts the team at all times. If the new coaching staff at Cleveland has any brains--never a sure thing where Cleveland is concerned--they ship him out.
Guy is a clown. Literally a clown. OBJ was obviously higher than a kite God knows what. Now what he did to the the security guy was totally not appropriate and I still say he has shit between his ears but I would like to know what the hell the security guy was doing in the middle of the locker room???...From past experience I will say some crazy out of the box shit goes on after winning a title but I think its safe to say OBJ won't be on the sidelines at any LSU games for a good bit.
Guy is a clown. Literally a clown. OBJ was obviously higher than a kite God knows what. Now what he did to the the security guy was totally not appropriate and I still say he has shit between his ears but I would like to know what the hell the security guy was doing in the middle of the locker room???...From past experience I will say some crazy out of the box shit goes on after winning a title but I think its safe to say OBJ won't be on the sidelines at any LSU games for a good bit.
You can’t smoke in the Dome and the whole squad was smoking Cigars.

He was tellin them to put it out
You can’t smoke in the Dome and the whole squad was smoking Cigars.

He was tellin them to put it out

I believe the guy was just trying to do his job as well. I just think there was a better way of going about it. Go to the coaches and tell them to handle it or he would have to handle. This would of avoided any issues for himself. Easy to second guess afterwards. Of course if OBJ wasn't such a dick or had any respect for anyone else this all would have been avoided as well
Not Odell related, but Kareem Hunt. Didn't feel like starting a new thread. Maybe we can make this the offseason fuck up thread. And man, TMZ got all the first hand stuff.

This guy straight up counseling. Kareem just trying to have a good time in the off-season.