***NOTICE - Downtime Scheduled Monday 8/14***

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CTG Administrator
Staff member

On Monday, August 14, 2017 CappingTheGame.com will be shut down as we install a new forum interface called Xenforo.

Over the past 11 years, vBulletin has been the preferred software provider for CTG. However, beginning in 2015, vBulletin has failed to update major areas of their platform, rendering it incompatible with many key features we need at Capping the Game.

The process for such a move is as follows:
1. Back up current database (users, posts, threads, etc.)
2. Install new Xenforo forums on CTG servers
3. Migrate databases and merge platforms
4. Back up current database

We are excited to launch such an advanced and functional community that XF will provide to us heading into the 2017-2018 football season. With this being said, we understand few people like major change - this WILL be a major change. Your CTG username, password, post history, etc. will remain unchanged. Items like avatars and profile pictures MAY not transfer over, though. Also, getting use to the new forum interface is important. We have experimented for nearly three months with Xenforo and really like what it has to offer.

We ask for your continued support, patience and dedication to CTG through this process. We are expecting anywhere from a minimum of 12 hours of downtime, to a maximum of 48 hours of downtime in order to test all facets of the new system.

Again, thank you for your patronage and we'll see you on the NEW side next week!

- Partners @ Capping the Game
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