Not a good start to the Rich Rod era at Michigan


Resident Cowboys and Horns Homer
Anyone of you Michigan peeps want to explain this one?

Boren left the team Monday. On Wednesday he released a statement saying in part: "Michigan football was a family, built on mutual respect and support for each other from [former] Coach [Lloyd] Carr on down. We knew it took the entire family, a team effort, and we all worked together.

"I have great trouble accepting that those family values have eroded in just a few months. " ... That I am unable to perform under these circumstances at the level I expect of myself, and my teammates and Michigan fans deserve, is why I have made the decision to leave."
Well, it was a suprise and I'll post some more when I have a chance to look at the sites but don't really know. I know a lot of the players are pumped with the new conditioning programs, the more up-tempo practices and so-forth.
I will post some more in a bit..but belive this is more isolated than the norm in all honesty summing up everything else I have read
Boren quit...that's all there is to it.

He and his dad, an ex linebacker at UM, really wanted Miles to be coach at UM.

He did not get along with his position coach at all or RR and Barwis. He said he was hurt and they didn't believe him (arm) amde him run sprints and the whole 9..he hated it, plus the personality clashes. Wasn't a good fit.

People need to realize with the old UM, conditioning was optional, the coaches were lenient, rarely wanted the starters to play in the spring to avoid injury and practice was very low key.

Now, with the new regime, conditioning is mandatory, you are expected to be fast, play fast, fierce and is very uptempo and EVERY position is up for grabs, NO one has a guaranteed spot..the family atmosphere that Boren eluded to in his presser is OVER. The country club is closed son.

He is a bucknut at heart anyways, ahd to be talked into going to Michigan by BO of all people and his Dad...will supposedly transfer there as well on his own dime.

U might beat us next year fondy, but after that.......I would not want to be a big 10 team going against a talented roster that plays fast every play.
Kid sounds like a giant puss

That picture is awesome man. I can't believe that was an actual running play
At the conclusion of this year is when there will be the most turnover because of the old vs. new system changes. Some players will not want to be there but the players that do stick around will see success rather quickly as RR showed at WVU.
to just blame this on conditioning and call him a puss is very naive IMO...the kid is a legacy Michigan kid and your Michigan Man...yes, he liked tOSU..but we never believed he was coming here and it wasn't that close..yes Bo made the visit and iced it, but that's the point..

RR doesn't get the Michigan lineage....all the shit you guys been so proud of for so long now you just blow off as these kids are "pussies" and can't cut it..

I mean this program needed tweaks..not an overhaul..they were a couple of snaps from going to Glendale TWO seasons ago...

The comments would worry's more than running....Most think RR knew he didn't fit his blocking scheme (Boren's a road grader) and therefore basically treated him like shit...

There's more to this than running.
Probably...there is two sides to everything.

I personally think it is tough for these kids who have been there 2-3 years already under the old regime.

This program did need to be overhauled jump, I disagree with you. Debored and Carr were setting it back 10 years. Look at the Florida game, why was that offense not played all year or the preevious few year? Hell, where was the offense that was against OSU in 06?

I think RR is doing what he can to get the kids to buy into his system, and has extended numerous olive branches to former players, alumni, etc. He had the tem from 1969 stay during the OSU weekend for basketball, has had numerous former players come in and speak to the team.

People are very proud of the Mchigan tradition, including myself, but change or even an overhaul was sorely needed. I think the difference is LLoyd got comofrtable and settled for 3 and 4 loss season, but RR came here to win multiple national titles. Will he do that? the jury is out.

Believe me there are a lot of people that say what you are saying around her in A2, especially the old timers, die hard alums, etc, but most are excited for a new brand to be played and an uptempo style with a lot of energy and emotion. These things were lacking with Carr imo.
plus, top 5 teams do not lose to appalachain state...i don't care how good of a D2 school they are...

that should not happen....and the follow up with oregon was pitiful, although Oregon was awesome.
jump..jt turner just comitted to hard was OSU after this kid? have you seen him play?
It's a great get...he's been a Mich fan his whole life and loved Carr...after RR it was 50/50...bill "bank" greene knows him and said it was uphill from the start...

he's a very good CB and a good get for ya'll...

I think he didn't like the depth chart at tOSU honestly...and I don't blame a UM fan and w/ the depth chart, UM is right place for him.
He'll be better than Cissico in every phase but run support IMO....put it this way...JT could play offense if he wanted, Ciss couldn't IMO...

Better size, more explosive, great on the ball skills...

not as physical.
thanks jump...probably helped with depth charts like u said...interesting comparison to cissiko...i personally think cissiko is overrated based only on tape iv'e seen, not really much fact to back up me saying that, i just see him getting beat up for a few years though, but i hope im wrong.
I think Ciss is getting beat up a little bit to much in the recruiting world based just off the Army game in San Antonio...

He's a very good player...he's undersized but is tough as nails....I'd take him now...

Not sure about his top end speed..if he was two inches taller he would be a ridiculous SS....
I agree about him being tough. I just think the Detroit Public School League is a weak ass league, but he did great in junior camps and combines...we'll see.
don't know if this guy is a um fan or what?

By Matt Hayes - SportingNews 4 hours, 33 minutes ago
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This is uncomfortable for me because it’s something I prefer to steer clear of.
I don’t like to take college players to task for one basic reason: They’re not paid. For me, it doesn’t get beyond “played poorly” or “struggled” or “blew an assignment” because frankly, it’s not appropriate.
Besides, coaches are an easy target. They get paid to run the team and get paid to take the criticism.
Only now, I must take exception with Michigan offensive lineman Justin Boren. Earlier this week, Boren said he was leaving Michigan because “family values” he had grown accustomed to had “eroded in just a few months” under new coach Rich Rodriguez.
Before we go further, let’s get a few undeniable things out of the way:

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• Some players don’t like new coaches; some bitch and moan about them.
• Some players persevere, others walk away.
• And some—the few—take their ball and whine all the way home.
Here, ladies and gentlemen, is where we find Boren. Coaching changes aren’t easy on anyone—not the coach leaving, the coach hired and most certainly not the players recruited by the previous coach. It is, as much as anything, the first real life experience for college kids.
In the real world, we call this turnover. We have a job, we love our job and now all of a sudden we have a new boss. And the new boss is different.
Not all bosses motivate the same. Some motivate with positive reinforcement, others with fear and still others with goal-oriented benchmarks. Some use a combination of all three.
Now here’s what’s important: Nearly every new boss is not like the old boss. Boren’s comfort zone that felt so easy and so right is now gone. Of course, that comfort zone included losses to rival Ohio State in six of the last seven years.
Rodriguez was hired to win football games; it’s just that simple. He was hired to beat Ohio State—not placate 18-, 19- and 20-year-old kids who don’t like change.
Every new coach goes through this; just like every new boss goes through it. It’s a process: Weeding out those who don’t fit. Some don’t like to work hard, some are malcontents.
The big buzz in the first few spring practices at Michigan was offensive linemen adjusting to the no-huddle approach in Rodriguez’s scheme. Translation: You’re running your ass off.
Those who fall behind will be pushed harder and longer, mentally and physically. That’s coaching, people.
Any dime store psychologist will say you can’t motivate through fear. Well, a guy named John Wooden—who won a few championships in his career—says a coach’s best friend is the bench. In other words, play hard or sit.
“I’m not going out there and running people off,” Rodriguez told the Detroit News. “I’ve been running these kinds of practices for 20 years.”
Those are the same practices he ran at West Virginia, where his first team in 2001 won three games while working through the transition. Those players were used to Don Nehlen, a Lloyd Carr clone if there ever was one. Both Nehlen and Carr are good men and good coaches, but they lost their ability to motivate players to maximize their abilities.
Listen people, Rodriguez won 32 games over the last three years. You don’t do that by coddling your players.
And anyone who watched the Fiesta Bowl three months ago knows that West Virginia team—when healthy—would beat any in college football. If you’re Michigan, that’s what you hold onto.
Not the words of a departing player who took his ball and whined all the way home.