Norv Turner is your Chargers coach

so much for hiring a good coach with a nice track history.Even his offenses in the nfl have sucked

Espn radio had some guy email in and say oh it only took him 6 years to make the playoffs, and win a game I wish we could have gotten him
Matt Millen
so much for hiring a good coach with a nice track history.Even his offenses in the nfl have sucked

Espn radio had some guy email in and say oh it only took him 6 years to make the playoffs, and win a game I wish we could have gotten him
Matt Millen

so much for hiring a good coach with a nice track history.Even his offenses in the nfl have sucked

Espn radio had some guy email in and say oh it only took him 6 years to make the playoffs, and win a game I wish we could have gotten him
Matt Millen

I saw that, Ripped. What a let-down for Rivera. Part of me wonders why he took it, though it really was quickly becoming a situation where he was going to be out of a job for a year if he didn't bite on something.

Way to let that guy walk, Chicago.
I'll call it right here.

Turner will be successful next year with Chargers, as in he'll take them to SB.

Why? 'Cause there is so much negativity surrounding this hiring. Every public peep, it seems, is laughing at this hiring, and this public peep was doing the same about 12 hours ago.

Turner inherits a great situation. He doesn't have to do a bunch of tinkering, his o-line is intact, and he's not walking into salary cap hell where many front-line players are about to walk. This team has more talent than any team in the league, by far. Turner was there once before as OC in '01.

Chargers to represnt AFC in '08 SB XLII.

And Norv can thank the public for reverse jinxing it......hahahaha
I saw that, Ripped. What a let-down for Rivera. Part of me wonders why he took it, though it really was quickly becoming a situation where he was going to be out of a job for a year if he didn't bite on something.

Way to let that guy walk, Chicago.

i think this is the Dallas situation all over again.

Rivera takes this as the heir apparant...prolly because SD didn't think he was ready. Just like the situation in Dallas, where Wade is there for a year or two...before Jerry's boy takes over the reigns.

At least that's my take.
Either that, or Turner is jsut some lackey that the GM can control.
But, as a semi-Charger fan, i'm gonna go with the first option.
<TABLE id=HB_Mail_Container height="100%" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0 UNSELECTABLE="on"><TBODY><TR height="100%" UNSELECTABLE="on" width="100%"><TD id=HB_Focus_Element vAlign=top width="100%" background="" height=250 UNSELECTABLE="off">As a former D.C. resident for over 20 years, I hope the players for the team who are golden, run it, otherwise the Chargers will lose close games to inferior teams, that they should have wiped off the map. Has anyone seen a Norv Turner post game analysis of a loss? OMFG! It reminds me of that character Mr. Whinner! I would of loved to see the Chargers get a coach like Cowher. Cowher and Turner are polar opposites IMO. When I grew up watching football games my team was the Oakland Raiders under John Madden, those were some great memories! Enough of that, if the Chargers take control of the team and roll with big ass plays maybe Turner won't need to coach! As a southern California native I will be pulling for them to win the Super Bowl regardless! Peace out, from Arcadia Ca.!
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That is a much better job, for Norv, than taking over the Cowboys.

I just hate that he bolted SF. He had Smith developing nicely.