Northern Illy/Toledo


Old Man Dan
Game deserves its own thread. Props to NIU for these exciting weekday games.

Line is begging for NIU action, no? Think Toledo outright
agree on it begging for NIU action. Wonder if the refs play a role in the outcome bc a win by NIU keeps their BCS hopes alive.
i thought NIU would be going from -3 to -3.5, not the other way. But that defense is really, really, bad. just wonder how much lynch can do alone.
I like the dog here, but I have no doubt that this outcome will be predetermined. The NCAA either wants NIU in a BCS bowl or they don't. And that will be determined tonight. Obviously, the MAC is rooting for NIU to win.

I probably won't be getting involved because of the uncertainty above unless some news develops later in the day (i.e. a line move or a big service on one of the sides).
Let's get one thing straight --the NCAA isn't fixing this game. While we're at it, Bush didn't bring down the WTC.

Agree with the line thoughts -- begging for NIU money. Gotta think Toledo has a shot, but one of those games where I would feel like an idiot if I bet Toledo and lost. No play for me.
Feel the same Orangemonk.

I knew the tin foil hat brigade was growing every day, but wasn't aware the conspiracy gang had invaded football.

I can't see this game clearly enough to bet it. If i had to bet I would take the over and hope for another one of those MAC score-fests that go three overtimes.

I'll be watching though. Should be a great game for fans.
no doubt the ncaa will having nothing to do with this outcome, as they probably don't want No Ill over a Clemson, Stanford or Michigan State.

But the MAC, and the MAC officials in this game, will have a lot to lose. Millions to lose.

Like Jimmy Johnson would say to his Canes, when playing Notre Dame, don't leave it in the officials hands, as you will lose every time. Toledo better outright win this game and not leave any way for the officials to screw them.
Short number, better team, MAC conference incentives (if needed).. Seems too easy. Sucker bet for sure. If something shady would assume they go after Toledo players out of respect for history, lol, but not really. I've won a lot of sucker bets in my career , lost a bunch too. I'm playing it medium boys. Best player on the field is on my side, and will be best player on field. Hopefully won't take a missed extra point in 2h to win this one (vk handshake-- some will remember)
Well anytime you start talking millions and millions of dollars for these smaller schools it's natural to believe in game fixes. Games have been fixed before and will continue to be fixed. There's probably tens of millions of dollars hoping that NIU does not make the BCS. So that's at play. Is it going to be fixed? Probably not. Could it be? Maybe but I doubt it.

If I wanted to be on a side it would be against crap NIU. No chance at all to beat a decent team in BCS. Got destroyed last year and they were better while FSU was pretty average. BCS needs Johny Football in a BCS bowl cause the man is bigger than the sport right now.
Of course the will fix it. Why remember that Houston/S. Mississippi game two years ago for the CUSA title?

Houston was in the same boat as N Ill tonight so of course they fixed it so Houston would win because of all the millions of dollars at risk for CUSA.

Oh, wait. That's right, they didn't fix it. S Miss won.

Darn. Another good conspiracy ruined.
This isn't a boxing match it's a football game a little tougher to fix. Love how people anti conspiracy are so angry about people who casually talk conspiracy angles. No one caps based on it so it's not worth discussing.
Of course the will fix it. Why remember that Houston/S. Mississippi game two years ago for the CUSA title?

Houston was in the same boat as N Ill tonight so of course they fixed it so Houston would win because of all the millions of dollars at risk for CUSA.

Oh, wait. That's right, they didn't fix it. S Miss won.

Darn. Another good conspiracy ruined.

Not saying the fix will be in, but this is the MAC we're talking about tonight. No other conference has had as many fixed games (verified fixed games) as the MAC. Again, it may not happen tonight, but to just dismiss it because some CUSA game wasn't fixed a few years ago makes little sense.
How could anyone forget?

Of course the will fix it. Why remember that Houston/S. Mississippi game two years ago for the CUSA title?

Houston was in the same boat as N Ill tonight so of course they fixed it so Houston would win because of all the millions of dollars at risk for CUSA.

Oh, wait. That's right, they didn't fix it. S Miss won.

Darn. Another good conspiracy ruined.

This was the last game that USM won. :searching::searching:
My line was a pk 15 mins ago, now NI -1.

Nov 20 105 NO ILLINOIS -1-105 o73-105
8:00 PM 106 TOLEDO +1-105 u73-105