NOOSE'S Playoffs Thread

With you on the Ottawa series, havent seen too many give them a chance. We'll either look like geniuses or total idiots Noose. GL
I'm not very good in the playoffs so we will see...think Pens pull it out but the price is right.
that 3rd goal was a, suspicious....but this was the kind of game SJ should have won...better win tonight or it's gonna be a long 1st round and offseason.

1-2 -2.85 Units
MTL -1.5 (+170) 2/3.4
DAL (+145) 1/1.45
3-2 +2 Units

PHIL (+135) 1/1.35
NYR/NJ O4.5 (-110) 2.2/2
AVS/MIN O5 (+105) 2/2.1
MINN (-130) 1.3/1

MTL -1.5 (+150) 1/1.5
DAL (+165) 1/1.65
5-5-1 +0.45 Units

MTL 12/10
MTL -1.5 2/5
NJ 1/1.4
SJ 6.5/5
SJ -1.5 1/2.6

PITT 14/10
PITT -1.5 2/4.3
DEL -1.5 2/4.2
MINN 3/4.2
like minny tonight. health on the others. oh and dont worry about your sharks, the cream will rise. i really like nabby calling out the team. i have a future on them, but may throw some more on tonights game. GL
Sure did...see Ron Wilson blow off a bit of pressure after THE GOAL??

Interesting series..lots of pride/reputations/legends on the line.

Golf Thurs??
Series: 0-2 -16 Units
Games: 11-20-1 -19.25
Totals: 11-22-1 -35.25

Habs are killing they really going to blow a 3-1 series lead at home??