No More Wrecks!!!!!


Well-Known Member
I am sick of watching Rex.... how long does it take to see he is not the answer. Just a disgruntled Bears fan here wondering if I am missing something. I am done hoping he will come around... its over its time to move on! :prayer Please let Rex be done soon!
He is like that damn Kujo dog, or the damn injured race horses.

You just have to take the rife to his chest and pull the trigger. He sucks, you made a mistake, now move on. You are not going to win the super fiesta with Grossman at the helm. You probably won't even get there again with him.

Dallas came into your house and beat you because of wrecks. Bring in Greasy.
yet another pick!

Its official... I am no longer cheering for the Bears until REX is gone. People say... well he got them to the Super Bowl... NO the defense and special teams did. Turnovers are what lose games... I am done with this, how can you still have him in there! Where is Eric Kramer when you need him:hang:... hell Jim Miller will do! Atleast Orton didn't throw picks all night! Rex makes Jim Miller look like Mike Vick! RIDICULOUS!!
Those comments that " rex got them to the bowl" are dumb as shit.

just like supporting Mike convict or Byron Leftwhich.

Rex taking his team to the Bowl is like trent dilfer taking his team to the bowl.
chad henne sucks. His release is too slow. He reminds me of a 40 year old drew bledsoe
they could just run the wild hog formation 3 downs in a row... Punt and play D! Sounds like a plan. Oh thats right no more T Jones. I give up!
need to play griese and draft andre woodson like i was telling bar/yessir earlier this week. time to tank. :36_11_6:
The bears don't need any young qb.

Just give them a smart, boring veteran that can manage the game and let their defense win games.