No Hawaii Bowl.....

When is the last time there was no bowl game on Christmas Eve? I think I remember a bowl games going back to when Stephen Jackson was at Oregon State on Christmas Eve. Don't think it was Hawaii Bowl either.
When is the last time there was no bowl game on Christmas Eve? I think I remember a bowl games going back to when Stephen Jackson was at Oregon State on Christmas Eve. Don't think it was Hawaii Bowl either.
Last year. It kind of sucks but at the same time hilarious to think on Christmas Eve we need a game.
1990-1999 NO BOWL Christmas Eve
2000 Oahu Bowl Christmas Eve
2001 NO BOWL Christmas Eve
2002 NO BOWL Christmas Eve
2003 Las Vegas Bowl was Christmas Eve
2004-2006 Hawaii Bowl Christmas Eve
2007 NO BOWL Christmas Eve
2008-2017 Hawaii Bowl Christmas Eve
2018 NO BOWL Christmas Eve
2019 Hawaii Bowl Christmas Eve
2020 New Mexico Bowl (in Frisco Tx) Christmas Eve

2018 was last time there was a Bowl-less Christmas Eve. Then 2007 and 2002. I think it became a thing from 2003 on. I didn't remember not having bowl games on 2018 or 2007 so I guess I will survive. My wife will like it better I'm sure!
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I went back to 1990. No other Christmas Eve bowls. Plenty on Christmas Day
When is the last time there was no bowl game on Christmas Eve? I think I remember a bowl games going back to when Stephen Jackson was at Oregon State on Christmas Eve. Don't think it was Hawaii Bowl either.
Yeah, it was the Las Vegas Bowl.......Steven Jackson playing in his hometown. And they obliterated New Mexico.
@horses what am I supposed to do now?

I suppose there are no driveway softball games to bet on either? Tomorrow is completely dark. For the record...i think it totally stinks you were banned from party but im guessing you're prolly ok with it as well. Merry Christmas, Cub!

Plenty of kickball in the Middle East (look for unders)…I’m gonna be hosting pretty large Xmas party this evening so I will have shit to keep me busy but you boys have a great Xmas…be back at it tomorrow
The stuff about Graham and the players hating him I think is water under the bridge now. They formed player councils with 3 players for each class and one for walkons to communicate directly with coaches. And Graham said made some statements indicating he needs to change. My opinion is that issue would not have effected the game and did not play a role in this cancellation other than the transfer effect it had and then couple that with covid and now they don't have enough numbers.

Going forward the biggest issue sounds like Todd Graham's son, Bo who is OC. The only reason he probably has that role is because he's Todd's son and maybe he'd be an ok position coach but not the OC.
I suppose there are no driveway softball games to bet on either? Tomorrow is completely dark. For the record...i think it totally stinks you were banned from party but im guessing you're prolly ok with it as well. Merry Christmas, Cub!

Somehow I'll survive. Merry Christmas back at you.
Todd Graham seems like a grade A douchebag. Going way back to his Pitt days.
How many coaches are Not grade A douchebag? Or Douchebag in general?

Pretty sure u have to be somewhat Douche to be head coach.

Coaches are like GMs of a company to me. If you up there in that position, it ain’t no clean path to get there.

No one wins betting that game anyway. Eat lobster and steak and smoke crack like the rest of America tonight
How many coaches are Not grade A douchebag? Or Douchebag in general?

Pretty sure u have to be somewhat Douche to be head coach.

Coaches are like GMs of a company to me. If you up there in that position, it ain’t no clean path to get there.
A lot of them aren't. I'm not talking about being hard on players, just personality. Maybe it's the wrist bands...... :D
That screen quote above is typical internet bullshit. Graham never coached in the NFL so he obviously didn't tell anyone he wanted to go back

And these players who are sooooooo unhappy according to the screen quote won their last two games, including flying to Wyoming and boat racing the Cowboys.

Blizzard outside that will last through the weekend so I needed to see a game from Hawaii. Maybe I'll just find a webcam of Maui and watch the girls
He had Diggs open for the TD and just missed. McDermott going for it on 4th and 2. Don't do it son.