Nine AM kickoff for Pac-12


Pretty much a regular
Larry Scott is the only person on the planet--except for football coaches and Marine drill instructors who love to get up before sunrise and work--who thinks it's smart to have game kickoff at 9 am California time.

That's what you have to do when you first start kid's organized football--play early Saturday morning.

Football players are forced to get up earlier than other students, but playing at 9 is bound to have a far bigger effect on betting than 11 am Eastern games.

Lower scores might be one result. Speed guys HATE to get up and play early.

Any theories?
No theories, I thought I was going bat shit crazy when I saw a pac-12 game kicking same time as the early east coast games! I had to look a few places to make sure it wasn’t a mistake, then I had to figure out what time that freaking was! lol. I tend to look for more unders when they start at 11! 9am is crazy.
I think Herm said wake up call will be 4:45. A former player speculated that 75% of the kids may not sleep at all night before. They stay up late anyway and first-game eve excitement will make it hard for them to get good sleep.
Exposure. And if USC or AzSt looks good they propel themselves into the national conversation on whatever the nation conversates about.