NHL Playoffs


Pretty much a regular
Quick thoughts first

Wanted to go against Pitt in R1 when it looked like Detroit but I don't know if Columbus is ready, they are physical and have better depth than Pitt but it comes down to outscoring 87/71. If they can get a split in Pitt I think they win

Colorado and Anaheim as top seeds in the west divisions is complete luck and I think both are eliminated sooner than later, Anaheim shot 10.7% at 5on5 this year, next highest in the league was 8.6%, Colorado was the 27th ranked team in Fenwick (essentially possesion, shots for minus shots blocked/shots against plus shots blocked)

I think the top 6 teams right now are

1. Chi
2. SJ
3. LA
4. Bos
5. St.Louis
6. NYR
Game 1's

Montreal +110
Dallas +150
Chicago +115
Colorado -130
Detroit +170

I think TB wins the series assuming Bishop is back after game 1, but in Game 1 the advantage the Habs have going against Lindback is too much to pass up

Dallas/Chicago/Detroit will play for the split at least with all 3, I think Chicago/Dallas are legitimately better teams (Benn and Seguin are about to explode) and Detroit is a ton of value against a Boston team as a group has had as much trouble in R1 as any other the last 3 years, and while Boston is by far and away the best team in the East I don't think they will be happy having to play Detroit in R1

I said above I wasn't high on Colorado but they are playing what I think is probably the 11th or 12th best team in the West, even though Colorado's d is bad, Minny doesn't have the guys up front to take advantage and Colorado's top 6 will be too much for them, Suter can only play so much
2-2 with a split pending Detroit tonight

Game 2's

TB -110
Dallas +150
Chicago -103
CBJ +170
Colorado -130
BOL, about to jump into this fray with you guys, wanted to see how the Game 1s went. Is this finally the Sharks' year?
goodluck teed,

have roudn 1 series bets for kings and flyers, so still undecided how i'm going to play those, if that.