***NFLx Lex***

Lexington 125

I cap it all, and I cap it well.

Bills/Skins u42.5-105



2 units each

No EJ for Bills means no pulse offensively, and even if the Bills are running a fast paced offense I don't think they will be moving the ball easily. Kolb has looked like trash and was going through his progressions in slow motion last week. Spiller/FJax won't be seeing too many touches (I hope to preserve from injury). I doubt Mario sees too much time (maybe a couple series), and I think the Skins will be pounding the run quite a bit. I see this as a 23-17 type game.

Bucs even without muscle hamster are an even match for Fins, so I'll take the + odds on a team here vs a lacking offense with no leadership.
