NFL Week 7 Leans/Plays


I bet Basketball
Well this is what I got so far.Gl gentlemen.Should read week bad


Pats/Chargers under 44


Balty + 3.5 2 units Loss
Zona +4.5 2 units Win
Miami +3 2 units Win

2 units for the day.
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And whats the deal with fucking 44 as a lot of the totals lately.Geez.Makes you think.Its a shitty number imo.There making it where you are turned off of totals and fucking spreads.Whatever happened to all the 8 in the spreads...oh I know we all fucked them on
Clutch,Aztec,Yanks - Thanks fellas.Hope we hit them all.Did scratch the Frisco Play.Should have locked it in early but I am usually a watch the show guy before I make a move.It cost me a play though.Got Frisco + 3 as the spread and its just to close for my liking.GL fellas.Going get some sleep then head to the dome and go to fucking work.My life sucks at times.
I do like the Pats under. I won't be able to post it but might be on that game.I would wait if you like it.Squares love overs on primetime. You might get another point.GL fellas.
GL this week.. Think zona is the right side. Should be a fun game to watch.

If Miami wins on the road, I will be a believer---personally don't see it happening without alot of help, which is very possible..

Balty is tough for me to figure.. Can they score enough? Perhaps, vs forgiving Indy defense but I wonder if their gameplan will exploit the Indy holes.. They don't want a shootout so I expect them to be somewhat conservative on "o" and Indy is pretty good in those games... Just thinking out loud here..

GL to ya bro:cheers:
Just got in from work.What a fucked up night I had.I didn't have no time.NONE.I had about 10 minutes to eat. Shit.I need a career change. Thinking of becoming a

Anyway 2 -1 on the day.I will take it. I wanted to play the under in the night game but guess what,didn't have time to do that.And it hit.Figured it would.My job is now off my top 10 give a shit list.

Had a great weekend. Hope all of yall did too.

Gman - We were both looking good today.

TeeDub - Yeah bro Balty sure sucked.Waste of my time. Fucking Indy decided to show up this season today.But zona cashed.

Vap - Who is this Raiders? Never heard of Had a great time at the game.Some Oak town fans sat by me.I bought them a beer because I felt sorry for them.He was even wearing a Bo Jackson jersey.Thats the last good player they But had a good time with them.They say Oaktown fans are horrible.I have to say thats a false statement.Classact group from Oaktown.