NFL Week 3


Leader of the Van Buren Boys
Last Week 3-3
Season to Date 7-4

Time to start modifying some opinions on teams now that we're into week 3. Looking at things game by game:

San Diego-Tennessee : Still don't have a handle on these two. 2nd road trip in a row for SD would have me lean Tenny, but line seems right. Pass.

Cleveland-Minnesota : T Rich & Weeden must not impress much if this line is still -6 1/2. Have to bite on Minny thinking the Browns locker room has to be a little deflated at the moment. Vikes have been competitive in two road games.

Minnesota -6.5

Tampa-New England : Not touching the Pats until they can field a reasonable full offensive roster. Pass.

Houston-Baltimore : Ravens didn't exactly light things up last week. Meanwhile Houston is winning games but by the skin of their teeth. Not a fan of betting against playoff caliber teams getting points at home, but its still a little early to think the Ravens have their stuff together. Pass.

St. Louis-Dallas : The Cowboys close loss to the Chiefs last Sunday looks a bit better after the Thursday night game. St. Louis has gotten off to slow starts, so I'm worried that this is the game that they jump out to a 10-0 lead. But this a game that a competent team should be able to handle. Maybe I'm giving Dallas too much credit, but I'll bite.

Dallas -3.5

Arizona-New Orleans - Two more teams I don't yet have a handle on. Pass.

Detroit-Washington - Awful lot of credit being given to the Lions, don't you think? Considering they're something like 0 for 21 in DC? Considering they're a dome-turf team heading into a tough road-grass environment? I'm probably going to regret going to the well on these NFL Least teams.

Washington -1

Green Bay-Cincinnati - Another game like Baltimore-Houston where I want to take the points but will pass.

Giants-Carolina - Giants would be the play if Carolina was not 0-2 themselves and becoming desperate for a win. Pass.

Atlanta-Miami - I suppose I'm going to need to change my opinion of Miami before long. Two road wins to start the season is pretty nice. It's strange though, would you take Atlanta or Green Bay, and would you take Miami or Cincinnati? Those two lines are 5 1/2 points apart? One or the other is wrong. Maybe it's the Bengals line. Pass

Indianapolis-San Francisco - I don't think T Rich will be much of a factor this week, but 10 points is a lot of points. Pass.

Jacksonville-Seattle - Seems like a major letdown spot for the Trojans err Seahawks. Taking the Jags on the principle that no team should be laying that many in the NFL.

Jacksonville +18

Buffalo-NY Jets - Really a game that can go either way. Pass.

Chicago-Pittsburgh - The stuff coming out of the Steelers locker room right now does not sound good. With the Pirates looking playoff bound and the Pens right around the corner this city is on the verge of crossing the Steelers off for this season. They have now lost 10 times in their last 11 efforts, regular and pre-season. They say losing begets losing. The line looks like its begging for Pittsburgh money. Brandon Marshall has relatives in Pittsburgh, he'll be up for this one.

Chicago -2 1/2

Good luck everyone!
Pretty much agree with everything you have played so far. Dallas will likely be on my card tomorrow and I will be on the home team in some fashion. I think Skins win big if Bush is out or limited. DET is not a good road team and that turf will be tricky for them.