NFL Week 11


Awesomeitus Degenerate
Record updated later

TITANS +3, -120 (1)
TITANS +125 (.25)
UNDER 42 (1.25)
TITANS +.5,-105 1st half (.5)

MY line: Indy -1.5 40

Quite a bit going on here, and I haven't even dug into the player props yet. basically, my information shows a picture of the two teams that are virtually even. The difference is that one team (Indy) knows how to win close games and one team (Tenny) does not. I expect Fitzpatrick to have Tenny ahead at halftime, and I expect Luck to find a way to pull out a win at the end. Both teams have offenses prone to long lapses of unproductive football, and bot teams (especially Tenny) have defenses that do not get enough credit from the public. If things break the way I think they will, a Colts 2nd half bet is in the cards as well.

Gonna take a look at player props....GL.

Player Props:

Hilton UNDER 82.5, -115 rec yds (.5)
Luck UNDER 250.5 passing yds, +100 (.5)
Fitzpatrick UNDER 230.5 passing yards, +100 (.5)
Kenny Wright UNDER 72.5 rec yards (.5)
Middle: K. Wright ov 67.5 rec yards and under 72.5 rec yars (1 to win 2)
Thanks Emkee...Sixers looking better than expected!

Onto NFL. I had a breakdown of each game prepared, and I lost it last night. Going to the Eagles game today, so short on time. Here is what I'm on so far:

Buf/NyJ UNDER 40.5 (1.25)
PHILA -4.5 (1.25)
Hou/Oak UNDER 41 (1.25) - My adjusted line w/out Prior: Hou -8 38

Be back.
SAINTS -3, -120 (1.25)
My line: Saints -6

Saints defense is much improved. I don't see SF having much success on offense. Saints offense will have success against anyone, and with the home field this team enjoys a win by over a FG is more than reasonable.

Pitt/Det UNDER 45.5 (1.25)

My line: Det -2 43

Det's offense shows a significant drop off on the road, and Pitts defense has been improving at home. Throw in some bad weather, and 23-20 is in order.
Thanks Marlo...


2T Hou -2.5 and Cincy +1.5 (2)

I think Cincy blows the doors off Oakland. Frustration building in Texans locker room, and B2B road games for a West Coast team....