NFL Week 1 Teaser - No info in here....just a fun teaser


Pretty much a regular
Finally hit a 15 teamer yesterday in college.

I have accepted the fact that I can't win NFL games straight consistently. So I''m doing one 14-pt tease with the winnings from yesterday to keep things interesting. Pays 3.5 to 1

Chicago + 20.5 -
Kansas City +13
Jets +10-
Bills/Colts over 31
Miami +10.5
Jacksonville +17 -
Seattle +10.5
Arizona +12.5
San Diego +11
Tennessee +17
Oakland/Cincy over 29
Baltimore +19
Cowboys +7.5

Good luck gentlemen - Win some $$$ today
getting it tucked up my ass.

this is typical.......finally hit a big one yesterday......come back with 12-0 with one game left.....and then the weird shit starts happening

Thanks. In a way I got lucky with the Cowboys.......they dominated most of the game and should've won easily but the weird stuff almost got me....but I'll take it. Week 1 in college i went 14-1 & 11-1 in my 2 teasers before finally winning one Saturday (15-0).

One thing I learned is I gotta stop watching the games or I'll have a heart attack. The whole Cowboys game was weird with all the turnovers and dumb clock management..