NFL Training Camp/Corona/Testing Thread/Opt Outs


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I figure we'll have plenty of talk about this in the next month or so...

Here is an excerpt from The Athletic and I like that they are expecting many positive results...

With the remainder of NFL players set to report to training camp on Tuesday, league officials are bracing themselves for potentially hundreds of positive cases from the first wave of COVID-19 tests.

This assumption is based purely on math – a combination of the sheer number of people being tested across the league and a national positive rate of 8.6%, according to the most recent data from the Centers of Disease Control.

“Everyone has to recognize that when we do the initial round of tests, those tests do not reflect anything about the safety of the football environment or the team environment,” Dr. Alan Sills, the NFL’s medical director, told The Athletic in a phone interview. “They’re simply reflective of what are the environments that players, coaches and staff have been in, in the past two to three weeks leading up to that. So, I think we will have positive cases, as we’ve said that all along. And those positives, many of them will be asymptomatic per the results that are going on around us.”

The NFL’s testing program is massive: More than 2,500 players and hundreds more staff members will be tested repeatedly over the first two weeks of training camp. Individuals will be sent home after their first test (for most NFL players, that first test is on Tuesday) to await results within 24 hours. They will be tested again 72 hours later, and will need two negative tests before entering a team facility for the first time.

Daily testing will continue until the league’s positive-test rate drops below 5%, according to the testing protocol the league and players union agreed to last week.
As far as Covid goes, has the NFL said what they will do if a player tests positive? I'm hoping they just quarantine the guy and not whole team. This isn't like baseball where you can cancel the game than do a doubleheader next week.

50+ man team with no bubble there will be players/coaches testing positive. I just have a feeling the season will get fucked up over a positive case or two.
I honestly think the only way this all works is if the NFL comes out and just says fuck it. We are going to have players test positive, they are going to get sick and they are going to live according to the overwhelming odds. When a player gets sick its next man up. Those that dont want to have it this way have already opted out or they are free to opt out at anytime. Play ball.