NFL Thursday 9/10


Pretty much a regular
YTD no record

Ok I'm confused. The NCAA coaches wore Black Lives Matter and "Say their name" tshirts during their first game which was an obvious protest. The NFL players are going to (and are allowed to by the NFL powers that be} kneel during the anthem as a protest. The president and his son say that's the end of football. No one will or should watch football now if they are protesting. But I like football so what should I do? Will I be un-American if I bet and watch? But what about the protesters?

Oh I got it!!!!!! The president and his son can go fuck themselves.

P.S. And the best part about this post is that anyone that disagrees with me isn't reading this or making a bet because football is dead remember? And according to them it's un-American to even watch it. :rofl:

Houston/KC under 54 X20

Good rant Wire.

The "sports" bar I frequent is not showing any sports "until they concentrate on the game and ignore politics".

It's gonna be interesting to see if they change their tune when they see the big drop in receipts on Sundays...
