NFL stats


Leader of the Adult Humor Industry
While entering some goodies into my SS, I noticed only 3 teams gave up >400 pts last year.
Eight teams scored >400

Going back 10 yrs


8 teams in '16
10 in '15
11 in '14
10 in '13
9 in '12
8 in '11
8 in '10
6 in '09
5 in '08


9 teams in '16
9 in '15
9 in '14
11 in '13
9 in '12
7 in '11 ( 3 scoring >500)
6 in '10
8 in '09
9 in '08

I'm not making a statement , at this time, but it makes me want to delve into the anomaly. Offensive output is fairly consistent .
If you find something interesting in your statistical ventures, feel free to post them here.

Good luck this season,
