Nfl Semcon Sunday+monday Shit.........


Semcon Don
I dont really need to post the paragraph explaining my picking process again do I? Heres what I think is sexy as fuck for opening week.......

(NOTE TO SEMCON: I listened to Pat Benatar as I picked these.):smiley_acac:


Rams +3.5
KC -2
Detroit +94:3_7_3v:

Wash -4.5
Oak +3

:cheers: :smiley_acak: :smiley_acbk:
pat benatar? who's he?

j/k...BOL with the card, Don. Can i get a little Detroit +94 too??? I'd be all over that spread, lol.
One more thing, as you all know my Lions # isnt 94. At the same time though, I cant reveal my # because I dont have it until the day of the game from the local. So basically, all my posted numbers are guesstimates.