NFL Season-Long Snake Draft


CTG Partner
Staff member
Same principals as Madness, different sorta set up. Its always fun, who in?

2. Marlo
3. eggwoman

As for scoring, I'm thinking something along the lines of:

Win = +1 point
Divisional Win +1.5 points
Loss = 0 points

Win = 2 points
Loss = 1 point

...or something along those lines. I dunno, we can modify. Thoughts?
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Pretty open to how we run it don't really care. I think my structure of scoring is a good starting point.
You pick 8 teams and get points for each game them they win. Each player has 8 teams. The most points wins
We are set then. Nice. Now we need. Draft date.

Do we want to pay in or are we all comfortable just sending people money after the season based on whoever wins? I'll use a hybrid of my NCAA Hoops file to keep standings.

When does everyone want to draft? We could do it all on here and keep it running or do it in a chat somewhere.

8/27 at 8:30pm ET ?
Sorry was traveling and forgot to check back in. Sounds like you guys have enough but if for some reason you need another let me know I'm in.
guys, this sounds interesting but i'm not sure how exactly it works. Can someone show me an example?

1. steed takes Pats
2. Marlo takes seahawks
3. eggman takes packers
4. clowncar takes raiders
5. clowncar take buccaneers
6. eggman takes colts
7. Marlo takes cowboys
8. steed takes broncos

etc. etc.
I'm down. Someone pull for draft order. I would even be open to a group text as well and hammer this shit out.
I am good with that. I don't care where I pick as it turns out. First is probably the worst spot though.