NFL Saturday, Sunday, and Monday 12/25 -12/27


Pretty much a regular
YTD +4028

Changed my mind about passing this week too.

All two team 6 pt teasers -60/+50

Key Cle/GB over 40 with each of the following

Ind/AZ over 42
Cinn -1
Pitt/KC over 39
Wash/Dallas under 53
Mia/NO over 31

Key Ind/AZ over 42 with each of the following

Cle/GB over 40
Cinn -1
Pitt/KC over 39
Wash/Dallas under 53
Mia/NO over 31

Key Cinn -1 with each of the following

Cle/GB over 40
Ind/AZ over 42
Pitt/KC over 39
Wash/Dallas under 53
Mia/NO over 31

Key Pitt/KC over 39 with each of the following

Cle/GB over 40
Ind/AZ over 42
Cinn -1
Wash/Dallas under 53
Mia/NO over 31

Key Wash/Dallas under 53 with each of the following

Cle/GB over 40
Ind/AZ over 42
Cinn -1
Pitt/KC over 39
Mia/NO over 31

Key Mia/NO over 31 with each of the following

Cle/GB over 40
Ind/AZ over 42
Cinn -1
Pitt/KC over 39
Wash/Dallas under 53

Thanks Bank. If the they you are referring to that should be plus points is cinn the line is cinn -7. Balt is going to use a backup tackle at qb. Can’t imagine Balt would still be favored. GL
Thanks Bank. If the they you are referring to that should be plus points is cinn the line is cinn -7. Balt is going to use a backup tackle at qb. Can’t imagine Balt would still be favored. GL

Yea my bad. I didn’t realize they had announced they on 3rd string and line shot up. Crazy. Bungals would have to really bungal that game up not to win! I’m pretty high on borrow props but now I’m not as sure what the hell the game flow gonna be like? I know if they let him air it out he amd those weapons should carve ravens beat up secondary!!