NFL Play

"Sam Hill is an American English slang phrase, a euphemism or minced oath for "the devil" or "hell" personified. The "Sam" coming from salmon and "Hill" from hell"
Smart taking them on the road. Home NY pressure is no good at this point. Hope it hits for ya
Hah this is my top play this week. Feel even better now. Also think TT can be money.

Ya’ll have balls of steel making gmen your top play!!! Certainly not saying ya wrong, just don’t understand that team at all. Eli completes 85% of his passes and only td’s they score when Barkley breaks one! 3rd and 8 they throw a 5 yard pass every time!! When he takes more than a 3 step drop if he even senses pressure he falls down!! Don’t think I’ve ever seen a team on paper be so drastically different than what they look like on the field!!! I thought they quit on macadoo. Appears macadoo might have gotten a raw deal cause it still the same shitshow it was last year... i looked at this game for 15-20 minutes and couldn’t come up with any clue how I think it will look!!! Lol.