NFL Monday 9/10


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First of all a word...... I lived in Ohio, and AZ and Canada for that matter but mostly in Ohio, and I have friends there. (I know it's hard to believe I have friends.) Thay are all excited about the Browns. It appears that the Browns have made a publicity play of going Worst to First". They have the people there believing they will win the Super Bowl this year. To that I say not a chance in hell. In fact they won't win 5 games this year and that's being very generous that they win 4. Hyde their running back was average at best at Ohio State and that means he won't be too damn good in the pros. Chubb is a good prospect if he can hold on to the ball but that's all they have. Taylor took the Bills to 8-6. Playoffs yes, but not with these Browns. Besides, all he wants to do is run and that will get you hospitalized in the NFL if you are a QB. And if you think Josh Gordon will do anything you are smoking more weed than he does. Yes, he was good but he basically hasn't played in 3 years. Pitt turned the ball over 6 times and still managed a tie against the hapless Browns. The Browns backers think they never give up. I think they are still chumps and a great fade until people finally catch on. For that matter Pitt ain't too good either.

All for 10 units each.

Jets/Detroit under 44 1/2
Rams/Oak under 47 1/2

Agree with overall premise, as in browns being way too hyped. Disagree about Gordon, I think he will put up boss numbers until he gets suspended again anyways.