NFL Friday, and a Del Mar late pick 4


Pretty much a regular
Will put this Del Mar pick up quick since it is about 10 minutes to post. Came home from the track early to watch some football, hit for over 500 bucks at the track today hit the Monmouth pick 5 for 972, but lost my Saratoga pick 5, and the 2 tickets cost almost 450, so that is no great day, but winning over 500 is ok. Got a big Del Mar pick 4 ticket, well it pays to go big there, cuz crazy shit happens all the time. Pick 4's there are are huge always.

Here it is Del Mar race 4

.50 pick 4, 1,2,3,7,8,11/1,4,5,6/8/1,2,4,5,7,8,9,10,11 so that's a 108 buck ticket, we'll see how it goes

Just gonna hit submit here so it is up before the race, which is about to go soon. Will put up the football too here got a teaser.
Here is my football play a teaser which isn't always my favorite thing to do, but in the NFL I don't mind em since a lot of the spreads are closer than in college normally. Shit the playoffs I fucking did teasers the whole time until the Superbowl, and almost all of em you could have teased either way 6 points and won, except for a couple, but I was on the right side of those since I didn't lose a bet in the playoffs. Anyway here is my teaser 2 teams.

San Diego at Seattle -1
Detroit at Oakland +3

That is a 6 point 2 team teaser at 5 dimes, did it so ties win, so you have to pay -105 juice, so 315 wins 300
Whoops didn't bold it.

San Diego at Seattle -1
Detroit at Oakland +3.5

Like I said before at 5 dimes, 6 point 2 team teaser, ties win, so have to pay extra juice -105 on it, so 315 wins 300
Doesn't matter since I bet ties win anyway, so regardless if Oakland loses by 3 I win whether it is 3 or 3.5.
Booooooooom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The 7 horse scores in the 1st leg of the pick 4 at 20-1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bang, bang, niggaz now we looking at 1000 plus easy maybe more maybe 4k, woooooooooo!!!!
Damn it, the 2 won it, the 5th at Del Mar, so a loser shit. I should have put in the damn 2 instead of the 6. Oh well, hopefully my football wins then it was a good day.
Oh I see. Yeah I just fucked up my damn Del Mar ticket ha, that was retarded putting that shipper from Canterbury in there the 6 instead of the 2, shit, could have been alive to thousands, instead dropped 108 bucks. Oh the fuck well, still won about 400 on the ponies today that is not a bad day's work. Now need to hit this 2 team teaser and it was a good day.

Oh yeah good luck on the Twins, maybe I will put that on one of the 4 tv's here, can cheer ya on. I didn't bet baseball, haven't for a while, a long time.
Yeah looks that way there, just put that on here. A black hooker sounds good, but maybe not $5 that would be rough.
Yeah shcrute you too man. Things are going ok, but need to do better on the horses or a job will have to happen. Still playing with my stock money, guess not everybody reads all my shit, so anyway took out 20 k out of that shit I invested a long time ago about 5 years ago, pretty stupid cuz that was gonna be a retirement plan. I figured though how the hell am I gonna live past 50? Shit there is no way, so decided I would enjoy the money and not work, get drunk, gamble and have fun ha, good idea, who cares about retirement when you won't make it anyway.
Damn it, I always do something stupid on my horse betting that costs me a huge day. Just like what I did here in the late pick 4 at Del Mar, fuck, I sometimes take a gamble and leave out a more sensible horse to go for the big one, when I shouldn't.
That Del Mar poly track though is nuts for sure. You pretty much don't want to have anything out in front, those always die, or usually. But then sometimes I can't find the ones that will close that are quality as well. Like that 2 horse didn't look like a closer at all today, but he rolled from the back. I knew when all my horses were out front there was trouble ha, it is funny how it happens there like that.
Hope this 8 loses at Del Mar in the next race so I don't get pissed and start breaking things. Cuz if 8 wins this pick 4 will pay a bunch, a whole bunch, back up the truck at that point. Well cuz of that 20-1 in the 1st leg. Fucking this 8 was my single, I think he is gonna roll gate to wire in front on the turf, not poly track this race.
Should clarify, like anybody is reading ha. Not that the 8 is a huge shot, doesn't need to be, the single favorite. But would have 20-1 and 9-2, so far, then favorite here, but then the last race I had the whole field almost, and that race anything could happen. Could be another 20-1 and the pick 4 pays 6 k for all I know ha. Fucking fuck off 8 lose, you bastard, ha.
Motherfucker!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The 8 won easy wasn't close, oh my, really pissed now would be alive to thousands, big thousands, oh the fuck well. Hope my football wins.
The old woulda coulda shoulda, that is how I do it on the horses, leave out a horse I wanted then bitch about how I was gonna put him in there.
Well anyway if you can pick one good solid favorite that you like at Del Mar then put a bunch of horses in the other races you can hit em up big, will say that, for anybody reading. It is a great bet the Del Mar late pick 4. I mean the Del Mar pick 5 you have to put down a lot more money, but the pick 4 shit if you get a couple decent prices you can make 3 or 4 k off of nothing. I have a few times there, should be tonight damn it.
tuck, as the famed philosopher Richard Sherman once said:

Stop bitching and fuckin' adapt

Here's to you adapting this evening :beer4:
Yeah kj, I bitch a lot about my losing horse bets. Sherman is gonna get it done for me tonight. Well Seattle is damn near undefeated in preseason, except their loss to Denver so should be fine there, unless something crazy happens. Then Detroit I just don't like em much, they have a bad preseason coach record wise, and they weren't overly impressive week 1 at home vs the Browns. Just figure Oakland has more to play for after losing a close 1 to the Vikes on the road, and is at home tonight, while Detroit is travelling for a late west coast game, seems like a Detroit win by 4 or more is unlikely to me, we'll see I guess.
I watched that Cleveland at Detroit debacle 1st week of the preseason, oh my that was awful. I had Detroit in a pick em, and won barely, so guess that was good, but that was a terrible game. Preseason though there are a lot of those retard fights like that. Oakland and Minnesota had that on the other tv, that was terrible as well ha. Preseason football is great, lol.
This is kind of a funny story from the track, well I have been going out there now for 2.5 months everyday. There was this dipshit betting keno that had a spreadsheet and was tracking all the numbers that came in, and betting in number patterns on keno, lol at that, what the hell? He was talking to me about it, and I was losing my ass that day on the horses, and I just said will you just shut the fuck up, they are random numbers there moron. You can track em all you want it doesn't help your chances, the balls pop out randomly, ha. A spreadsheet for keno, now over the years on covers and out at the horse track I have heard some stupid betting strategies and philosophies, but that is the dumbest for sure, no doubt that is the winner for stupidest betting strategy. Studying and keeping track of keno numbers, the crazy shit is that guy spends a lot of time on that ha, for nothing.
Well Schaub fucked up and INT that cost me. Maybe should have laid the points with Seattle and called it good there. I sort of figured though Detroit may have the edge early then Oakland would come back after Stafford left. Well that Orlovsky he has not been good in the preseason, not for a while, last year he sucked, and this year so far is not good at all. Suppose Kellen Moore could be a problem he is crafty that Boise motherfucker. He has really not much of an arm at all, but he seems to know how to move it and get things done usually. Just am hoping Oakland at home will play tough, who knows I guess.
Well we dug a good hole now, oh my, the Raiders, that's what I get for betting those fucks. Suppose after Stafford comes out, and Schaub leaves that will help my situation there. Schaub ha, I am just wanting him to leave, get the fuck out douche bag.
Yeah this guy at the track today was talking about how all the NFL games are fixed and college football. I don't remember all of what he said, but it didn't really make sense. Cuz I can see how college games could be fixed pretty easily, since the players don't make any money, but as far as fixed NFL games, I sort of doubt it, really doubt it. I have no idea how you would go about fixing an NFL game, those guys make too much money. Unless you paid off a whole refereeing crew or something, that's about all I could see on that. I mean anybody really important in the NFL is making so much money and playing for big contracts they aren't gonna fuck up on purpose, just to collect from some guy who is betting big on it. Guess who knows maybe there are fixed NFL games, I know it would be very difficult to pull that off anyway. College hell yeah that would be easy, sure there are a bunch there, well at least some, with the smaller schools anyway.
I just thought with what he was saying it seemed retarded, the guy at the track. I have no idea how you would do that, cuz he was saying oh yeah you know big mafia and crime syndicates are paying off players and shit, haha, I was thinking no way dude, the guys that are really important make huge money, how the fuck could they pull that off? Guess who knows, suppose you could pay off a backup tackle or something to allow a bunch of sacks ha, there is no way you could pay off a qb in the NFL like you could in college to throw a game, or shave, not cover.
Shit he was talking about the mafia, that is old school, they don't do shit anymore do they? Ha I don't even know, but he was just throwing random shit out there, stupid fucking guys at the track lol. Thought it was funny that he thought organized crime was setting up NFL games, fixing them. I mean I just think about that, and it doesn't make sense that there would be any fixed NFL games. I am really drunk and rambling, that just struck me today as really a dumb ass idea that NFL games were being fixed.

Meanwhile Oakland is moving woooooo. Enough about the retarded fixing games thing, shouldn't have brought that up lol, there are a lot of morons at the track.
Yeah yeah, niggaz, Oakland td, now trailing 13-7, shit I shoulda just bet Seattle straight -6.5, that shit is over.
Think Oakland is gonna be fine now, Orlovsky's dumb ass is in there he just sucked and Detroit punted. Yeah I'm behind, but feeling good at the moment with Oakland. That Orlovsky guy for Detroit he was awful last preseason I remember that, whoa, he was bad. He is sucking again, good deal.
Got a field goal anyway, Oakland down 13-10. It was like I was thinking sort of, Detroit would have the advantage early then Oakland would come back. Was hoping it wouldn't be 13-0 early however ha, that wasn't in the plans, but oh well we battled back should be fine at this point.
Shit, not really worried about this bet right now. Detroit is up 16-10, but that is not gonna hold up. We'll see here 2nd half, Caldwell doesn't have a winning history in preseason games, and they are on the road west coast late night. Think Oakland will come back and win or lose by 3 or less. I gotta look at tomorrow's games. This is really great not having work get in the way, just gotta look at games and horse races. Arlington million tomorrow, oh my, some big money, and stupid money betting there tomorrow, time to cash big, yeah yeah.
I mean I don't fucking bullshit, I am not making money on horses, well maybe I am up a little not much, since I started 2.5 months ago. I just figured why not try it out, baseball obviously I suck at, well I get on runs where I do well, then it all goes to shit in a hurry. April went great on baseball, too bad May was a total debacle.

I am just posting to myself, yeah nobody reading but me.
The thing is with the horses I have been really damn close to hitting for 20 k, several occasions, which, if I did, shit, that is a great 2.5 months ha, no doubt. I figure if I keep trying the horses, keep plugging away, eventually I'm gonna get mine. Shit if I just hit one for 20 k every 3 months that would be plenty, but I got close and lost by a fucking nose hair a few times, mothafucka!!
Got a real battle now in Oakland, ha, why I didn't just lay the -6.5 with Seattle I don't know. Oh well, I'm in this mess now, gotta deal with it. Hopefully Oakland being at home will pull it out. Really though the moving a spread across 0 in a teaser isn't the best idea, no, not something I do usually.
Guess that is fine, a field goal, so we're covering now. Only on the teaser however, I still think Oakland will win the game, but it will work if they lose by 3, money in the bank, shorty what ya drank.
Great Oakland fumbled when they were about to score. That figures, don't know why I didn't just lay the -6.5 with Seattle.
Boooooom baby, McGloin with a td pass late, and the teaser comes in, hahaha, that was a crazy win there whoa. I will take it. So won a little over 700 bucks on the day, with my horse winnings, that I didn't put up here so who cares. But I did put up my losing pick 4 at Del Mar, that really sucked. But it was a good gambling day, win 700 every day, and that will keep a job away haha.
Suppose I will put up a thread for my preseason picks tomorrow, like anybody cares, and may put up a pick 5 on Saratoga before I go to the track. The Arlington pick 5 could pay huge, I know that, maybe 15 k or so or more. That will pay big, since there are gonna be a lot of retards putting in 50 buck tickets on it that will lose for sure, better for me, oh yeah. Not that I am great, but if you put in a 50 or 40 buck pick 5 ticket, you aren't gonna win, unless you are an expert handicapper. I will put in a 250 buck ticket or so, and hope for the best, I can't claim to be an expert, but I throw, fuck I ain't scared, scared money don't make money *****. I may put a 300 buck ticket on Arlington tomorrow hell I will if I feel it, fucking go for it is my philosophy fuck being a bitch about shit.
If I put in a 50 buck ticket on the Arlington pick 5, fuck no way I'm winning, ha, but that is what I was saying, how people will and lose, so it pays the winners.