Toronto_Mike said:i don't want to waste $50, lol.
Fondybadger said:But you've gotten so good drafting... lol
SHSUHorn said:Cmon boys. We need 3-4 more guys. $50 entry fee and no I'm not a FF unkie that has like 8 teams at once.
Fondybadger said:Who's in?
1. SHSUHorn
2. Tiger Hater
3. Purple & Gold
4. JumpOnBoard
5. FightingIllini
6. Croc69wheat
7. mjwsports
8. CollegeKingRex
9. YoungLansky
10. KingKrunked
11. Open
12. Open
We need two more people at $50 a person... If Yanks26Sox6 is alright with holding the money I'd reccomend him. Anyone who wants out now, back out... otherwise we'll get you an address to send the money to, and non-paying individuals will be banned.
SHSUHorn said:santa do you want to set it up? I'm busy as hell right now.